New Indy 4 images from Monopoly


New member
Darth Vile said:

You seem to have little grasp of logical/reasonable debate. I can only assume from your demeanor you must be extremely young?

I don't expect anyone to follow the crowd or like what I like... quite the opposite in fact. But from what I've seen of your posts, in this thread and others, your comments could be viewed as just plain trolling... and I don't think I'm the first to comment how negative your opinions seem.

Indeed, you think it a sensible approach to spend your time complaining about a movie we know little about and is not even released yet (what's the point)??? If your arguments were constructive I'd have no issue, but they seldom are. It seems then that the only "narrow minded" person around here is you I'm afraid...

My last post didn't make sense to you? What's not to understand? It's completely logical to me. You're simply, once again, narrow-minded. Either you love Indy or hate Indy - that isn't how this works. The worlds not black or white mate. And you make me out to be the dense one. You're about as thick as lead. And Indy fans can dislike Crystal Skul, that's not an oxymoron. You act as if we've not gotten any confirmed information on the film. I know enough at this time to accurately predict what my take will be, as to many. Just because a few members agree with my side of things and not yours or tswnmans doesn't mean you have to cry about it. Honestly, you're useless to argue with. You're just another drone. And when last I looked, I'm certainly not alone either. It's funny how you come down on me, as if I'm the only one complaining. Far from!

The only trolling I've seen is proclaiming that anyone that doesn't like the newest news isn't worthy of it and subsequently stupid.
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New member
I think extremism to any degree is sort of insane. Having absolute faith in the film is bad, and being completely sure it will suck is also bad.

But we have to use our brains here. It would be complete ignorance to just assume Indy 4 will be the most awesome Indy movie ever. Think about how many bad sequels we have been subjected to. For each one I would get excited, and then the movie ends up destroying all my expectations. There are exceptions of course. Rocky Balboa and Rambo 4 were pretty good sequels. But generally sequels to 80s movies end up sucking. It's not illogical to think that despite the talent involved, Indy 4 could suck. I've spouted off this list before, and I'll spout it off again. Die Hard 4, the AVP movies, The Star Wars prequels(written and directed by Lucas, note that), Star Trek: Nemesis. And think about the countless bad remakes. Some are good, but mostly they are pale shadows of the originals. I'm not saying there aren't good movies anymore. There are. I'm just saying that the likelihood of a movie being bad, especially an 80s movie sequel, has dramatically increased in past years.

But I won't end on a negative note. Some sequels are surprisingly good. Casino Royale was a great Bond film. I already mentioned Rocky Balboa and Rambo 4. 3:10 to Yuma proved that a western could still really kick ass.

It's still totally possible that Indy 4 will blow us all away and be a great Indy film.


New member
crowmagnumman said:
I think extremism to any degree is sort of insane. Having absolute faith in the film is bad, and being completely sure it will suck is also bad.

But we have to use our brains here. It would be complete ignorance to just assume Indy 4 will be the most awesome Indy movie ever. Think about how many bad sequels we have been subjected to. For each one I would get excited, and then the movie ends up destroying all my expectations. There are exceptions of course. Rocky Balboa and Rambo 4 were pretty good sequels. But generally sequels to 80s movies end up sucking. It's not illogical to think that despite the talent involved, Indy 4 could suck. I've spouted off this list before, and I'll spout it off again. Die Hard 4, the AVP movies, The Star Wars prequels(written and directed by Lucas, note that), Star Trek: Nemesis. And think about the countless bad remakes. Some are good, but mostly they are pale shadows of the originals. I'm not saying there aren't good movies anymore. There are. I'm just saying that the likelihood of a movie being bad, especially an 80s movie sequel, has dramatically increased in past years.

But I won't end on a negative note. Some sequels are surprisingly good. Casino Royale was a great Bond film. I already mentioned Rocky Balboa and Rambo 4. 3:10 to Yuma proved that a western could still really kick ass.

It's still totally possible that Indy 4 will blow us all away and be a great Indy film.

Well said my friend. :)


Well-known member
I think I read once how Spielberg said when he watches his movies he ends up cringing at how he could have done things better. But he's not really looking at it like a regular movie goer who will see the movie once or maybe a couple of times. He is looking back over it with great analytical hindsight, albeit too late of course. Even the actors have said in the bonus discs that they could not have imagined how the movie would end up looking and that's from the people acting in it! The actors have read the script or at least their part of it, Spielberg and Lucas and all the others have written and directed it and still it does not always turn out exactly the way they forsee. Have you watched for the bloopers in Raiders like I have? There are heaps, but we didn't see them at first. And not just bloopers, there are plot holes, bits of bad acting, etc. But you don't see them in the first several viewings because the whole damn thing is so mindblowing. It's only after you see it enough times to have absorbed it, that you can start to distance yourself from it enough to objectively analyse and critique it. So, while it is fun to try and predict how Indy4 will go, realistically it's not much use. Upshot is, guys and girls, don't get yourselves in a tizz about it.

Darth Vile

New member
You are a strange little man MaxPhactor23. You are creating conflict for no reason. To paraphrase the late great Bill Hicks, it's like showing a dog a card trick.

I don't think I've read a single post where someone has stated blindly that KOTCS will be great no matter what. IMHO, there is only one Indiana Jones movie that can truly claim to be a great movie (in relative terms of course) and that is Raiders. TOD and LC are, by their very nature, derivative of the first movie... but even so they are excellent popcorn movies in their own right.

My expectation of KOTCS is that it will be closer in quality and tone to TOD/LC than it will to Raiders. If that turns out to be correct, there should still be lots to enjoy. But I?ll reserve final judgment until I see the movie. I think that's a moderate/logical and adult approach to take don't you?

Also - your own comment below seems to capture why your logic is dubious?

"I know enough at this time to accurately predict what my take will be"

I hope for all our sakes that you are not in a position of power/authority with that clear predisposition to prejudice.

No Ticket

New member
All this hub bub over complaining about Indy 4... you guys do realize that some of us are just bored eh? What's the point you ask?! I'm bored! It's fun to speculate what it could be like, both good and bad. I can be worried or excited about the film but it's all just in fun. When the film is out we'll all get to see what it's like. And then you can complain that people are unhappy because Lucas didn't write THEIR Indiana Jones movie or whatever.

And I don't really think this is off topic discussion... what else is there to say about the Monopoly board game other than "Hey that's cool" and "I'm gonna get that!" ... most of that has been said... this discussion has spawned off of it so it's still relevant.

... and by the way. I'm definitely gonna get that Monopoly game.


New member
Darth Vile said:
My expectation of KOTCS is that it will be closer in quality and tone to TOD/LC than it will to Raiders. If that turns out to be correct, there should still be lots to enjoy. But I?ll reserve final judgment until I see the movie. I think that's a moderate/logical and adult approach to take don't you?

That's all I'm expecting, because to expect another Raiders would be rediculous.


New member
Mickiana said:
There are heaps, but we didn't see them at first. And not just bloopers, there are plot holes, bits of bad acting, etc. But you don't see them in the first several viewings because the whole damn thing is so mindblowing. It's only after you see it enough times to have absorbed it, that you can start to distance yourself from it enough to objectively analyse and critique it.

Yeah, I was having such a good time with Last Crusade when I saw it for the first time, I thought it was the greatest sequel ever. Now when I watch it, I still love it, but the whole Grail setup is PAPER THIN.

I mean, all Indy has to do is get a name off a shield and use his dad's map to get there. They pretty much made it this simple so half of the movie could be about Indy springing his dad from the castle and them having a daring father/son escape exploit.

Darth Vile

New member
I really don't mind that Indy manages to get from A to B to C pretty quickly in Last Crusade. The search for the Grail seems a lot more like a treasure hunt (probably because of the written clues/map/Grail Diary) than the search for the Ark or the Shankara Stones. And as such, seems much more nostalgic and has more of a boys own adventure feel than the previous two (which is all part of Last Crusade's charm I think).

Ultimately, whilst Raiders will always set the benchmark, I do believe that each of the 3 Indy movies thus far bring their own charms to the table. TOD is very fast paced and always seems to capture the attention of the younger audience (possibly because of Short Round), whilst LC is a very charming/engaging romp.

No Ticket

New member
OmegaSeamaster said:
Yeah, I was having such a good time with Last Crusade when I saw it for the first time, I thought it was the greatest sequel ever. Now when I watch it, I still love it, but the whole Grail setup is PAPER THIN.

I mean, all Indy has to do is get a name off a shield and use his dad's map to get there. They pretty much made it this simple so half of the movie could be about Indy springing his dad from the castle and them having a daring father/son escape exploit.

I personally liked how his dad had figured everything out except for where to begin, the name of the city.

I always thought that was kind of funny.


New member
As optimistic as I am towards the new movie, I know I won't be able to form a final opinion of it in a long time. Certainly not in May. Maybe next year, after I've watched it a couple of times on DVD. Just saying that these things take time and it's useless to set any opinions in stone just yet.

So it seems kinda ridiculous to argue to have a final view on it already. Spoilers are fun to read, and I sure have read every single one. But at the same time they are dangerous... they create an illusion that we know the movie inside and out. But we don't.


New member
Zorg said:
As optimistic as I am towards the new movie, I know I won't be able to form a final opinion of it in a long time. Certainly not in May. Maybe next year, after I've watched it a couple of times on DVD. Just saying that these things take time and it's useless to set any opinions in stone just yet.

So it seems kinda ridiculous to argue to have a final view on it already. Spoilers are fun to read, and I sure have read every single one. But at the same time they are dangerous... they create an illusion that we know the movie inside and out. But we don't.

shockingly yer right; took a while to finish an opinion on TLC


New member
Haha, I found these over on "Ain't it Cool News" regarding the Monopoly set's Community Chest and Chance cards...

They are pretty funny.

"Get busy with Marion after recovering Ark for government. Spawn Mutt LaBeouf! (Go directly to Jail. DO not pass Go; DO not collect $200.)"

"Do not pass go. Go directly to Belloq's tent and he'll get you drunk and make you wear a pretty dress."

"You ate a Bad Date. Game Over."

"You decide to enter the Well of The Souls, despite your fear of snakes. But Belloq steals the Ark and traps you inside. Indiana Jones, adieu!"