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  1. DrJones56

    Best Spielberg Flix...

    Sorry, Indy doesn't count, that's too easy, but from all the films Spielberg has made, pick your absolute favorite. I guess we can include Back to the Future, since he did have a lot to do with it. Pick say, your top 5. 1 - Jaws: Awesome movie, I love the music, and I love the entire last act...
  2. DrJones56

    New Hat, for a New Generation....

    This is real cool! From: TIE.c Exclusive: We got word from 'Deep Voice' that the new hat for Indy IV is going to be The Akubra Federation. You heard right, no more Herbert Johnson, Akubra has taken the stage! Our contact mentioned that Lucas and Spielberg...
  3. DrJones56

    1000 DAYS OF INDY!

    Okay, it's EXACTLY 1000 days till the release of Indy IV, and to celebrate, or should I say, count down, we're going to day a, "12 Days Of Christmas" thing. :D Won't this be fun!? :D I want everyone to make postS (more than one on a day, that's fine!) like, on the 1000st day of Indy, Belloq...
  4. DrJones56

    Indy at What's! Indy's got 317 positive points! YIPPIE! he did lose by one point to Han Solo, but still... Why did I post this? I was bored...
  5. DrJones56

    Raiders on Bravo!

    I was waching The Sugarland Express with Goldie Hawn when they had an ad for Raiders June 15th at 8:00 EST on Bravo! They also have Inside The Actor's Studio: Steven Spielberg, that will be a must see!!!! YEHAW!