Vintage Indiana Jones commercials


New member
12in Indiana Jones Kenner Commercial

hello everyone! I was wondered if anyone could tell me if they have any of those old Kenner Indiana Jones commercials, specifically the 12" figure commercial? I've been searching for this for quite some time now and I would greatly appreciate anyone's help! Thank you, and if anybody is interested, I'll be posting some photos of my custom 12" figure soon...adios sotipo :cool:


Well-known member
Mikeywan said:
hello everyone! I was wondered if anyone could tell me if they have any of those old Kenner Indiana Jones commercials, specifically the 12" figure commercial? I've been searching for this for quite some time now and I would greatly appreciate anyone's help! Thank you, and if anybody is interested, I'll be posting some photos of my custom 12" figure soon...adios sotipo :cool:

Good question but I think many members here were either too young :(
or not even born when these commercials were on TV! What year/s do you
remember seeing these? Below is a link which might help you - it's crazy.
Scroll down to "80's Commercials"...

When you're ready, post your photos on the Fan Activity pages.
I'm sure there is interest.


If any of you have an old video rental store (a small private one, not like blockbuster), they usuall have old versions of movies, on the Raiders tape I found an old ad for temple that's not on the DVDs and on the LC tape I found the pepsi commercial


Well-known member
This might have been mentioned already but there is a commercial for
Kenner's large-sized Indy action figure on YouTube. Here's the link:


Team Indy

New member
That reminds me, I need to buy the Indiana Jones box set. I'd buy it at Walmart since they're cheap, but they exploit their workers and tear down small businesses... quite the opposite of what Indy stands for. (adjusts fedora) Anyway, I'll buy it soon! (swings out on whip)


Well-known member
this is the indiana jones jacket commercial showing that you could buy the jacket with monthly installments of 32.06 a month.officially licensed by lucasfilm to own by willabee and ward . wish i had seen this back in the day i would have loved to have bought one of these jackets.



Well-known member

WOW! Excellent find, Mr.Indyclone!(y) I have an interesting video that would make a good companion piece to this. It's an interview with one of the Lucasfilm licensing guys and he talks about the jacket, hat, etc.

Thanks for posting this, Mark!:hat:


Well-known member
no problem , its funny what you find on the internet i would love to find the indiana jones commerative plate commercials


TR.N Staff Member
Really great find! Although I would never change my Wested I still remember my 16 year old self drooling over the Lucasfilm Fan Club catalog with this merchandise in it.

Stoo, what ever you have bring it on. (y)

Indy's brother

New member
For some reason, this made me laugh (probably because it's sooooo cheesey), but it was the Forrestal bit at 1:25 that really sent it over the top for me:D thanks for posting this!


Well-known member
yeah they really had a cheesy set up when they did this , thats the fun thing about the past , you look at what was at least passable for cutting edge and see how bad it looks now!!


Well-known member
you best go and get them then , before they either stop selling them . if they start to do that that will me mean they are gearing up for the blue ray releases soon.:D


New member
That's THE BEST promotional INDIANA JONES TV advertisement I've EVER seen!

I sure LucasFilm Animation does give us some more Indiana Jones because I really like the man in the Fedora!;)


Well-known member
lol- i'm sure that phone number has been out of service for years . but wouldn't it be nice if they did start up again selling that jacket , but with the inflated prices of today the jacket would way more exspensive.