something I noticed in LC

I just noticed after watching the Last Crusade recently that when Indy is first meeting with Donovan and talking about the search for the Grail at some point during their conversation Indy says something along the lines of "that's about the time the ground falls out from under you". I don't remember the exact quote, but that is of course what happens later in the movie to Elsa when she tries to take the Grail past the seal. Do you guys think that line was intended to be foreshadowing?

Paul Pauley

Active member
I caught the last 20 minutes of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade last night and noticed a flaw in the logic of the tests that Indy had to do in order to get to where the Holy Grail was located.

The first one, "only the penitent man may pass" seemed ok, as if you didn't kneel/bow, you got your head cut off by those sharp spinning discs. However, the next test "the name of God thing" didn't seem quite right. The path with the letters was intact until Indy trod on the wrong letter and his foot went through the floor. So it was either a **** test because no one had failed it (as the floor had no holes) or there was some sort of self-fixing going on each time some poor dyslexic sod tried to walk across the lettered floor.


Well-known member
JollyGreenSlugg said:
So it was either a **** test because no one had failed it (as the floor had no holes) or there was some sort of self-fixing going on each time some poor dyslexic sod tried to walk across the lettered floor.
Consider these possibilities:

A) Nobody before Indy had ever passed the 1st test.
B) The Grail Knight could repair the floor.


Well-known member
I tend to think that very few had gotten as far in the Grail Quest before the Nazis, and like Stoo said, of those few, only Indy survived the first test. I cannot recall the scene off hand but I do not remember the floor of the first test being littered with skulls.


Well-known member
I always figured most people were killed during the first test. The fact that Indy had to peel away a massive cobweb before the floor probably means few (if any) had gone beyond that point.

Kai Hagen

New member
I remember seeing an old illustration of a knight falling from the cliff if I remember correctly. That was after the letter test. Only one of the knights passed all of the tests. I think the old illustration was in the journal.