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  1. S

    ever have misconceptions seeing the movies as a kid?

    I did not realize Sallah in LC was the same character from Raiders, for example. I was a stupid kid who only saw the movies once. LC was the only one I saw in a theater, sooo I didn't make the connection. Furthermore, I thought he was in on the plot to kidnap Marcus despite what played out. I...
  2. S

    Short Round... will he...

    So, any idea if the figure will have his yankees hat? I hope so!
  3. S

    Marcus Brody

    Will they make a figure of him. I hope Hasbro doesn't have a something against men in suits and ties. Marcus is one of the best characters in the movies. All of Indys sidekicks should get made. I'd also like a Professor Indy. :)
  4. S

    Silly photos Indy figures

    Hi guys. I'm new. I got three of the Indy figures thus far. Not much, I know, but I will get more... I promise! :D Just thought I'd show off some silly photos I took.... Monkey Man is in way over his head. Poor guy will die without a real name!!!! Monkey Man's pet monkey is about to be...