Recent content by JeremiahGateFan

  1. J

    Al Zarqawi dies!

    I didn't say it would, I said it would undermine them. If Allah is their helper, why is he not helping their most holy. That's right, because if you did, and you did not have any nuclear war heads, we would take it. Look, I don't support the war in Iraq, but I'm glad we're making progress...
  2. J

    Interesting thread

    I agree completely and I have brought this up on a Christian forum. As a matter a fact, if you don't mind, I may quote you. You articulated that thought very well.
  3. J

    Al Zarqawi dies!

    C'mon people. Killing Zarquawi isn't about revenge. Revenge isn't justice at all. It was a military victory. The fire for their attacks is in their "God" who we can't kill but it certainty helps undermine their faith to see this ultimate warrior for God die. If your an American, take pride...
  4. J

    Interesting thread

    I see where you are coming from here, but what I realized and posted in the other thread is that there are two different possibilities for world Q. If God revealed himself at one point, than the people would be responcible and thus, punished. If God never revealed himself, the people weren't...
  5. J


    Yeah, but that's not always the case. I suppose its better to be safe than sorry but is that true when it is at the expense of someone else's rights. Wasn't goth a religion at one point in time? If so, those who are religios could be incorrectly categoized and harrased with those who are just...
  6. J

    Al Zarqawi dies!

    What do you mean its not right to be happy? We did what we have to do. He was making Iraq even more unstable but now he is dead. Sure it would have been better to capture him but in our government I'm not sure that would have been better. I mean for crying out loud, Sudamn is still alive...
  7. J


    Yes, I agree, and that comment which indirectly said that Germans are the biggest racist pigs. I don't know where you get this from except maybe, the past. But certainly not the present. I am good friends with a German. Also, the Gemans will kill just about anyone who speaks out for Nazism...
  8. J

    D-day June 6th 1944 Today is Minus 1.

    Well, I didn't die today so I'm in a good mood. Our attendance was 50% so I guess the "terrorist in the making" got what he wanted. There were more police at our school today than students. Neo nazis and their ambitions.:rolleyes: Anyway, today was probably a good day for the history...
  9. J

    The BAD GUY!

    One of these days maybe. Our families low on cash. Although, I will be getting a job soon, and I'll be biking there so maybe I'll make more money based on the gas I'll save. Anyway, I see that you can't really say anything like that, because I would satisfy the need to know, which is one...
  10. J

    The BAD GUY!

    There are systems you can enact to insure no accidents of this sort. If you don?t already know, I might be able to find out how because I am on a site that not only blocks against posting 15 seconds from your last post, but it prevents you from posting the same exact thing twice on the same...
  11. J

    Jeremiah d' America

    The new series Stargate Atlantis which is a new series which is about a team of explorers who travel to another world and get stranded there. This is the lost city of Atlantis. And the movie? There have been rumors on many stargate forums about it. I?m not 100% sure any of them are legit...
  12. J

    Brilliant War movies

    That's a great Idea for a new A-1 sauce advertisement. "Yeah, its that important."
  13. J

    D-day June 6th 1944 Today is Minus 1.

    This really has nothing to do with D-day, except for the June 6th part. Someone left a note saying they were going to shoot up our school on June 6th. I wonder if their neo-nazis, seeing as how their choosing the aniversary of their great defeat to possibly make it into a "glorious day to be a...
  14. J

    Jeremiah d' America

    I?m not sure what you meant by Mods but if you?re referring to the Stargate Forum, yeah, I am. Those stupid morons. Their nazi?s. hmmm, I just got an Idea for my avatar, I should see if I can find the picture of Adolf from the holy grail. I hope so too. That?s cool, I never saw that...
  15. J

    Valley of the Kings

    ok, I just looked at my last post. For some reason, I can't edit it but I realized it didn't make any since. In the "Edit" I was refering to my signature, when I edited it, I must have deleted where I wrote that, and didn't realize it sounds like I'm talking about the Ori.