William Hootkins


New member
I know this has probably been posted somewhere before, but has anyone noticed how many times Harrision Ford winds up in movies with the same people?

William Hootkins was 'Porkins' in Star Wars, one of the Government dudes in Raiders, and I just noticed today that he was a character named Beef in 'Hanover Street' (Starring, of course Harrison Ford.)

I know that Michael Sheard was in LC and ESB, so was Julian Glover. Also, Michael Byrne was in LC and 'Force 10 from Navaronne.'

Are there any others I'm missing? (And is there an already existing thread for this?)


New member
Ford and James Earl Jones starred in two different franchises, two Jack Ryan movies and of course SW.

As for Indy, hmmm, I don't know, I knew about the Michael Byrne Force 10 from Navaronne connection but Im not familiar with others.

As for other threads, I have no idea...;)