Recent content by angry betty

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    Williams' score

    I thought i was the only one who hated the score. i've gotten to really like the movie but the score just persists in annoying me. i thought it actually ruined the quicksand scene with it's 'farcical' and 'silly' tune
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    Indy 4 TV Spots

    ALSO: Holy crap! our first clip from doomtown! those tv spots look great. in spot #13, what the heck is going on at 0:18. i can't make it out
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    Empire magazine Indy month (April / May 2008)

    the new 'quotes' one isn't working for me :mad:
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    KOTCS branding

    i am only dissapointed with one aspect of this movie. forget aliens, Shia, shape of skulls, c.g. and all that rubbish, no-one knows how to make an Indy picture better than Spielberg. No-one. discussion over! The aspect I AM let down a bit by is the merchandising and imagery that accompanies it...
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    Indiana Jones - Cinelive cover !

    on the 'spalko' page - is that john hurt on the left? is there perchance more photos to be scanned in. sorry, i don't want to seem greedy! thanks for the great pics
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    main trailer

    not that I'm ungrateful for what we got today, which looks incedible (all 15 times that I've watched it) but does anyone want to hazard a guess as to when we'll recieve the full trailer?