Critics ET so far...


New member
In advance I've been playing all the previous Indy games. It's mainly them I compare with.

So far I've almost finished the Ceylon chapter and these are my impressions so far.

:p The graphics is beautiful! Just love it!

:mad: No possibility to save games where you want to...thats bad! It's very annoyng to restart level if you get killed in the end.

:mad: Controls...I'm starting to get used to them, but I'm not quite happy. For instance:
- Default should be walking, not running!
- I miss keys for left/right sidestep action.
- Should prefer shortcut-keys to select wepon and/or equipment. Now I'm using the mouse-wheel and it's often to slow when some goons attack you or you in a fight.
- The climb down ledge is a bit strange/fuzzy. Should be a better key combination for that.
Using the mouse to aim direction is good though. Similar to Return to Wolfenstein.

:cool: Fighting/Combat is great, no complaints there

So...what is the conclusion? Well, even if some things could be better (specially the controls), I enjoy the game and will continue playing!;)'s a pity about the controls though...

[Edited by Clintwood on 12-12-2003 at 04:53 pm]