Recent content by Sarnath

  1. S

    Wolfenstein ad w/ Indy reference

    Indy got his a** kicked? It seems like the other way around for the Nazis.
  2. S

    favorite weapons in ET

    The whip, if you consider it a weapon. And the shotgun.
  3. S

    Emperor's Tomb Editing Team/Project

    I agree, I would rather edit ET. IM was crappy. I tried unpacking the .mtx files with both WinRAR and WinZip but niether worked. [Edited by Sarnath on 05-04-2003 at 10:13 am]
  4. S

    Emperor's Tomb Editing Team/Project

    Well, I'm going to try and see if I can help with this. I wonder, do you suppose we could edit Infernal Machine? That would be a lot easier, since it runs off the same engine as Jedi Knight, and there's a big modding community for that. Here's a list of programs that have a file extension...
  5. S

    Emperor's Tomb Editing Team/Project

    Dope. Now all we need is a way to make such levels.
  6. S

    What you want to see improved with a patch

    A couple problems I've had: Even though I've collected all the artifact on the Prauge levels, on the main screen they're no listed. In Prauge, when I collect an artifact for the Astrologer's Clock puzzle, and then go back to the clock, I've lost evrything I had in my invertory, except my...
  7. S

    Emperor's Tomb hints and tech help

    You mean the part in Istanbul? If that is what you mean, then you have to jump, and then in mid-jump you have to whip-swing from a lamp. If you can't get it keep trying, that jump gave me more trouble than any other in the game (unless we're counting Von Beck's revenge, that level is a nightmare).
  8. S

    Emperor's Tomb hints and tech help

    Yeah, I know the feeling well! Same thing for me when I got to that part.
  9. S

    Emperor's Tomb hints and tech help

    smithwesson44: Yeah, pretty much. But it has to be timed perfectly, which can be difficult.
  10. S

    Emperor's Tomb hints and tech help

    Yeah, Indy can, but it's VERY hard.
  11. S

    Emperor's Tomb hints and tech help

    I don't think you can kill them above water, I tried with not too much of an effect...
  12. S

    Emperor's Tomb hints and tech help

    Just keep shooting the Kraken in the eyes and any jellyfish that come towards you. Eventually he'll retreat into the cave, and then you set a demo charge on one of the pillers before he comes back out. Keep doing that until you've destroyed all four pillars.
  13. S

    Emperor's Tomb hints and tech help

    I'm on the Secret of Peng Lai Lagoon Part 2, the part where you have to use the elevator to get up the scaffolding. For some reason, the elevator only goes up halfway, and then starts back down again. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is it a bug or something? And I found a...