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  1. G

    Russian DUKWs: Not a Error

    When I first saw Indy 4, I thought the Russian DUKWs (amphibious car boats that are seen in the truck chase then are used by Indy and friends to go down the river and waterfalls) were errors, since the DUKW was a completely American invention that to my knowledge had never been lend-leased to...
  2. G

    What else was in Hangar 51?

    If there was one thing wrong with the H-51 scene, it was the fact that we only saw the Roswell Body and the Ark. It would have been interesting to see more of the stuff in there. I've seen a few websites that list things that would be in secret government warehouses (perpetual motion machines...
  3. G

    Next Stop: The 60s?

    This isn't a thread to argue about whether or not a Indy V/Son of Indiana Jones movie should be made, or what the quality of Crystal Skulls was, or anything else other then to wonder what setting a Indyverse movie in the sixties would entail. Since the original three movies were homages to the...