New Indy 4 images from Monopoly

IndyFan89 said:
I hate people that always nay say this movie. Why be a Indy fan? Where these same people around when Temple and LC came out? Saying how they hat short round or how Indy shouldn't have a dad?

I hate people who say you can't be a fan of Indiana Jones unless you blindly devour any piece of **** with the trademark plastered on it.


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ResidentAlien said:
I hate people who say you can't be a fan of Indiana Jones unless you blindly devour any piece of **** with the trademark plastered on it.

Well said. Some people will always be followers. They’ll blindly swallow any garbage they’re fed and condemn those whom chose to think for themselves. In truth, I’d argue that criticisms improve hobbies more then anyone mindlessly accepting whatever they’re given. If you don’t criticize, how will things ever improve? We do our hobbies more of a service. So be true to yourself, anyone that discourages you because you dislike a campy line is just an opinionated and intolerant drone.

I’ve observed that most fans of George Lucas’s work tend to be outright offended if you don't senselessly voice support or adoration for all his stuff. Lord knows some Star Wars fans become laughably enraged when someone should naysay those pathetic excuses for for cinema that he dubbed the prequels. It's like they don't even want to admit that many disliked them, even amongst the SW fanbase, as if they're deeply cemented in denial. All too many people are concerned with the beliefs of others. Only the immature interpret a difference of opinion as an attack. And some will belligerently call you names and insult your intellect because, god forbid, you have the balls to speak your true take and not thoughtlessly be lead like a sheep to the slaughter. Yah, because we're the stupid ones. Hah! Isn’t it about time we let people have their two cents in this so-called civilization?

I can just see it now: This summers crucifixion of anyone on this board that doesn’t unthinkingly approve of anything and everything in Crystal Skull. I fear for those whom express even the smallest amount of negativity, Uncle George's irrationally obedient lapdogs will get them. Sometimes I think George Lucas could film a jar of mayonnaise for two entire hours, call it a major motion picture, and some people would still gobble it up like an Ethiopian fortunate enough to be at Thanksgiving dinner. And don't forget, all the while they'd asininely proclaim that you’re not a "true" fan when you pass them the potatos.
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Active member
ResidentAlien said:
I hate people who say you can't be a fan of Indiana Jones unless you blindly devour any piece of **** with the trademark plastered on it.

You know what I hate adults who act like children. You know how some kids like only like one type of food. Only want it cooked the same way over and over again. If they are served anything else or it tastes or looks just a little different - they throw a tantrum.
From kids that expected but adults....

But even kids won't won't insult everyone who has more varied tastes then they do...
Avilos said:
You know what I hate adults who act like children. You know how some kids like only like one type of food. Only want it cooked the same way over and over again. If they are served anything else or it tastes or looks just a little different - they throw a tantrum.
From kids that expected but adults....

But even kids won't won't insult everyone who has more varied tastes then they do...

Lol, I take that as an insult.

Yet a thoroughly half-baked (PUN-O-RAMA!) one, so I'm not really worried.

If you can't tell the difference between childish irritability and constructive criticism, that's your own damned problem.

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Blue Jay said:
that pretty much confirms the use of the sentence:
"it is not the mileage, honey, it is the years" :p

I think a lot of people wont like that quote because it is too much of an inside joke towards raiders...but i just love it LOL

It's stupid... and I thought they were smarter than this. They even commented before on how a character wouldn't remember something they said 20 years ago word for word. But look, they still did it. Ridiculous.

... my confidence in this movie just went down quite a bit. Seriously. It looks like they really are just going to go down the same lame route all movies like this go down and work off nostalgia. :p

Oh and now I see that fridge. Though I have not read the earlier scripts... I did read somewhere about the fridge thing and just seeing that and the name "Doom Town"... I know what that could mean... and it's starting to make me think they really did screw up Indy 4. Maybe not.

... but dammit. Look. :(
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Avilos said:
You know what I hate adults who act like children. You know how some kids like only like one type of food. Only want it cooked the same way over and over again. If they are served anything else or it tastes or looks just a little different - they throw a tantrum.
From kids that expected but adults....

But even kids won't won't insult everyone who has more varied tastes then they do...

Your logic is flawed, you're assuming too much. Because someone has a critique means they?re opposed to change? I?m quite the opposite. My favorite from the Jones trilogy is Temple of Doom - vastly diverse in comparison to the others. My biggest complaint with the trilogy is Last Crusade, though I still highly enjoy it, I felt it was too similar to Raiders and lacked much originality. Criticisms do not equal out to narrow-mindedness. Quite the contrary. I think it?s far more narrow-minded to mindlessly accept anything you?re given without so much as a question. For example, I?m opposed to Aliens in the Indiana Jones trilogy because I feel it does not fit the continuity - not because it?s a new concept for Indy. I think there are other superior and original plot device possibilities that fit the character far more. The only thing childish I see is ridiculously opinionated behavior. Respect an opinion, whether you agree with it or not. Someone disliking a comedic line of dialogue featured in the film is not a personal attack.


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G-Man said:
Guess it proves David Koepp was full of BS when he said

The worst thing to do would be to have him make reference to things he said in the first movie, like to pun on lines of dialogue...

The movie might still have a chance... but that Monopoly set is a major spoiler towards a few things. Namely this dumb line being in there. At least I'm prepared for it now.


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IndyFan89 said:
This only proves you are not a true fan because he said the same thing in raiders just turned around.

You fail.

He's not a fan because he doesn't like an unoriginal line of dialogue? That's the stupidest and most immature thing I've ever heard. What’s next, are you going to say your dad could beat his in a fight? You’re a child - grow up.
MaxPhactor23 said:
Your logic is flawed, you're assuming too much. Because someone has a critique means they?re opposed to change? I?m quite the opposite. My favorite from the Jones trilogy is Temple of Doom - vastly diverse in comparison to the others. My biggest complaint with the trilogy is Last Crusade, though I still highly enjoy it, I felt it was too similar to Raiders and lacked much originality. Criticisms do not equal out to narrow-mindedness. Quite the contrary. I think it?s far more narrow-minded to mindlessly accept anything you?re given without so much as a question. For example, I?m opposed to Aliens in the Indiana Jones trilogy because I feel it does not fit the continuity - not because it?s a new concept for Indy. I think there are other superior and original plot device possibilities that fit the character far more. The only thing childish I see is ridiculously opinionated behavior. Respect an opinion, whether you agree with it or not. Someone disliking a comedic line of dialogue featured in the film is not a personal attack.

Yes, and another thing since I can't get over how purely stupid Avilos' post was....

It's NOT original to repackage lines from the prior films. What we're ASKING FOR is that they make something new, not repackage what we saw 30 years ago. That's the very basis of the criticism.

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IndyFan89 said:
This only proves you are not a true fan because he said the same thing in raiders just turned around.

You fail.

Sounds like something a 15 year old would say. I think you have no idea how much I like Indiana Jones. So much so in fact, that I would rather it didn't have a lame line in it that EVERYBODY has been saying for years jokingly... meaning everyone thought of it already anyway, it makes no sense that Indy would say basically the same exact thing he said 20 years ago... I don't remember anything I said 20 years ago... even IF it's in character.

I'm willing to bet you know nothing about what that fridge could mean. If you did you'd be worried about that too.

I care about the movie actually being clever and not relying on lines that just make you go "Boy Raiders sure was good wasn't it? Yeahh, I remember when he said almost the same thing in that movie!!"

Is it not enough Marion is IN it... I've seen Raiders of the Lost Ark. I don't want the first Indy movie in 19 years to just be recapping lines from it. I want it to have new ones that are clever and memorable on their own. Not working on lame lame nostalgia.

Yippi Ki Yay mother ******!!! (it only makes sense in context of the first Die Hard's storyline)


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How is this any different than Indy reaching for his gun before he fights that Thuggee near the rope bridge? It's a nod to the "fans". And yeah Indy wouldn't really remember some random thing he said on a boat 25 years earlier. Why would anyone expect realism from an Indiana Jones movie?

If you want originality watch a Michel Gondry movie.

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Dr.Sartorius said:
How is this any different than Indy reaching for his gun before he fights that Thuggee near the rope bridge? It's a nod to the "fans". And yeah Indy wouldn't really remember some random thing he said on a boat 25 years earlier. Why would anyone expect realism from an Indiana Jones movie?

If you want originality watch a Michel Gondry movie.

Because TOD happens first and it shows that when faced with something of that situation, Indy would just shoot them. It was funny because that time he didn't have the gun. You have to be able to distinguish between what is lame and what is not.

A "nod" is ok... but that's the exact same line only backwards and I've heard people say it before. So what's the point of it even being in the movie?

Plus I don't like the fact that David Koepp already stated he wouldn't do that and there it is.

Nobody expects realisim. But I mean, Indy is based in reality to a point. And some things are just uber cheesy. And it's in the best interest of the film not to do them.


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Dr.Sartorius said:
How is this any different than Indy reaching for his gun before he fights that Thuggee near the rope bridge? It's a nod to the "fans". And yeah Indy wouldn't really remember some random thing he said on a boat 25 years earlier. Why would anyone expect realism from an Indiana Jones movie?

If you want originality watch a Michel Gondry movie.

Well, firstly, there is no corny rehashed line. Secondly, the context is entirely different. The time between Raiders and Crystal Skull is twenty some years. It’s a much larger gap. Finally, in the continuity of Temple of Doom, or rather Raiders, as technically Temple of Doom is a prequel, it’s more that he learned from his experience with the Thuggee and decided to not bother with the swordsman but rather quickly off him. It’s very different.

And actually, I do expect a level of realism from an Indiana Jones film. The entire series is rooted in real myth, legend, folklore and archeology. It’s ridiculously not to expect real elements - it’s simply heightened or exaggerated realism as scriptwriters have coined it. And as for the more fantastical elements, lets say Mola Ram ripping hearts out via dark magic, I expect realistic reactions to that fantasy twist. There are lines you don’t cross when writing an Indiana Jones script.


I can remember things I've said 25 years ago. Very few, but I can.
If that line was a recurrent line Indy used and liked at that time, I can imagine he would play with it now. Its credible.

Still... LAME!

An intelligent approach would have avoided such easy choices. And I know nothing about that fridge! But the way some are talking about it scares me a lot! LOL.

I was always optimistic, let me be lesser now. I still love most of the pictures and lot of the trailer. But as an Indy fan (not using the word TRUE here ;)) I feel I have the right to criticise what I don't like.

Koepp! You lier!

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MaxPhactor23 said:
There are lines you don?t cross when writing an Indiana Jones script.

And I believe David Koepp said doing something like what he apparently has done would make it seem like a "fan script." Judging by how many fans I've heard say that VERY line... he was right.