Recent content by rhino

  1. R

    Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge

    Here is something that I just noticed. I read and re-read through the Genesis Deluge and not one time did I come across Indy, Katrina, or Shannon riding a horse. However, the cover of the book has them riding horses. Did I miss that part?
  2. R

    How I'd Do Indy 5

    It would be interesting if it were Donald Sutherland as Karen Allen was in Animal House together with him.
  3. R

    Wouldn't the Archeologist in Indy be compelled to...

    Perhaps, he had some "Nocturnal activities" to investigate first. Just a thought.....................
  4. R

    Story Ideas for Indy V

    Oh, sorry for stealing your show. I sometimes accidently skip over posts. Yeah, I hope it is the way it goes as well. Like you said, it would seperate the two and give them both their time in the light. It could be along the lines of old school vs. new. Of course, old school prevails!!!
  5. R

    Story Ideas for Indy V

    I am just throwing this out there, what if Mutt and Indy were at odds with each other. Perhaps, Mutt is tired of living under the shadow of the greatest adventurer of all time and strikes out on his own to find (insert Mcguffin). Only the people he becomes involved with aren't the good types...
  6. R

    How did Indy clear his name?

    I can sort of see your point. However, he is awarded "Assistant Dean" of the university. Sure, I suppose the university could have just turned a blind eye to the government's witch hunt. However, this is the same university that quickly suspended Indy at the first onset of the witch hunt at the...
  7. R

    How did Indy clear his name?

    Okay, I have a question about KOTCS. Indy gets more or less gets accused of aiding the Russians. He is suspended from teaching and basically is black listed as a person of interest for communist ties. Hwo on Earth, was his name cleared? It still would be his word against the governements...
  8. R

    why is Mutt checking out guys?

    The movie was Joe Dirt!
  9. R

    What's your Favorite Movie Catchphrase?

    Second Hand Lions: I'm Hub McCann. I've fought in two World Wars and countless smaller ones on three continents. I led thousands of men into battle with everything from horses and swords to artillery and tanks. I've seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no white man had ever...
  10. R

    LMAO! Bush gets the shoe in Baghdad!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, as much as I do not approve of most if not all of Bush's actions over the last 8 years, imagine if the roles had been reversed on this occasion. What if it had been an American reporter throwing a shoe at a Islamic country's president, prime minister, etc. The entire...
  11. R

    Best moments in Temple Of Doom

    Absolutely the bridge scene. I mean that is a classic. Where have you seen a hero in such a desperate situation that he cuts the ropes holding the bridge that he is standing on. Brilliant!
  12. R

    Indiana Jones on South Park

    I am just throwing this out there but is it possible the whole show really had more to do with America's culture of obsessing over trivial things (example the KOTC or what Brittany Spears is doing) and less about real matters that effect this country. Perhaps, the real underlining meaning...
  13. R

    Invisible Bridge in Last Crusade

    Okay, I have a question about the invisible bridge in Last Crusade. It appears that it is actually there, it just appears to be invisible because of the coloring blends into the other wall. When the camera turns, you can visibly see it. There is a bridge, Indy walks across it. So, why does...
  14. R

    The thing you and ONLY you think you noticed

    The one thing that I noticed and it has stuck with me since I saw TOD way back when is the kid in the cage with Short Round and Indy before they are to be whipped. He speaks in a very accented voice telling them that he is praying and then when they talk to him he speaks in perfect un-accented...
  15. R

    Who's From Oklahoma?

    I live within minutes of Oklahoma City. I will try and get more details.