Search results

  1. bonoferox

    Finally met Harrison Ford

    Had the chance and memory of a lifetime to meet the man himself at an awards ceremony gala in downtown Indianapolis. Harrison received an award and also presented one to his friend, Russ Mittermeier for their work in conservation. Another Raven board member and great friend was there with me...
  2. bonoferox

    Worst Sound Effect Use in the Series

    What sound effect just sounds totally off or "fake" to you? My vote has always and will always go to the sound of Willie slapping Indy after his "wake up!" line. Just sounds completely tacky. Did a search and didn't see a thread for this, but if I missed it, let me know.
  3. bonoferox

    Which Character / Figure did you want most?

    Out of all the ones we were shown that didnt make it and ones that weren't yet in development, which one were you most looking forward to had the line continued?
  4. bonoferox

    Favorite Indy Figure?

    Now that we have a mch bigger selection since the last time this poll was open, which figure of Indy is your personal favorite? This shouldn't include kit-bashed or other customs, just what you think is the best licensed representation.
  5. bonoferox


    Quite possibly the best animated film of all time. That is all. Anyone else?
  6. bonoferox

    SPF in Chicago!

    Just saw that Sean will be attending Wizard World Chicago next weekend. Debating if I should get an 8x10 or have him sign my fedora since it's now too small for me.
  7. bonoferox

    Anyone Going to Metropolis Next Weekend?

    Next weekend is the 30th annual Superman Festival in Metropolis, Il. Good times to be had by all. Anyone else going? Anyone?
  8. bonoferox

    Is the Toy's McCoy Indy Obsolete?

    Never picked one up, but looking on it now, it really doesn't look much better than the upcoming Sideshow version (let alone the Medicom). For those of you who do have it, was it worth the price?
  9. bonoferox

    Terry Leonard

    Just watched Raiders again last night and saw something I never noticed before. Is Terry the Nazi driving the truck the moment Indy jumpss off the horse? (punches, then co-drives and slams into a marketplace scaffold) That's all, just a simple question for a brilliant scene.
  10. bonoferox

    Will we get a new Pat Roach?

    If this does become the start of a whole new trilogy, do you think there will be one actor who fills in as the main "soldier villain" of the series similar to how PR was the big nemesis in the previous 3 (even though his major scene in LC was cut). Just got to thinking of this with the thread...
  11. bonoferox

    Anyone else find it weird that Mac isn't getting a figure?

    Did he not sign over the likeness rights or something? He seems to have an important enough role for one.
  12. bonoferox

    What Character Would You Most Like an Unexpected Cameo From?

    Since Marion and a Marcus painting may be the only "cameos" we get, what character would you mos tlike to see pop up even if just for a moment? As much as I love Henry, I' really want Sallah...
  13. bonoferox

    Did anyone order the second KOTCS poster

    from and have you received it yet? I placed my pre-order a while ago and it said it would ship the first of April. Just curious if anyone has gotten theirs.
  14. bonoferox

    What's Your Favorite Indy Figure?

    1. Original ROTLA 2. German Soldier Uniform 3. Map Room Indy 4. LJN TOD Indy 5. The weird foreign ones packed shirtless with alligators and compasses 6. Disney's original with jacket 7. Disney's second without jacket 8. Disney's 3rd 7" figure 9. Toys McCoy 12" 10. Kenner 12" 11. Disney's 12"...