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  1. Gear

    Sasquatch Encounters

    Anyone else had one?
  2. Gear

    Elliott Hulse and Becoming the Strongest Version of Yourself

    Does anyone else here happen to watch Elliott Hulse or read his sites? I find his content to be well worth digesting. It's definitely provoking. Here's one of his older videos I recently came across. Thought this would be a good place to share it, as he uses an example we're all familiar with...
  3. Gear

    Punk Band Films Porno on Westboro Church Lawn [SFW]

    "Following up on a group of satanists performing a gay ritual on Fred Phelps? mom?s grave back in July[...]" GG Allin would be pleased: Considering how [truly] obscene Westboro's abuse of the American...
  4. Gear

    "21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity"

    Some of you may've already seen some of the photos shown, but I thought this was worth posting. 21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity ... Or at least a little bit. :)
  5. Gear

    Dr. Martens Boots

    I figured this would be best for the OD forum, and I'm sure a lot of people here have valid opinions about boots. So, I just invested in a pair of Martens to replace an older pair of (different brand) boots that are falling apart. I've never bought my own boots before (as all the pairs I've...
  6. Gear

    Because I--well...

    Here's to you, Roge.
  7. Gear

    Home Footage of Marilyn Monroe Sold for $275,000

    Half a century later, the owner of private home footage, which apparently features Marilyn smoking a joint, sold the reels to a collector. To me, it's something that the footage survived the past five decades. Kind of cool.
  8. Gear


    Came out Nov. 2nd worldwide, 3rd US and CN. Also, the vinyl comes out the first day of winter. Anybody else stoked over this? Anybody have this? This concert has a great set list. I've seen a taste from some of the bootlegged footage; the rendition of Lithium was great, as I remember, with the...
  9. Gear

    Talk Show Meltdown

    Ever been in one of those moments that calls for the up most maturity, and the seriousness is so thick that you begin to struggle holding in laughter? I doubt anyone's had one like this. From the last episode of "Boemerang", near 20 years ago. <object width="425" height="344"><param...
  10. Gear

    Photocaps of the Amiopticist

    I don't pretend to be anything above a noobie photographer, but rather take pictures of and for my own interests while building skill. Here are four of mine I wanted to share that I'm quite pleased with, I may discuss why exactly later. I'm aware the clarity isn't perfect, I used the best medium...
  11. Gear

    Sexiest Characters

    (Aside from Indy) - Marion - "Fedora" (No more than 3 parties per post, please. We don't want it to get too messy in here)
  12. Gear

    Indiana Jones V; Yay or Nay?

    Simple question, would you like to see another installment?
  13. Gear

    You know, ~*Fabulous*~

    Sacha Baron Cohen's new troll It should probably be stated that this does contain some vulgar material <br /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></p> <div id="player">This text will be replaced</div> <p><script...
  14. Gear

    More A Hilarious Footage From A Borat Movie Film That Make You Laugh Like American

    Jagshemash. Kazakhstan Government now make this a legal to public. Its contain a humor that in a Kazakhstan is not permit to children. You Watch. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen"...
  15. Gear

    (Back Through My Door) The Indiana Jones Flirting Quote Conversation II

    "... I don't think we need a chaperon."
  16. Gear

    Who, What *is* Indiana Jones?

    (sigh) If this subject has previously been discussed and so on... Formalities behind, In Raiders we are introduced to a shadowy, mysterious, gritty, and dark man who we know near nothing about. It was also supposed to be that he was an alcoholic who would "take the first shot". However, in...
  17. Gear

    Another Night at The Raven

    I sit here hunched over the table. Chin resting in palm and my weight shifted in the stool. Quiet. The glows of lighting scattered throughout illuminate the space. Occasionally different characters enter in and make their way to the bar through the atmosphere of tobacco streams, amongst the...
  18. Gear

    The "Tree-Man"

    This isn't new 'news', but I just came across it. At first I questioned it's authenticity, but it does look pretty legitimate. When you think about it, we know so little of the rain forests. I guess this is entirely possible.
  19. Gear

    LMAO! Bush gets the shoe in Baghdad!

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><noscript>Embedded video from <a href="">CNN Video</a></noscript>...
  20. Gear

    Indy's 1950 time line?

    In the video game INDIANA JONES and the INFERNAL MACHINE you'll begin by being introduced to an older Indy who has decided to try an settle down a bit and leave his more adventurous days behind, but of course that idea is scratched fairly quickly. 10 years later we meet Jones again. A different...