What's your favorate quote?


Active member
I thought it would be cool to have a thread of our favorate quotes..doesn't have to be Indy or movie related...I have quite a few.

"Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am."


New member
"Life is not measured by how many breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- Unknown

"A room without books is like a body without a soul."
-- GK Chesterton

The best quote? Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are both thinking about a possible younger actor to reprise the Indiana Jones role.

"I will beat them up and after that I will kill them both. That is my character and no one will play Indiana Jones except me"

-- Harrison Ford
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New member
I always like it when I hear some one say
"I wish I had..."
"I wish it would..."
anything that has to do with wishing because than I can say
"Wish in one hand $#]+ in the other and see wich one fills up first."
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Moderator Emeritus
Here are three of my favorite quotes. They used to be my signature at the time we had them:

"Of those who say nothing, few are silent" Thomas Neill
This one says a lot about those spammers competing for a higher post count (I'm not pointing at anyone).

"Sans la liberté de blamer, il n'est point d'éloge flatteur" Beaumarchais.
This is just too good to be transalated. Learn French and you'll know.

"So be it, jedi" Palpatine in ROTJ. It's my favorite part in all the SW movies, don't ask me why, it's just so...I don't know.


My favorite quote of all time is:

"I don't know, I'm making this up as I go" Raiders

The reason I like it so much is because that is how I live. :D

Here are some other good ones also:

"Yippe Kye Yea Mother F*****" Die Hard

"What the Hell did you just say?" Rush Hour

"Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth" Rush Hour 2

"Your one crazy ass B****" Rush Hour 2
Thank you is a great quote and a current TV commercial here in good ole US of A. I like the one about lighting a match ...

My personal favs are: It fits perfectly. The color is dead on and I finally found my perfect hat.

I love it when I get the more than casually satisfied customers that really want to make a big fan fare about things. Thier unique quotes are just music to my ears. When you stive to be a craftsman, money is never your greatest reward. There is a quote.
here is my favorite of the day :

The softest things I have ever touched in my life have been:

A bat's wing

A puppy's belly

and my new blue fedora!

Oh, it is a beauty! Thank you, thank you. I think I will wear it and never take it off. It fits perfectly, it feels wonderful; it is a lovely navy color ........
I think that when I retire .............And I am going to call it The Blue Fedora. Well now if I end up with children and grand children and great grand children then they may have a favorite quote and it may be that my great great grand pa was the reason for the world famous blue fedora .

How does famous quotes get started?


New member
Winston Churchill, "Any man under 30 who is not a liberal, has no heart. Any man over 30 who is still a liberal, has no brain."

LOVE that quote.

And the lines from the end of "Touch of Evil":

Tanya: Isn't somebody gonna come and take him away?
Schwartz: Yeah, in just a few minutes. You really liked him didn't you?
Tanya: The cop did... the one who killed him... he loved him.
Schwartz: Well, Hank was a great detective alright.
Tanya: And a lousy cop.
Schwartz: Is that all you have to say for him?
Tanya: He was some kind of a man... What does it matter what you say about people?

"What does it matter what you say about people?" That still gives me goose bumps.

And in this election year--in the U.S. at least--there is a Hemingway quote that I'm fond of, "As for you hoping the Leftward Swing etc. has a very definite significance for me is so much horsesh**. I do not follow the fashions in politics, letters, religion etc...There is no left and right in writing. There is only good and bad writing...I'm no goddamned patriot nor will I swing to left or right. Would as soon machine gun left, right, or center any political bastards who do not work for a living--anybody who makes a living by politics or not working."


Staff member
"I assure you, I'm telling you the truth as well as I can."
~Anneli Jaattenmaki, former Finnish PM
(Had to resign after getting caught for lying before the parliament.)

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
~George W. Bush
(Somehow I think this is the first time Dubya told us the absolute truth.)

"I don't trust anything that bleeds like a river three to five days a month and does not die."
~Jone Hynynen, Finnish rock star
(About the opposite sex.)

"I'm not happy. All got screwed here, except me."
~Juha Saarikko, my former math & physics teacher
(One of my role models. Really.)

"One death... it's a tragedy. Ten deaths is an unfortunate incident. One hundred deaths is a catastrophe. One million deaths... that's statistics."
~Joseph Stalin
(Another one of my... NOT!)

"Only way to amuse people with a face like this is to take a leak onto a transformer."

<small>More to come.</small>

Aussie Jones

Favourite quote from Indy "Nothing shocks me, I'm a scientist."
I'm studying science at Uni.

Tennessee R

New member
"Be sure you are right. And then go ahead."
I'm not sure of the author of that one.

"Life is short, so live it to the fullest" Kind of a simple motto by myself.

"Don't let the grass grow under your feet" Like a motto for me.

"You can always do something about everything" another motto.

"Wishin' don't make it so. You find what you want in life, then you go out and get it"
Gene Kelly, 'Anchors Away'

Attila the Professor

Staff member
"A representative owes the People not only his industry, but his judgment, and he betrays them if he sacrifices it to their opinion."

Edmund Burke, of the British Parliament, in the single most important quote about republican government


New member
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears that this is true." - James Cabell

"Three may keep a secret if two are dead." - Ben Franklin

"All I know is that I know nothing." - Socrates

I've got a whole file of these... though most are much darker. (Stalin's famous line is in that file. Some Hitler ones, too.)
Not my very favorites but a second close to robet J fulghum's Credo :
1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway.
2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway.
3. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.
4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.
6. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway.
7. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
9. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway.
10. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.
author Kent M. Keith