Keyser Soze

Pale Horse

Staff member
I think THE USUAL SUSPECTS is one of the better films made in the last 20 years. What are the chances of a sequel? Does anyone else here besides me think it is possible?

Gilles V

Administrator Emeritus
A sequel to Usual Suspects would only ruin the quality of the first film. We all know who Keyser Soze is by now.

It is most certainly one of the best films of the last 10 years.


I had the film totally ruined for me by my flatmate - she asked me if I'd seen it and I said no, then she said "oh, it's really cool, cos [insert name] is this guy Keyser Soze, but you don't know that until the end, and... oh... sorry..."

And that's why they call them 'spoilers'... :p


New member
a sequal to the usual suspects would not really work. well I guess if they could pull it off, but the chances of that are small.

Kint, Hockney, Fenster, "Kobayashi", or none of them can be interpreted as Keysor Soze, that's what makes the movie so powerful. So compelling. Kint could've lied alot, lied a little or made almost everything up. One can make their own mind up on who the man really is (i prefer Fenster..Kint's his employee, as is "Kobayashi", at least). I think Kint's had plastic surgery before by the looks of a line going round his jaw, up to his ears. Kovash is just assuming Kint's Soze because of that night. Soze's the smartest man ever, anyway. This dude thinks it's Fenster too with a very pretty post

"He'll flip ya. He'll flip ya for real" - Fenster to police

Pale Horse

Staff member
Considering the hungarian in the hospital, that would make a nice twosome for a flick. But wasn't Fenster shown dead on the beach. Makes it tough for him to be Keyser. I was thinking of a spin off from the Customes agent and the man in the hospital.

Well, Fenster being dead on the beach is according to Kint know, one can interpret that as a lie in the story if one so wishes. The police never mention Fenster, as mere me recalls.

Your forum name reminds me of a book...

Pale Horse

Staff member
Which book.

And that is a very good point about Fenster's death. I guess that anything verbal said could be wrong.
"Beyond A Pale Horse" by the late William Cooper (got shot by cops). Deals with conspiracy too, (real-life). Definitely worth reading.

If ya got time to kill, read these excerpts i have ctrl c-ctrl v-saved ;) (that's if you haven't read this already of course).

Govt. main purpose? To control.

One way to control is through generalazation and statistics. One way to predict these statistics is through: "social engineering" meaning: The analysis and automation of a society. This requires the statistics of great amounts of constantly changing economic information(data). So a high speed computerized system was necessary which could race ahead of the society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation.

"People who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent" This also makes you realize why people live a routine day in day out. They are considered... "Rat Racers" animals. These are ppl that blindly live their lives, and are used for the Govt. advantage, whether by economic growth, soldiers etc...

They remain ignorant, and it makes it easier to achieve a "predictable economy" The low class elements of the society must be brought under total control (ignorance, and preocupation/distraction, no time to think)

"The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains *incomprehensible* to the inferior class.... even bright lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life"

"The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore you do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it."

Inflation: Inflation is only the act of printing money in excess of gross national product. They could blame it on the price of widgets or Oil only because you never knew the real cause. the real cause and the only cause of inflation is the printing of more money beyond the gross national product.
From before, "social engineering" is used for "economic shock testing" to observe the predictablity and behavior of the general public by manipulation of the consumer public.

Example of Shock testing: Like shock testing on an aircraft airframe, the recoil impulse of firing a gun mounted on that airframe causes shock waves, letting the aviation engineer know the conditions of the parts which vibrate of flutter on the craft like a guitar string, a flute reed, or a tuning fork, or disentegrate or fall apart in flight.

Same applies to Economic shock testing: Studying the behavior of the economy and the consumer public by carefuly selecting a staple commodity such as beef, coffee, gasoline, or sugar, and then causing a sudden change/shock in its price or availablity, thus kicking everybody's budget and buying habits our of sync.
They observe these "shock waves" by monitoring the changes in advertising, prices, and sales.

Thee objective? To acquire the "know-how" to set public economy into a predictable state of motion. Even controlled self destructive state of motion will convince the public that certain "experts" should take control of your money, to reestablish **Security rather than Liberty.**

"when the subject citizens are rendered unable to control their financial affairs, they of course, become totally enslaved, a source of cheap labor." (another book that coincides with BPH but with fraction of the awareness that this book has is: "Rich Dad Poor Dad", this book gets into more depth about the financial iliteracy of the general public, and how the Govt needs it to be that way)

Example: There is measurable quantitive relationship between the price of gasoline and the probablility that a person would experience a headache, feel a need to watch a violent movie, smoke a cigarette, or go to a tavern for a mug of beer.

Welfare: Why is welfare given out? For charity? To give a helping hand to your fellow man? No. This is indirect way to make animals/ignorance/sheep/souldiers/economicgrowers/ratracers.
Ok, when can welfare be given out the most? The poorer you are, the more you receive. What about kids? The more kids you have, the bigger the check. So what do you think a homeless woman/man will do to receive a bigger check from the Govt? Have kids. Now if this kid is born into poverty, statistics show that this kid will be raised in a bad neighborhood, poverty, with a poor education.
Statistic shows that most undecided teens, or poverty stricken teens will most likely join the armed forces after high school. This is true with my observance. Most teens that i graduated with, that had a poor grade average, or did not know what to do with themselves said "i guess i'll join the army until i make up my mind, plus they are really nice, they pay for everything". This has caused an indirect way of drafting without force.

In better terms, the Govt. creates their own soldiers through welfare, and other means of charity. Or creates sheep, by means of manipulation of poor education. So you are either a rat in the wheel, or you are a soldier.
Simplest method of keeping "silent weapon" a secret and gaining control of the public is to keep the public IGNORANT, also by KEEPING THEM CONFUSED, DISORGANIZED, DISTRACTED.

ex of tools used: Educational System, Media, Religion. All these influence Behavior.

Also acheived by: "REWRITING HISTORY AND LAW AND SUBJECTING THE PUBLIC TO THE DEVIAN CREATION, thus being able to SHIFT THEIR THINKING from personal needs to highly fabricated outside priorities (religion).

"the general rule is that the there is profit in confusion; the more confusion, the more profit. Therefore, the best approach is to create problems and then offer the solutions. (Alex jones: Manufacture an Enemy to fight if their is none. 9-11)

Diversion Summary:
Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.

Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and REAL HISTORY.

Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below a 6th grade level.

Work: Keep the public busy busy busy with no time to think; back on the farm/wheel with the other animals/rats.

Religion: People give up their own dependencies to think, and rely on a Book to govern how they should act and think. People cannot trust themselves to do good, so they have to impose fear on themselves to act better. At the same time keeping themselves ignorant to real matters or truths.

I apologize if this has pissed of the moderaters.

Pale Horse

Staff member
I like...:cool:

I think Keyser would too (that'll bring it back on thread)

It's actually a reference to the book of Revelations.
Pale Horse said:
I think THE USUAL SUSPECTS is one of the better films made in the last 20 years. What are the chances of a sequel? Does anyone else here besides me think it is possible?

It's built for just that. Bring Kyser and Kobayashi back to dupe a rag tag team of military prisoners, no wait...

Any who, you'd have to provide a twist worthy of the first, like he ends up being a politician at the end that you keep hearing about through the movie or he's "working for" the government, or he's got the government working for him in some facet.

Since we know, the problem is maintaining the suspense. Control would have to seem arbitrary, switching hands maybe he's in control, maybe he's not. The con would have to be a good one.

Hmmm, got to think about this one.

phantom train

New member
Not only is TUS one of my all-time favorite '90's films, but the ending is one of the best all-time movie endings ever, period. IMHO a sequel to this would just dilute the impact of the first film. Plus, I don't know how they could do a sequel - the ending of the original was so perfect, I'm not sure how there can be an effective follow-up.

Just my .02.