Q&A with Spielberg & Lucas -...& FORD IT TURNS OUT!- at EW.com


No Ticket said:
Yeah, he said it's not a line in the movie. And I'm damn glad of it. They're not as dumb as I thought.
Well, if the line isn't in the movie, then maybe the fridge isn't there either...

Don't keep you expectations that low, I say! :D


New member
I still think having a Nuclear explosion would be a spectacular thing to see on film
If Indy has to hide in the fridge then so be it
But yes Steven says, and I quote:
Steven Spielberg said:
There's a line that was thematic for me, and it's not a line that's actually in the movie. And it illustrates why I was comfortable letting Harrison age 18, 19 years. In the first movie, he says, ''It's not the years, sweetheart, it's the mileage.'' Well, my whole theme in this movie is, It's not the mileage sweetheart, it's the years.


New member
LUCAS: You do a whole lot of research around the subject matter to try to get it as plausible as possible. We don't deal with time machines. We don't deal with phony notebooks that don't exist. We don't deal with pyramids in 10,000 B.C., because there weren't any.

Ohhhhhhh, snap!


New member
torao said:

I'm only halfway through it but already have problems containing the volume of those shrieking noises (I mean laughter) coming out of my mouth. He just comes across as such a cool guy.
This only makes my dream of a filmed sit down of all three more desirable. I think it would be a riot.

Oh. And thank God for his healthy and honest attitude concerning his hair in the film.
Ford is... funny as hell in that article! Way more so then in his usual interviews. He just has such a great wise ass sarcastic side to him, that unfortunately doesn't show itself enough!


Moderator Emeritus
I just thought I was going completely crazy. But no. Turns out I'm just naturally confused and there's another version of the Q & A online. Oh boy. The opening paragraph alone ....:

If they had a talk show, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg could name it The Bickersons, in homage to the hit comedic radio program from their early childhoods. They clearly love each other — but they also love to squabble. Arriving together for the interview, they immediately start a coy debate over who should sit where at the rectangular table in Spielberg's production-office conference room. Lucas quips that having both of them across from the interviewer would be ''confrontational — that looks like it's a union meeting.'' Spielberg jovially declares, ''The table should be round. This is the wrong shape!'' At last they settle with Lucas at the head (how alpha male is that?), and over the next 70 minutes, they jockey and jabber and cut each other off like kid siblings competing for attention at mealtime. Lucas plays things especially feisty, pounding the table for emphasis and cutting in so forcibly at one point that Spielberg says, ''George! Hold your horses!'' The joshing continues in the hallway afterward. Asked by an associate why they overshot the scheduled hour, Lucas gets a big laugh: ''Well, Steven got angry that I was doing all the talking. So then we got into a fistfight.''

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So why resurrect Indy after all these years?
GEORGE LUCAS: We're doing it to have fun. We're not doing it to say, Oh, we're gonna get an Academy Award, everybody's gonna love us.... We don't need the money. We're only going to get aggravation. The fans think it's gonna be the Second Coming. And it's not the Second Coming. They've already written the story [in their heads], and lemme tell ya, it's not that story. So they're going to be very disappointed. I went through this with Phantom Menace. Believe me, I've been there, I've done it, I know exactly the way they react. And they're very vocal about these things. We're not gonna have adoring fans sending us e-mails saying how much they loved the movie. We're gonna have a bunch of angry people saying, ''You're a bunch of a--holes, you should never have done this. You've ruined my life forever. I loved Indiana Jones so much and now it's ruined.'' And all that kind of stuff.
STEVEN SPIELBERG: Uh, he needs to speak for himself here. [Laughter all around] You need to put in parentheses ''George Lucas is totally speaking for himself.'' And I absolve myself of any connection with that last statement about fans not liking it.
LUCAS: All I'm saying is, I have been there, and I have walked through the valley of death on highly anticipated sequels.

Ok. It turns out I am stupid and need sleep because this leads right into the other interview and this one is the one from the mag and ....argh... But it's such a riot.
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New member
torao said:
I just thought I was going completely crazy. But no. Turns out I'm just naturally confused and there's another version of the Q & A online. Oh boy. The opening paragraph alone ....:

Ok. It turns out I am stupid and need sleep because this leads right into the other interview and this one is the one from the mag and ....argh... But it's such a riot.

That is so awesome! (y) :whip:


That was a great read with Ford. It's encouraging to know he thinks so highly of Shia. Maybe some people will ease up on the kid...