Funny stuff in ET


New member
Ever had Indy kick his enemys "Front Butt" with his knee when grabbing them? I've had it twice now!

Ever had an enemy saying with his hands "Come here" to Indy? I just saw a Nazi do it in the Mosque.

Ever heard an enemy drown? Like they couldn't swim at all!!! *rollseyes*

[Edited by omega5ooo on 07-07-2003 at 08:38 am]

Dyre Straits

New member
Yes, there have been several light moments in the game.

I really was caught by surprise, and laughed, when Indy leaped from the flying mechanical bird onto the ledge of the tower.

"Not bad. Sometimes I impress even myself." Classic!!!


New member
I had something funny, in the form of a glitch. I was searching for the shiny gold plate artifact in Istanbul, and was scouring absolutely every crevice of the level it was supposedly in. It turned out to be in the NEXT level, even though the picture for it was on the page for the first Mosque level... anyway, it was in the first Mosque level... Indy does his little "I don't believe it" scene, and after that you go to the room with the skeleton on the ground and the holes in the floor... the big central hole has a large horizontal beam a little under it, which you're not supposed to be able to catch, but it's possible... I caught it and went all the way to one of the ends, then dangled off and dropped to the raised floor that's on either side of the lower central part below... anyway, the end result is that Indy fell really far and went "ARRRRRRRRRGH!" as though he'd died, but he didn't take any damage and I could still control him! It cracked up my friends who were watching... and they cracked up again when I fell off another ledge and Indy's hat popped off and flew really far, as though it were spring-loaded. It seems to do that often when he falls to his death, actually.


New member
Good to see you are having a good time in ET. You have the PS2 version right. I think i will send mine back to Lucasarts while I still have time.