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    Grail Knight treat as royal or prisoner?

    He says you dressed strange for knight, so that means he never step outside of bridge? pretty good balance on it! He got to be stir crazy in the chamber after few days! On other hand who design and build the temple with help of Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword? time to time he's allowed get...
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    Golden Idol on my Youtube

    didn't know that can put links on here!
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    Hi, kongisking 3 films has deals with Supernatural, but 4th deal with Aliens? Come ON! :dead:
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    You can check out my facebook album where I visited Old Tucson in AZ while wearing full Indiana Jones clothes! Well.. expect those boots close enough since they are sold out for long time! :whip:
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    Original one! :)
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    Yeah, I got the DVD, and watched it. :up: I don't know that kind of sign language, I'm quite good at American sign language (ASL) Canadian also well! English and Australia language is different on their own! I think he's based on Romanian language, I have no idea.:whip: hire local...
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    I'm new here! well for long time.. Hello, I make my new youtube it's short and sweet :D I have fun make it myself, it's call Indiana Jones and the Golden Idol. :whip: :up: :up:
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    Golden Idol on my Youtube

    Hey, I'm new here so I know this is too early to post my youtube link. :confused: So anyway, can look under deaf Indy or Indiana Jones and the Golden Idol :whip: so please give me :up: Pretty cool with my clothes!
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    Raiders' boulder & Scrooge McDuck

    I forgot to add abother one....... :D Sean Patrick Flanery!! :hat:
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    Raiders' boulder & Scrooge McDuck

    Motor City comics convention On May 17-19 I will go to Motor City Comics Convention, and guest will be DON ROSA! :cool: I will be wear Indiana Jones Costume, and hopefully to get a sketch of Scrooge McDuck wearing Indy Fedora. :whip:
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    Hello, I'm Deaf, forgive my grammer, not using writing much. ;) Anyway, I got my IJ Hat, Jacket, Bag (fit to carry Ipad!) lot of action figures. some Sketches from comic artists. :hat:
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    The Indiana Jones World Map

    RIP Rick Olney He died on Dec 28th. I don't know any legal stuff, if map will return to Matt Busch. Or became available.