simulation game


New member
there are so many but i don't think there are any archaeology simulators. how about one? whadd'ya think?

(sorry if this should be in the archaeology section)


Staff member
Archaeology simulator... as one of our now-gone friends would say: "Are you drunk?"

Seriously... that idea needs a little more explaining... what you had in mind?

First, you sit the first five years of the game (playing clock goes 6 times faster than the actual time) and study to get your degree, while in the meantime, you try to sell yourself as an assistant to somebody who's leaving to some exotic location... first of all, you of course get no more litteras than to places such as Mongolia and Calia des Fuentas, but sooner or later, by advancing and getting name, you start having better assisting jobs in places like Greece or Egypt... then when you finally reach your degree, you spend more time in the libraries, start looking for an interesting site, try to apply for grants and finally get a site of your own... then it's managering more assistants, diggers and so on... yep, sounds like a true bestseller. :p

Unless you had something else in mind, my friend...


New member



To make it different from other sims there could be artifacts that give subtle hints to where larger treasures could be found... Kind of a puzzle...


Hint: omega5ooo = Wierdo, so don't be too surprised about wierdness (or drunkness, if you wish to call it that way