New Fan Fiction Contest


New member
I'd say its about time for another one of these don't ya'll think?

Maybe the prize could be an xbox 360 so we could actually play the new game.


New member
This was such a great competition and really brought the community together - when will the next one take place?
I'd say it would be great to start very soon with the due date to be around the release of the first trailer for Indy 4.

Who's with me?!?!?


Well-known member
might i suggest a flash fiction category? easier to write in a shorter amount of time and usually much better than traditional short stories that are bogged down with needless details.


Active member
I already submitted my short story "Indiana Jones and the Knife of the Magician" to the section. Go check it out, you may like it. Tell me what you think! :hat:


Well-known member
this is the problem with fan fiction contests--only a handful of support and no real motivation to organize it;


New member
Maybe for TOD anniversary...?

How about a Temple of Doom 25th Anniversary Fan Fiction contest in the same vein as the first one was for Raiders's 25th? :whip:

I'd be up to enter that one again - already got ideas mulling around in my head for a follow-up to my original story that won third prize (sorry for the shameless self-promotion here!) :eek:

I'd really love to enter one of these contests again, though, so if the mods or TheRaider admins are listening, please let us have another fine fiction competition soon! :gun:


Contested conundrums continue over at:


New member
Fan Fiction Contest !! Please!

This was such a fun thing for the community and really provided some excellent stories.

Surely, with the release of the new film, we should have another contest! It's been years now!


New member
I am also a member at a James Bond fan site. They had a fan fiction contest a few years back, and they collected the best works into a pdf file that was placed on the main site for all to read.

Those are the rules that they had. Perhaps, what you could do is offer three categories: Screenplay, Short Story (10,000 or more words), and Short Story (less than 10,000 words).

I would be willing to judge the contest. My work is sub par and I don't really have any ideas.