Any word on the Soundtracks?


New member
Hey, guys. First post, so I'm sorry if it's already been covered...

I was wondering about the soundtracks, all of which - Raiders, Temple, Crusade, and the multiple volumes of Young Indy music - seem to be out of print. I expect (or at least hope) that the original trilogy soundtracks will be reissued to coincide with the release of Kindgom, hopefully in the same bonus-laden way the Star Wars soundtrack was some fifteen years back (the one in the rectangular box), though I'd be content with iTunes availability.

I am slightly less optimistic about the chances for the Young Indy music. I would love to have it, but am hesitant to pay $20+ for out-of-print secondhand CDs if a reissue is around the corner. Has there been any official chatter about any of the soundtracks becoming available -- particularly the Young Indy stuff?


Well-known member
So far,Nothing has been confirmed.Though I wouldn't be surprised to see them released in May.(hopefully as double disk sets with the full score)

As far as Young Indy goes,I seriously doubt they will rerelease them again.Which is a shame because there is some seriously good music on them.


New member
Does anyone know if they plan to release the soundtracks again like they did with the Star Wars original trilogy? I constantly check for news on this and Amazon as well. I need to know because I plan on E-Baying the Temple of Doom soundtrack and those vultures want plenty.

Crack that whip

New member
Before this one gets locked or something, I'll just quickly say I'll try to find a link to a source for what I said earlier. I know I first came across it on the Film Score Monthly board; I just need to find the relevant thread(s) again...

Crack that whip

New member
Ah, here we go - from the FSM thread that first alerted me to it, I just found (and then remembered that I'd seen it earlier) the original source - John Williams fansite reported it near the beginning of the month:

John Williams' score for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will be released on the Concord label on May 20, 2008. The company will also re-release the other three Indiana Jones soundtracks at a later date.

Well, there we go. Not much to go on, just yet, but there it is - rereleases at a later date (so I might've been wrong about "later this year;" I'll try to remember whether I inadvertently made that up or got it somewhere else from some other source).