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  1. W

    Uncharted: The Games

    Last Crusade vibe? Anyone else getting a serious Last Crusade vibe from that Fallon demo? We have Drake and father figure Victor Sullivan escaping a burning castle...hmmm. This game is looking better and better: really digging that T.E. Lawrence reference; began reading the 7 Pillars of...
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    Indiana Jones V; Yay or Nay?

    Sign me up! As much as I disliked Skull on my first viewing, I've grown to appreciate it over the year following its released, and I would be extremely grateful for one more adventure before harrison hangs up the hat for good. One caveat; I wish the beards would bring some new screenwriting...
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    Irina Spalko & Dovchenko

    Dovchenco was awesome! "Bet you 500 dollars we get out of this....ohhh, let's call it a hundred." Ahh, Dovchenko - what a great villain. Although he didn't get much screen-time in-between, both his entrance (the shoe tying) and exit (ants! ahh, not in the nose, not in the nose!) were classic...
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    A Filmmaker's take on 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'

    Interesting! Thanks to indyjones2131 for posting that essay - it was a great read. One additional moment of dark satire I noticed was the fact that Dovckenko was carried off by ants. From the first viewing, I thought it was a great touch that a communist was taken down by a hive mind...
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    "See you tomorrow, Indiana Jones."

    Indy goes to leave, sees Toht arriving, hides, and then when things go to hell steps in to save the day. At least, that's how I've always pictured the scene playing out.
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    Little things that make KOTCS awesome....

    One more thing I just finished re-watching the film, and I simply must add Ray Winstone's acting to the list. I'm not referring so much to the character Mac, but rather to Winstone's deliver of just about every line he's given in the film. In particular, I enjoyed these moments: - "What can...
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    one of the funniest moments in TOD

    I laughed! I'm glad I'm not the only one who found this moment hilarious Whenever I'd watch Doom with friends, this scene would have me in stitches. Needless to say, I've been the recipient of some rather odd looks over the years. I guess what does it for me is when I picture Indy's thought...
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    The Tank Chase

    Regarding oki9Sedo's comment @ oki9Sedo I don't disagree with anything you said. Perhaps I should clarify the intent of my original content: I wouldn't want a prolonged fist fight (Raiders/Temple), just a few extra punches to extend the scene. As you pointed out, Vogel is a different kind...
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    Little things that make KOTCS awesome....

    Favorite Moments 1. "Hey! Watcha got under there?!" Becomes pretty epic after one knows how the scene plays out. 2. All the little indicators that the US Convoy is not what it seems: the soldier in the back of the truck shaking his head in disgust, the quick shot of the driver of the truck...
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    The Tank Chase

    Improvements... Overall, I love the tank chase, and consider it the second best action sequence in the original trilogy. However, there are problems with the scene, and I feel the following additions/alterations would have greatly improved the chase: 1. A one-on-one fist fight between Vogel...
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    The "Casual Fan's" Reaction to KOTCS

    My Dad My father had this advice to give after his initial viewing (he loved it, by the way). "Your problem is, you knew too much. Remember what happened to that Russian lady because she wanted to know everything? The entire film is ridiculous - just accept it, sit back, and enjoy the show."...
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    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - initial impressions and casual discussion

    Dr. Jones' Famous Last Words "I like Ike" Lol'd so hard at that. Wish the rest of the movie was better.
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    How many Indy 4 haters

    No Indy IV DVD for me I won't be buying the DVD. I saw it once and that was more than enough for me.
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    The thing you and ONLY you think you noticed

    Tripping Harrison Ford trips over the barbed wire surrounding the map room and again just before the iconic shot of Indiana shot against a setting sun while searching for the ark (for reference, it is the shot after he stands on the hill holding the shovel and is walking back towards the camera...
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    The rock grinder scene in TOD: ridiculous

    Please refer to... ...the closing stone doors in the Raider's idol temple. Same exact thing. The door is almost halfway closed when Saitipo ducks through it with the idol, yet somehow Indy has enough time to jump the gap, struggle for leverage, almost fall into the pit, recover, slide under...
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    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - initial impressions and casual discussion

    B + eh? A fitting score for a b-movie, wouldn't you say? I have several more questions, if it's not too much trouble: 1. Is the opening action sequence directly tied to the main plot, or more of a separate adventure? 2. What is the Indy/Mutt action ratio? 3. Is the sawblade cutting through...
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    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - initial impressions and casual discussion

    Me Tarzan, you Jane?!? "The Tarzan monkey thing?" Dare I even ask?!:D
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    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - initial impressions and casual discussion

    Jungle Chase This is very subjective, obviously, but how does the jungle chase stack up compared to say, the Raider's truck chase or Crusade tank battle?
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    Rotten Tomatoes tomatometer

    Regarding Numerical Values I always thought that a point/star system is an ineffective approach to rating movies, or much else in life for that matter. Never stop at point values; rather, absorb what the written review says. I find that many reviews labeled as negative have an overall...
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    Rotten Tomatoes tomatometer

    I find it funny... ...That negative reviews complain of both excessive action and tiresome exposition. Sorry boys, can't have it both ways - either there is too much talking or too much action (a laughable criticism for an Indy film). Additionally, this nonsense about lack of character...