Remember Raiders Of The Lost Ark on Atari?


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum nycgamer! Nice to know I'm not the only New Yorker here! (okay, so I'm in the Bronx, but close enough....)

Yeah, I do remember the Atari game, though not too well. I had a ColecoVision myself, and they never made an Indy game for that. Yes, I had such a deprived childhood....


New member
Thanks for the welcome! Where sports are concerned, I prefer to remain unaffiliated! I'm more into movies, music and games anyway. What are your game lists like? Here's mine:


Ghost Recon
Splinter Cell
007 Nightfire
The Thing
Hitman 2
Time Splitters 2
Unreal Championship
Max Payne
Munch?s Oddysee
Indiana Jones: Emperor?s Tomb
Return To Castle Wolfenstein


GTA Vice City
SOCOM Navy Seals
Medal of Honor Frontline
Star Wars Starfighter
Midnight Club
The Getaway
Metal Gear Solid 2
Thunder Strike
MLB Slugfest
Mortal Kombat: DA
Time Splitters
Unreal Tournament
Resident Evil: CV
Crash Bandicoot: WOC
Dr. Muto


Metroid Prime
Resident Evil Zero
Star Wars Rogue Leader
Sum Of All Fears
Mario Sunshine (came w/ the cube)


New member
I remember back when it came out, I thought 'Raiders' for the 2600 was the coolest game ever! I tried playing an emulator version of it recently. It's a bit tougher than I remember.


New member
BTW, has anyone played the GC or PS2 versions of Splinter Cell? If so, I want to know if you've had a chance to see the new extras. Especially the GC version - I think it would be cool to use a Gameboy Advance as Sam Fisher's OPSAT, but I don't have a Gameboy Advance... and I certainly don't think I want to fork over the $$$ for one because I wouldn't want to play any actual Gameboy games. I don't know about other gamers, but the idea of playing any game on a tiny screen, with sub-standard graphics and tiny sub-standard sound effects is NOT at all appealing.


Well-known member
I think my first somewhat Indy-type game was "Pitfall." "Motezuma's Revenge" was another one that I still remember. I know neither are really Indy games, but they fit the mold.

After that-- "Heart of Africa" on the Commodore 64. Anyone remember the theme song to that? Man, that was a blatant rip-off of the Raiders March if ever I heard one. Even the logo was written in the same style as Raiders. (If you never heard the theme to this, try downloading an emulated version somewhere... you'll get a good laugh out of how "familiar" it sounds!)


New member
nycgamer said:
BTW, why would you want to 'edit' Emperor's Tomb?

to make new levels so people dont have to play the same storyline and story over and over again

so people can make their own Indy adventures


New member
Oh, that makes sense. That would be awesome, actually. I wish I could do that with Splinter Cell. I can't get enough of that game. Have you played it? You should see the new extras they have for GC and PS2 ( - I've already played the XBOX version, but I'm tempted to try at least one of these other versions for the new stuff. Aaaahhhh... it sure is nice having all three consoles..heh-heh-heh....:D