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  1. H

    Indy 5 "Only if you want More"

    Of course I'll take more ... with Harrison Ford as the lead; Lucas even suggesting the torch (whip) could be passed is an insult to every fan, not to mention Harrison Ford. I'd rather see the series continue with a new Indy, a la James Bond, than see Mutt take over. ...I'd better clarify: I...
  2. H

    Anyone worried?

    First of all, let me say I think this will be an excellent movie; you don't wait close to 20 years to make a sequel to one of the world's most beloved franchises just to lay an egg. Now, that being said ... I think anyone who says they're not worried is either a) being naive or b) simply trying...
  3. H

    Connery and Indy IV

    Well, Connery has officially said he's out according to ... He said retirement was "too damn fun", I hope that's the true reason, and not because he doesnt like the script.... we'll see
  4. H

    Connery and Indy IV

    I think if Indy four is Connery's last role, they should let the man go down in a blaze of glory, so to speak. I don't want James Bond's last movie scene to be of him getting wheeled around in a retirement home ... bu that's just me
  5. H

    The Beard

    I agree with the stubble approach. Of course he's going to look older, but I think it'll all be part of the story... as long as it's going to happen, no worries here.
  6. H

    Some More Indy IV News about a Lead Woman

    Casting News Official!! This is only my fourth post, but I couldn't resist. Both TIE and Joblo (my personal favorite movie site) are reporting that Laura Dutta has indeed signed to be in Indy 4. This news has been confirmed by TIE by Dutta's agent. I won't bore with details, but sounds...
  7. H

    Some More Indy IV News about a Lead Woman

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the "press release" says this is the fourth sequel. Won't Indy 4 be the fourth installment, and the third sequal (technically 2nd sequel, since TOD was a prequel??). I guess I just figured the press release would get it right, or perhaps I've got it wrong ;)
  8. H

    What should Indy 4 be about?

    I think the soviet/Communist thing is a little too obvious to be used (although I'm usually wrong about such things). I just don't believe they illicit the same emotional response as Nazis. Perhaps Indy should face a smaller organization (a la most Bond films, where the antagonist is an...
  9. H

    Why does it have to be Commies?

    I'm new, so feel free to take all my comments with a grain of sand (but don't take it with too many grains, or you'll never have enough sand to steal the golden idol). I dont really see TOD as a kids flick...true, there are elements there that appeal, but I like to think those inclusions cater...