Recent content by lynchpin

  1. L

    Indy and the Magic Box (LC)

    As a sometime railroader, I can tell you it'd be impossible to drop through the floor of a caboose, avoiding the brake rigging and wheel sets, and manage a safe landing to the side or directly underneath (!) the car, however I'd be inclined to reason that since the caboose is heralded as being...
  2. L

    Where did Marrion go?

    She hit a plot hole. An equally important question: Where did the truck full of Russian soldiers go? The truck too slow to catch up? Mighty efficient of them.
  3. L

    Williams' score

    It's not just a matter of a score growing on you. The actual mechanics of JW's themes are different. They aren't nearly as complex or evocative. Comparing the sound and tone of a score is one thing, but examining the actual way the music is written is enough to signal that something most likely...
  4. L

    Marion's role

    No need to patronize. I'm as calm as can be and was merely suggesting the correct choice of words. No issue with your prose. If there was, I'd tell you to say "you're" instead of "your" but this is the internet and there's no fighting in the war room. This is laughable. Karen Allen was great...
  5. L

    Marion's role

    I think you meant to say she's getting some "flak" from critics. Slack is something good. Flak is not. And this could be filed under the Marion's Role thread...(not to be silly and self-modulate here) "So good that she threw us off?" Good...
  6. L

    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: The most quotable Indy movie. Whats your favorite?

    "Isn't that just like a whop..." The Untouchables (1987) -- "Isn't that just like a whop. Bring a knife to a gun fight." The phrase "knife to a gunfight" has been used in various ways since then. I thought of a line I actually really liked: "Your name is Professor Harold Oxley, we studied...
  7. L

    Marion's role

    My apologies -- I guess mentioning the "first" (and failed) marriage attempt fuzzed my judgment with reference to an actual one, but with all due respect, how can one discuss Marion's role (as is the intention of this topic) without seeing the film?
  8. L

    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: The most quotable Indy movie. Whats your favorite?

    Abner's Little Girl The only thing Marion said that made me laugh: "I told you that because I thought we were gonna die." And, I hate the scene, but a lot goes into setting the joke up: "Why the hell didn't he finish school!" after the son revelation. "What happened to all that doing what...
  9. L

    Marion's role

    I enjoy your reading about it very much, but there's not one piece of evidence in the film to support it beyond compassionate speculation by people like yourself and I. We can forgive bad performances by making up reasons unexplained in the film, but it doesn't justify them. Saying "Gee, Bob had...
  10. L

    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - initial impressions and casual discussion

    So, the photo of Mutt with the switchblade covered in blood. I understand promo photos can use poses or moments not necessarily in the actual film, but what could this moment be from? An encounter with a cemetary warrior cut to be family friendly? Ugh. Also, wasn't Mac suppose to be used as a...
  11. L

    Marion's role

    "A Trail of Human Wreckage" (Fitting...) She's not the same Marion Ravenwood we watched match Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark. She has all but four lines before being reduced to a convenient prop that bickers, screams, and then aww, marries Jones at the end of the film (quite the come around...
  12. L

    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - initial impressions and casual discussion

    Saw it again this morning after taking some family members to see it. I didn't have the same abhorrent reactions as I did during the pre-screening, but I can't say I was much more enthusiastic. Noticed that Indiana says "This is intolerable" just before Marion and he stumble into the...
  13. L

    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - initial impressions and casual discussion

    No way, we aren't above, in fact, we're probably a little more entrenched at the same level as the viewer. I said we were somewhat removed, and NOT because we have inside knowledge, but because we place emphasis on story and execution. It's easy to be funny in a movie, but hitting Mutt in the...
  14. L

    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - initial impressions and casual discussion

    I doubt there are many of us who really sit at home in a darkened corner and write our hands in eager anticipation of how we can...critique a film on an internet message board. Some of us are people who are trying to do better, or who at least got their start in some fashion by what Lucas and...
  15. L

    The rock grinder scene in TOD: ridiculous I chose continuity error over the use of a telephoto lens, but don't be surprised by the effects that "special lenses" can have over imagery produced.