Search results

  1. B

    Most Unbelievable Indy Scene of all-Time!

    but.. but... u-boats are so much cooler.
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    The Frank Darabont Script

    After reading it, I know why Darabont's script was rejected. His formating and voice is just bad. Scripts shouldn't describe shots, camera moves, or cuts. Darabont wrote the script exactly as it would be shot and edited. If my formating was like his, I would never sell a script. A screenplay...
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    The Final Word on KOTCS

    I just saw it for the fifth time today, and it gets better every time. But it's still number 4 on my favorites list. viewing/ratings 1st: (6/10) 2nd: (6.5/10) 3rd: (7/10) 4th: (8/10) 5th: (8.5/10) It really grew on me. I wasn't fond of it the first time, but now I think it's a great addition...
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    Star Trek or Star Wars?

    If it were just between TOS and Star Wars, it'd be a tough call. But Voyager, Enterprise, DS9 and some TNG episodes make me choose Star Wars. Of course Star Wars Episode I-III does the same thing. But I'll take "Attack of the Clones" over "The Final Frontier" anyday.
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    Disaster Movie

    Where's the love? what's wrong with pointless pop-culture reference laden works that only exist because they copy existing works without merit? wait... don't answer that.
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    The Day The Earth Stood Still

    ... this baffles me ... It looks like "The Independence Day the Earth Stood Still". The original was a non-violent film involving aliens with peaceful motives, the closest thing to a violent encounter was Gort knocking a few guards out and zapping the weapons out of their hands. The best part...
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    Favorite Moments in Your Favorite Movies

    Modern Times - The Factory Worker and the Gamine walk down the road. Chaplin reminds us to smile. Limelight - The finale is the most beautiful scene in film history. Alien - The final scene in the Shuttle. Lawrence of Arabia - The air attack on the Arabs. Raiders of the Lost Ark - The truck...
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    Favorite Director

    Active: 1. Coen Brothers 2. Alfonso Cuarón 3. Brad Bird 4. Steven Spielberg 5. Ridley Scott Deceased: 1. Charles Chaplin (all time favorite) 2. John Ford 3. Akira Kurosawa 4. Orson Welles 5. Alfred Hitchcock
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    Archaeologist or Anthropologist ?

    If there are any college/universities near you, try and find a professor of anthropology and try to get an idea of what it's like. If possible, ask if you can observe a working dig site, once you actually see what it's like it opens a lot of doors. My archeology professor had a degree in...
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    Favorite Sci-fi Movies

    My favorite genre! 2001: A Space Odyssey Blade Runner Star Wars IV-VI The Day the Earth Stood Still Forbidden Planet TWOK Alien Aliens Solaris (1972) Children of Men Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956 and 1978) Metropolis Terminator 1&2 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Close Encounters...
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    The future of Indiana Jones

    There's a lot of talk about Indy V possibilities. I think a great way to reinforce the cannon would be to create a traditionally animated TV show that told the stories between LC and KOTCS. The actors from the films could do the voices, and because of the nature of animation, the stories are...
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    Does anyone else keep finding themselves watching the originals?

    as a kid (starting around 5 or 6) I'd watch Raiders almost every day. I'd also watch Temple of Doom pretty frequently, probably just because of Short Round. I try to watch Raiders about every week or two, same thing with Modern Times, but that's another story.
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    Where would you hunt for treasure?

    hmm, so many places. Pyramids at Meroë: An ancient Nubian site, it's been looted, plundered, and bombed over the past 1600 years. Because of the uneasy political climate in Sudan, it hasn't been properly excavated in years. There hasn't been any major studies of the area since the 1920's (or...
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    New to the forum, not to Indy!

    Howdy folks This is my first post on this site since joining a few months ago. So I figured I should introduce myself. I'm Nathan, a lifelong Indy fan. Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite film, I've seen it at least 100+ times, I've lost count. To my friends this number seems quite high...