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  1. P

    Indy catches egg in ToD deleted scene? :confused:
  2. P

    Indy catches egg in ToD deleted scene?

    Good point. But that doesn't explain the fact that the scene appears in the novelization, and has a corresponding production still. Anyway, just trying to get to the bottom of this 20+ year mystery for me!! BTW, are you a Maiden fan, perhaps? Up the Irons! here's the pic again...
  3. P

    Indy catches egg in ToD deleted scene?

    here's the link This is from, a pretty reliable source. Quote Webley: "I alwas thought that co-pilot acted weird when he goes by Doc. Jones" Yes, exactly. In the currect cut, there is nothing that would...
  4. P

    Indy catches egg in ToD deleted scene?

    I have read several posts regarding Indy catching an egg while sleeping on Lao Che's plane in Temple of Doom. I remember this moment clearly (yes, I know it's in the novelization). The pilot tells the co-pilot to go shoot Indy. When the co-pilot goes into the back, he sees Indy catch an egg...