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  1. S

    New Acquisitions!!

    You can make him stand up? I've yet to make find a pose to make him stand on his own. The detailing is good, I won't deny that. I just find it to be rather clunky, plus he's an un-appealing character, I wouldn't see any way he could function in a toy situation anyway. He's an old dude who...
  2. S

    New Acquisitions!!

    Grail Knight and Cemetery Warrior. I hate the Grail Knight. Never felt like the character fit in the Indy-verse. The climax of LC could have played out without him easily enough. Just too far out there in fantasy-land for me. He can't stand up. The sheath for his sword is non-fuctional. Come...
  3. S

    Cheesiest ending?

    Hey, I like cheese!!! :D I like Marion and Indy marrying. Less episodic. Temple of Doom, I saw the ending as more than just Indy and Willie. It was also the villiage all happy, etc. Both are very cool endings.
  4. S

    Silly photos Indy figures

    Someone else can provide a caption. :D
  5. S

    New Acquisitions!!

    Here they are!!!! YESSSS!!!!! Love the really cool stuff Dr. Jones comes with. They went the extra mile with his figure and the accessories.
  6. S

    New Acquisitions!!

    Elsa and Dr. Henry Jones. Excellent topnotch figures. Thank you Hasbro for a good product!!!!!
  7. S

    Can Shia "mutt" carry on the series by himself?

    Gotta love the "how old are you, kiddie?" slam. Differing opinions are allowed, you know?
  8. S

    If Shia Labeouf .....

    Shia is the next up and coming actor. He is whats in in Hollywood right now. It has nothing to do with some kind of Jewish casting conspiracy. He also to fit the look of a boy that Marion and Indy would have. He does look like their son, so its all good.
  9. S

    Can Shia "mutt" carry on the series by himself?

    I wouldn't be opposed to it. Give Indy the sendoff he deserves, then moving on with the son. I'm not opposed to it at all. I don't want Indy becoming Bond with some new actor taking the reigns. Just wouldn't work for me at all. Ford is Indy, now and forever!
  10. S

    Anybody here feel self conscious when buying Indy merchandise in stores?

    heh... worst part of toy hunting this day and age.
  11. S

    New Acquisitions!!

    Great photos. This wave is definitely the best!
  12. S

    Fedora's hat

    The implication to me is it was the same hat. The cut to modern Ford-Indy really beat you over the head with that.
  13. S

    Which Indy opener would you have liked to seen be its own film?

    I really don't like the LC opening. It just feels like a ham fisted way to explain everything. How he got into whips, how he got his hat, how he became afraid of snakes. It bugged me how it all happened in one adventure. The opener for Skulls really can;t stand on its own. It is completely tied...
  14. S

    Cargo Truck Version 2

    Probably just a repaint? hmmm
  15. S

    Watching in Chronological Order or Release Order

    They are very episodic. There are some people not paying close attention to the dates, who to this very day think ToD happens after Raiders. Seriously, its true. I actually just got done rewatching them in release order. I've never watch them back-to-back-to-back in chorological order. Not sure...
  16. S

    Whats your favorite relic?

    I like the fertility idol that comes with the Raiders Indy. The actual packaged relic, the Temple Carving, is fairly lame. Spear of Destiny is very cool. Seems like something the 'forces of evil' would be after in terms of religious artifacts. The Terrcotta Horse that comes with Sallah is...
  17. S

    Top three favorite characters

    1. Indy, of course. The hero, the mainevent, the reason we?re watching. I love his adventures. I love Harrison Ford?s charisma. Even when the movies get cheesy, even when I?m watching something silly, Indy manages to sell even the most outrageous events. The other top three, setting aside...
  18. S

    Anybody here feel self conscious when buying Indy merchandise in stores?

    I usually buy a item at walmart when I go grocery shopping. Like today, I got the crago truck along with a bunch of food. That's just my usual way of doing things.
  19. S

    Silly photos Indy figures

    I do agree that Marion on the Irina body does look pretty cool. Marion: I'm supposed to be your GodD&$^# partner, Indy, why am I stuck riding on the side? Indy: You can't sit with me Marion because your legs don't bend. Blame Hasbro, honey.
  20. S

    New Acquisitions!!

    The cargo truck!!!!! I just got it today!!!! YES!!!!