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  1. P

    Ideas For New Indy Actor

    If not Ford... Maybe Dennis Quaid. I actually think that Bruce Campbell would have made a good Colonel Hogan (Hogan's Heroes). Let's not forget (if he could act and not have the accent) Nick Faldo...
  2. P

    Warehouse = Area 51

    I'm not sure that the warehouse at the end of ROTLA was "Area 51." I don't think that it existed back then--if at all. At least not the way most people see it as. During WW2 the government had bomb testing in that Nevada region. Probably not a good place to put a warehouse that may hold anything...
  3. P

    The Ark in KotCS?

    The Ark continued... The warehouse looks like the one at the end of ROTLA. If it is, then it is likely the resting place of many "artifacts" that the government has stashed away. My guess is that they are going after something (in the warehouse) that was taken from the crash site at Roswell. I...
  4. P

    50s Sci-Fi Theme: Aliens would be a threat, evil

    He may have had this Alien in mind: Look familiar?? :whip:
  5. P

    The All Things Alien Thread

    Is that?? A little alien face on the crystal skull poster? Look at where the bridge of the nose would be... "Aliens...why did it have to be aliens..."
  6. P

    Connery and Indy IV

    I think that a scene with Indy pushing dad around in a nursing home might have some possibilities for humor...
  7. P

    Shia LaBeouf in Indy IV

    I do like the kid. My gut feeling is that we will see Indy (Lebouf) in his 20's. Perhaps when he was an apprentice of Abner Ravenwood. I know that SPF was in his 20's when doing Young Indy but I did not see many of the episodes. Also, is it known if Abner had a passion for a particular item?
  8. P

    Indiana Jones VS James Bond

    The Bond of the books was about 6'1 185 lbs. He is an "all around athlete...boxer...knows basic holds of judo...fights with tenacity and has a high tolerance of pain." In a few of the novels Bond killed with his bare hands. So, Bond of the books vs. Indy--pick 'em Of movies: Sean Connery's Bond...
  9. P

    Indy Workout Routine

    I know that I read it in a small biography type book. Problem is, I can't find the book. I run a high school fitness center and I wanted to post what some of the celebrity workouts are. I believe his program was from "Body by Jake."
  10. P

    Indy Workout Routine

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone remembered what the Harrison Ford workout routine was for his Indy movies. I saw this years ago on another forum. Thanks!