Coolest Villian Death

Whip Master

New member
i think by far the best villian death is in raiders..especially the face melting. no matter how many times i see it its still awesome.


New member
that is by far the coolest villain death in all of the 3 films. nothing can beat it. i laugh everytime that scene comes up. it's extremely funny considering it was an on the spot idea .


New member
I would have to say that in Raiders i thought that the grand smitathon was great, in ToD the two pronged death of Mola Rom was good (falling from great height and being eaten) and in LC i liked the death of Elsa it actualy had some pathos to it...


bob said:
it actualy had some pathos to it...

*recognizes that word from speech class*

*forgets what it means*


well, the cairo swordsman is for sure the funniest

as for 'coolest' can't beat donovan ZOOMING hundreds of years old............or Toht shriveling up.....or Belloq exploding....BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! these deaths by greed of the artifact are the best!

Aaron H

Moderator Emeritus
I have to say the lamest death in the films is Mola Ram. I mean he just falls to the crocs, how boring.


The Cairo swordsman's death was the funniest. The scene with the three Nazis on top of the tank in LC was pretty cool (Indy shoots a single bullet and kills them all). But Donovan's death is my favourite - in the end, all that remains is his Nazi badge, a symbol of his greed and deception.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Almost certainly the 3 in LC - Vogel dying as a result of his affiliation with a giant mechanized monster, Donovan being the victim of his greed, vanity, and affiliation with the swastika and those who believe in it and the Grail, and Elsa from her greed and carelessness in her betrayals.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Renderking Fisk said:
Algore... when he lost the re-count then had the whinny speech after he conceeded.

Al Gore? Come on, the real villain's in the White House.

Once again, comrade...Bowling for Columbine is not a remake of Triumph of the Will.


"Get your bets in ladies and Gentlemen, The Greatest OT fight of them all will be starting in 10 Minutes! Who will get the cool death scene? We'll see...."


*desperate attemt to get this one back On Topic.........

westford said:
Don't think we can diffuse this one with a three-headed monkey sighting, eh Finn?

monkey? yeah! that's it! The monkey's death from Raiders is the Best! BWAHAHAHAHA!

Kill Cavalry

New member
Can't we all just get along? Save the political discussions for another board. My own political views notwithstanding, you guys have to knock it off. This is an Indiana Jones board, not a Mikey Moore or Dubya Bush board. I will not mention who I support for the governor of California or the president of the United States because it just doesn't apply here.
So I'm asking you nicely, please drop it.

Kill Cavalry

New member
"Bad dates..."
We've all had bad dates at one time or another in our lives, but this one is a real killer. Poor monkey, if only he knew the conseqeunces of getting involved with a female monkey only interested in his money.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Okay Ren, you've a right to your opinions, and I guess we should drop it...but still, calling something "fascist propaganda" that was made by a "fat socialist" - somehow those two just don't go together. Maybe Michael Moore is a socialist (I am, anyway), maybe Bowling for Columbine is Fascist, but I don't see how you can suggest that both are true.

But let's drop this.