A different sort of Indy film...

Marcus Jones

New member
Hi, I'm new to these forums so forgive me if this is the wrong topic for this post.

I'm currently making an Indy film, but it's not really an Indiana Jones film at all. You see, I'm not sure if this is going to work, but I'm making a film about Indy's great grandson, and it's going to be set in the present day. He's an archaeologist too, but like Indy, he gets himself into all sorts of trouble!:D It's being made by me and my friends and I'm only twelve, so I doubt it will be very good. However after reading about the people who created Raiders: the Adaption, I was motivated to try and make it as good as possible. I'll post it when it's finished and you can tell me what you think about it!:hat:

Attila the Professor

Staff member
I say go for it...don't expect too much, of course, as it will be a learning experience as much as anything else, but it's an interesting idea, and certainly helps you avoid the problem of things needing to look period for the 1930s.

Might I guess that Marcus Jones is the name of the character?