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  1. I

    Headpiece Belt Buckle?

    I mentioned recasters in a thread earlier today, and it got me thinking. Ok, I know that reelart is a bunch of recasters, and pretty much everything they sell is crap anyway, but they claim to make a Staff of Ra headpiece belt buckle, which no one else offers....has anyone ever actually seen...
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    Memetic material

    I've been playing around making these, so if you find a good one, or want to show me up with your meme-making chops, post 'em here. ;)
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    Shia Labeouf pens a "comic"

    No words for this. Link.
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    Looking for hi-res Leap of Faith image

    Anyone have a link to, or can post an image of a hi-resolution shot of the original prop? You know, this painting?:
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    What kind of knife for Indy?

    A knife is an invaluable tool for the adventurer, survivalist, and soldier. Indy is all of these things, yet he had to borrow a knife from some punk kid in his last adventure....what's up with that? Dr. Jones needs a pig sticker! Sure he had that little pocket knife in ROTLA, but it's been...
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    Post [NOT-Quadrilogy (Bad! Bad!) BUT] Tetralogy Indy Cameo(s) what do you think?

    Not going to talk Indy 5 here as is my wont. The thread title pretty much says it all. How cool would it be for Indy to make an appearance in another film/franchise? It's kind of too bad it hasn't happened before (besides in the YIJC, which doesn't really count). Used sparingly, or even just...
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    Indy 5: Biblical Artifact Or Not

    The thread title says it all. For the purposes of this poll, the question isn't what you think they would do, but which would you prefer.
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    Indy 5 Set At Christmas Time?

    Many blockbuster action films have been set at christmas time: First Blood Die Hard 1 & 2 Lethal Weapon Running Scared Long Kiss Goodnight The Last Boyscout Enemy of the State I'm sure there's plenty more but well, you get the idea. Indy may have always been a summer film franchise, but let...
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    What stunts in the OT are inconceivable for our present Indy?

    Honestly, the first stunt that comes to mind is bedding hot young female leads. Past that, the only other things are ones the two that have already been hotly debated for their unbelievability: raft parachute, and the fridge. I mean, KOTCS had arguably the most unbelievable stunts in the first...
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    Crazy but simple thought....

    I posted this on two fan pages on Facebook: So....INDY 5! INDY 5! INDY 5! INDY 5! INDY 5! INDY 5! INDY 5! INDY 5!
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    One of the many false grails for sale?

    Not the one that Donovan drank from, but I guess the claim is that it was one of the dozens of others in that scene. For those interested, I found this on craigslist today. I can't vouch for any authenticity, but if anyone has money ($350) to burn and wants to research the validity of this...
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    Indiana Jones Adventure World

    Great, thanks to a Facebook post of Mitch's, I get to eat my words after only 7 hours this time: For those of you unfamiliar, this game is produced by Zynga, the same people we have to thank for Farmville, Cityville, Empires & Allies, Frontierville, and Mafia Wars. From the link: So...
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    ROTLA vs. Indy 5

    I'm watching Raiders of The Lost Ark right now, and I gotta say, I haven't seen an action sequence [other that the Bantu Wind ;) ] that I can't imagine our present day Ford copping. I mean sure, the way Indy was portrayed in KOTCS sets up a more wordy and tired character, but it doesn't have to...
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    Ford's best line delivery in KOTCS?

    I'm going with "I thought we were friends, Mac." His facial expression emotes disbelief, adrenaline, fear, and anger all at once. What's yours?
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    Indy 5 Title Font

    I'd like to see the Temple Of Doom font again, with Indy in the center for the big opening "Indy Reveal". I think it would tie the films together a little more in a subtle way, and besides, it would seem kind of weird if TOD was the only one. But I'm just the sound of one hand clapping, what...
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    Indy VS Marion Drinking Contest

    While we've seen that Marion can hold her own in two heavy drinking sessions in ROTLA, Dr. Jones is no stranger to the drink himself. In fact, while we haven't seen him drink to excess, he's imbibed in every film. Does this mean he has more control over the sauce? What say you?
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    Horrible Ideas That You Could Actually See Making It Into Indy 5

    Indy having a dog for a sidekick....a malamute, of course. They'd both be named Indiana, and at some point in the film, someone would adress one of them as "Indiana" and they'd both look to the person speaking. As a way to re-create the "Dr. Jones?" moment in LC. This dog would have a...
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    Geek Zodiac

    We're not all Indy.....well I am (according to this), so I mean, "You're not all Indy". Which one are you?
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    Pre-War Nazi 3D Propaganda Films Unearthed

    Just like the title of this thread says, here is the article in full: I was unable to unearth any kind of link to Philippe Mora's project other than more articles citing it.
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    The Writing Process

    This quote is from 2002 regarding the development of what would become KOTCS: So, how exactly does this process work? How possible is it that Indy 5 is being diligently scribbled as we speak and we are just out of the loop? At what point do the trades pick it up?