Recent content by Dr. Jones Jr.

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    This may be completely off-topic, but i find im able to satiate my thirst for the Indy DVD's and Indy 4 by watching Bruce Lee movies! That man rocks, i have 3 of his movies: Enter the Dragon, The Chinese COnnection, and Fist of Fury. Any fan of Bruce Lee, or martial arts or action in general...
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    Film quote game

    YEAH!! that rocks, thats from "Dead Alive" i love that priest. ok heres mine: "Do you like dags? Dags, dags, do you like dags?"
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    Favorite Character Besides Indy

    In raiders, on Katanga's ship, his first mate...that guy was pretty badass, he had those big leather straps across his chest...kinda wish he would've punched a nazi in the head.:)
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    Most irritating/unitentionally hated character....

    I know in Raiders, i wanted to strangle the monkey.
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    This is for anyone who also uses COW

    I sent mmarosy an email, i have a IP email now so its ok, i told him the names,im just waiting on a reply, thanx again!
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    This is for anyone who also uses COW

    I registered at Club Obi Wan about 3 times before i realized i needed an IP email address, i cant figure out how to delete any profiles over there, and i cant login to talk to the admin there either, any help would be appreciated. thanx
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    Film quote game

    I dont think anybody is going to get that one, we need a hint or something
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    Wested Goat

    Yea, i wish i could buy it myself, but times are hard on 17 yr olds working at dead-end part time jobs
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    Wested Goat

    Im Gettin a ToD Wested goat for x-mas. i begged my mom for it earlier haha, yea im a geek, but now i gotta wait for 3 months. im pumped
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    What scenes Define Indiana Jones for you?

    I love the part in raiders where he gets thrown out the window of the truck, and comes back to kick ass The bridge standoff in ToD, that is great cinema there LC, when Dad finally calls him Indiana
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    What is your favorite Indiana Jones thing?

    I have the whole trilogy on VHS, and theyre so old and haggard cause i watch them all the time, i only have the box for ToD, i had the other ones, but they died so theyre in stolen blockbuster cases hahahaha the movies by far are my fav indy stuff
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    The emotional heart of Indy IV

    Noone wants to see Sallah or brody, or Dad die...but i think that, or something similar, we need to see indy pushed over the edge. Not like ToD where he takes the potion, but REALLY pushed over the edge, i think that could lead to an amazing climax, and with all that talk about redemption, thats...
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    What will be the new spin on the Indy formula?

    I think Indy 4 would be great as a ToD type, minus the supporting characters, like someone said, let the other characters fade into the background, and we see Indy as a struggling lone wolf, with edgier circumstances.