Indy 5


Well-known member
Yeah that makes sense.

I agree actually; I thought the cliff bit looked disturbingly fake in the trailer, but in the film I thought it looked pretty cracking.


Active member
robisindy said:
I don't know, I don't feel like my thoughts are really being expressed very well in my writing, but I hope you can see what I mean.
I fully agree with you here, CGI doesn't cause problems if its use is the result from an idea... sometimes though the idea is basically the result from having access to CGI, and that's usually when it goes downhill.

One of my favorite films is still "Forrest Gump", and it's a good example of how to use visual effects: Most of them can't be seen. A sky-replacement here, a set-extension there, but almost always invisible and just there to support the story. Coming up with action-sequences that can only be realized with CGI or on a blue-screen stage is soooo lazy. Coming up with an action scene that's shot on a real set or a location, (and which is possible supported by a painted out rig or a set-extension) is ingenious.

I like it how Ford mentioned that today's action-scenes can be much more easily done by the actors' themselves, because CGI can be utilized to remove any safety rigging or harnesses from the shots, because that's what I think is the best use for digital effects today.
DocWhiskey said:
Haha. KOTCS's last scene is the wedding, Indy 5's last scene is the funeral. Circle of life I guess.

but seriously, I really don't want Indy to die in the series for 2 reasons:

1. It wouldn't be right. It would be like killing James Bond or Luke Skywalker.
2. I at least want to pretend the YIJC is canon.

I don't either, but he's beggin for it...after all it's Indy I'm sure he could "come back".;)

Maybe Indy will pull a Wrath of Khan Spock...kill him in the beinning to draw the attention off and then do him in at the end.

Indiana Jones VI the Search for Indy...

Connery set for 'Indiana Jones' return
18/09/2009 - 14:43:08

Sean Connery is set to return to the ‘Indiana Jones’ franchise.

The 79-year-old actor turned down the chance to reprise his role as the father of the daredevil archaeologist in last movie ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’, and the script hinted his character Professor Henry Jones had passed away.

However, creators on the next movie, the fifth in the hugely successful franchise, are planning to bring Henry back.

A source said: "Steven Spielberg has been working on a script with George Lucas and there is an element of the story that could see Sean returning. Anything is possible in these movies and if Sean wants to return he will become central to the new story."
Laserschwert said:
I fully agree with you here, CGI doesn't cause problems if its use is the result from an idea... sometimes though the idea is basically the result from having access to CGI, and that's usually when it goes downhill.

One of my favorite films is still "Forrest Gump", and it's a good example of how to use visual effects: Most of them can't be seen. A sky-replacement here, a set-extension there, but almost always invisible and just there to support the story. Coming up with action-sequences that can only be realized with CGI or on a blue-screen stage is soooo lazy. Coming up with an action scene that's shot on a real set or a location, (and which is possible supported by a painted out rig or a set-extension) is ingenious.

I like it how Ford mentioned that today's action-scenes can be much more easily done by the actors' themselves, because CGI can be utilized to remove any safety rigging or harnesses from the shots, because that's what I think is the best use for digital effects today.

Well said. That's pretty much exactly what I was getting at. I love it when I can watch the special features on a DVD and be surprised to find out that they used CGI to edit in little details in the background, like changing a gray sky to a sunny one or adding shutters to a house that didn't really have one. Those uses of CGI fascinate me because of how they enhance the film while being completely unobtrusive.


Well-known member
Another Indy 5 Thread!

Goonie said:
I wonder if it's time to open up an Indy V section on this board.
Nah. Including this one, we've got, at least, 42 threads on Indy V. I say merge most of them into a GIGANTIC one.:p

General Indy 5 thread - rumors and possibilities
Story Ideas for Indy V
Indy 5 Headlines Yahoo Newspage
Chase sequence for Indy 5
What Do We KNOW About Indy V?
How I?d Do Indy 5
Short Round in Indy 5, Who?s with me?
If they make Indy 5 or a Mutt Williams spin off, who should be Mutt?s love interest?
A High Five for Indy V!
I think the only ?Frontier? left for INdy V HAS to been an
News 2009: Spielberg about Indy 5
Dean Charles Stanforth for indy 5
Idea for a snow-bound ?Indy 5?
Shia says Indy 5 is ?cracked?
Antagonists for Indy V
Indiana Jones and the Secret of Life: INDY V IDEA
Indy V as a Hammer Film
What do you think of this Indy 5 plot line long last...will the Indy V news be imminent?!
What would u like in the next Indy Film???
Indy 5? (***Different thread from this one)
Need Indy 5?
Your thoughts on an ?R? Indy 5
Plot idea for a (next) Indy V: Indiana Jones and the Purgatory of Porsenna
What needs to change to make Indy V...
Indy 5 visual with list
So there WILL be an Indy 5 right?
Sciptwriter for Indy 5?
Comments on the status of Indy V
What is the probability of Indy V being made?
Indy V?s Potential Box Office Haul
I REALLY hope Indy V is like the Last Crusade
Indy V wish list
INDY 5 Baddie?
Indy V as a prequel?
Return to Raider? next Indy movie
Who could you see costarring in Indy V?
Indy V is in China???
Pillaging the Extended Universe for Indy V
Indy V was confirmed since the beginning?
Vanity Fair INDY V submissions

indyrcks said:
What do you want the film to be like
I want to see Indy get SLASHED IN THE FACE and lose his right eye!:eek:


New member
Stoo said:
Nah. Including this one, we've got, at least, 42 threads on Indy V. I say merge most of them into a GIGANTIC one.:p

General Indy 5 thread - rumors and possibilities
Story Ideas for Indy V
Indy 5 Headlines Yahoo Newspage
Chase sequence for Indy 5
What Do We KNOW About Indy V?
How I?d Do Indy 5
Short Round in Indy 5, Who?s with me?
If they make Indy 5 or a Mutt Williams spin off, who should be Mutt?s love interest?
A High Five for Indy V!
I think the only ?Frontier? left for INdy V HAS to been an
News 2009: Spielberg about Indy 5
Dean Charles Stanforth for indy 5
Idea for a snow-bound ?Indy 5?
Shia says Indy 5 is ?cracked?
Antagonists for Indy V
Indiana Jones and the Secret of Life: INDY V IDEA
Indy V as a Hammer Film
What do you think of this Indy 5 plot line long last...will the Indy V news be imminent?!
What would u like in the next Indy Film???
Indy 5? (***Different thread from this one)
Need Indy 5?
Your thoughts on an ?R? Indy 5
Plot idea for a (next) Indy V: Indiana Jones and the Purgatory of Porsenna
What needs to change to make Indy V...
Indy 5 visual with list
So there WILL be an Indy 5 right?
Sciptwriter for Indy 5?
Comments on the status of Indy V
What is the probability of Indy V being made?
Indy V?s Potential Box Office Haul
I REALLY hope Indy V is like the Last Crusade
Indy V wish list
INDY 5 Baddie?
Indy V as a prequel?
Return to Raider? next Indy movie
Who could you see costarring in Indy V?
Indy V is in China???
Pillaging the Extended Universe for Indy V
Indy V was confirmed since the beginning?
Vanity Fair INDY V submissions

I want to see Indy get SLASHED IN THE FACE and lose his right eye!:eek:

Good call, Stoo!!!

Crack that whip

New member
Stoo said:
Nah. Including this one, we've got, at least, 42 threads on Indy V. I say merge most of them into a GIGANTIC one.:p

General Indy 5 thread - rumors and possibilities
Story Ideas for Indy V
Indy 5 Headlines Yahoo Newspage
Chase sequence for Indy 5
What Do We KNOW About Indy V?
How I?d Do Indy 5
Short Round in Indy 5, Who?s with me?
If they make Indy 5 or a Mutt Williams spin off, who should be Mutt?s love interest?
A High Five for Indy V!
I think the only ?Frontier? left for INdy V HAS to been an
News 2009: Spielberg about Indy 5
Dean Charles Stanforth for indy 5
Idea for a snow-bound ?Indy 5?
Shia says Indy 5 is ?cracked?
Antagonists for Indy V
Indiana Jones and the Secret of Life: INDY V IDEA
Indy V as a Hammer Film
What do you think of this Indy 5 plot line long last...will the Indy V news be imminent?!
What would u like in the next Indy Film???
Indy 5? (***Different thread from this one)
Need Indy 5?
Your thoughts on an ?R? Indy 5
Plot idea for a (next) Indy V: Indiana Jones and the Purgatory of Porsenna
What needs to change to make Indy V...
Indy 5 visual with list
So there WILL be an Indy 5 right?
Sciptwriter for Indy 5?
Comments on the status of Indy V
What is the probability of Indy V being made?
Indy V?s Potential Box Office Haul
I REALLY hope Indy V is like the Last Crusade
Indy V wish list
INDY 5 Baddie?
Indy V as a prequel?
Return to Raider? next Indy movie
Who could you see costarring in Indy V?
Indy V is in China???
Pillaging the Extended Universe for Indy V
Indy V was confirmed since the beginning?
Vanity Fair INDY V submissions

I want to see Indy get SLASHED IN THE FACE and lose his right eye!:eek:

I'll see you your suggestions and raise: I propose we merge all threads at the Raven about everything into one ultramegasuperhyperübergigantothread! And I further propose the next movie have Indy get slashed in the face, lose his right eye, grow it back (lingering effects of the radiation), lose it again, have it replaced with a bionic one, and then decide to get rid of that one because he doesn't like the color!


Well-known member
I think we should tidy it all into a nice Indiana Jones thread. That'd make all this Indiana Jones stuff easier to find.


Well-known member
Thanks, ChromiumBlue...and, Crack, you're cracking me up! Funny stuff.:D

A bionic eye? "Henry Jones Jr., Archaeologist. We can rebuild him. Better. Stronger. Faster..."

Crack that whip

New member
emtiem said:
I think we should tidy it all into a nice Indiana Jones thread. That'd make all this Indiana Jones stuff easier to find.

Exactly what I was thinking. Only now that I think about it a little further, why not go the extra mile and just merge all the threads here with all the ones at TheForce.Net's forums? There's so much overlap between the two franchises and their fanbases anyway, it seems totally unproductive to separate them into their little boxes like this. One nice big thread for both Star Wars and Indy oughtta do it...


Well-known member
Just in case you guys (emtiem & Crack) are poking fun at my suggestion in a roll-your-eyes-kind-of-way:rolleyes:, let me state that I was just being facetious. (Although, there are definitely multiple threads on the same, specific aspect of a "would be" 5th film.)

Here are some more. 51 threads on Indy V so far!:p

Indiana Jones 5 NEEDS The Nazi?s
Indiana Jones V; Yay or Nay?
Opening shot for Indiana Jones 5
Mutt Jones in Indiana Jones V
Indiana Jones V Locations
Should they have filmed Indy IV and V back-to-back?
Indy 5 Should Be ?The Fate of Atlantis?
Indy 5 a prequel? (***Different thread from ?Indy 5 as a prequel??)
Indy 5 ?Only if you want More?
How soon after Indy 4 will Indy 5 rumours start?


Well-known member
Stoo said:
Just in case you guys (emtiem & Crack) are poking fun at my suggestion in a roll-your-eyes-kind-of-way:rolleyes:, let me state that I was just being facetious. (Although, there are definitely multiple threads on the same, specific aspect of a "would be" 5th film.)

Just a friendly ribbing Stoo; don't take anything by it :)


Well-known member
I'm not buying the Connery story: it comes from disreputable sources and just doesn't ring true. I also hope it's not true as I don't think it's good for either party: Connery shouldn't do it because he's a fantastic movie star and if he's going to do one more movie, at his age it really shouldn't be a comic book adventure story. Make something important, grown up and fantastic, Sean.
And Indy shouldn't have him back: we've done the one with Indy's dad- it was a brilliant idea but we don't need to do it again. The Indy films are a series about an adventuring archaeologist: not an adventuring archaeologist and his extended family. If we have the whole bunch back it stands in danger of being Lethal Weapon 4, where every peripheral character from the previous three films had to make an appearance on the poster. Obviously Indy needs someone there to bounce off and to talk to, but not his entire clan. If they can think of something interesting and fresh for Mutt to do I'll accept him being along- no-one else.


Well-known member
emtiem said:
Just a friendly ribbing Stoo; don't take anything by it :)
No problem, emtiem.:cool: (P.S. Whenever I see your username, it makes me think of this: MTM logo...Mary Tyler Moore)

I understand the enthusiasm towards discussing a possible 5th film but don't want to be a buzzkill. If Indy 5 happens, it happens. If it doesn' doesn't. After '96, I never expected to see Indy on film again. I'm pleased with what we've been given in the past and if another one gets made, I think of it as a BONUS (no matter how meagre.)

Anyway, I stumbled upon another Indy 5 thread in the Archaeology forum...52 threads (so far) on something that doesn't even exist!:p

Artifacts that Indy could find in Indy 5


Staff member
Stoo said:
Nah. Including this one, we've got, at least, 42 threads on Indy V. I say merge most of them into a GIGANTIC one.:p
Sometimes you folks really shouldn't come up with these great ideas...

<small>Now, think really hard... out of all the moderators on this Earth, think of the one who could be bats enough to actually make it into reality. Then check if he looks after this forum or not.</small>


Well-known member
Like I said, I was just being facetious - and not to be taken seriously. Just pointing out the ignorance of the search function in regards to Indy 5 conversation.

One thing I admire about The Raven is its attitude towards NOT creating an Indy 5 forum until it's a legitimate reality (kind of like when the Professor Levi/Abner B.S. was immediately removed last year).

Finn said:
Now, think really hard... out of all the moderators on this Earth, think of the one who could be bats enough to actually make it into reality. Then check if he looks after this forum or not.
Would that be you?:confused: It's a hopeless battle (akin to fighting a tidal wave) and I was just joking around.:p

Indy V? Idea for a snow-bound "Indy 5"


Staff member
Moedred said:
Maybe we should have a Tricennial Pentalogy celebration November 30?
That's when in 1979 Variety reported the Paramount-Lucasfilm 5 picture deal...
Well, happy Tricennial Pentalogy day anyway. Kind of quiet out there.