Was Harrison too old?


Well-known member
Raiders112390 said:
To be honest, I think he looked really haggard in LC. Especially considering that the character is only supposed to be in his late 30s. I think his age was definately starting to show:



Haggard? You serious? Have you seen what an everyday 47-year-old looks like?

I hope news of Indy 5 picks up, with or without Ford. Because talking about how Tom Selleck may have been a better fit for Indy because he's younger is ridiculous. For what it's worth, I enjoy Tom Selleck's work, but he's an average actor at best.


New member
"For what it's worth, I enjoy Tom Selleck's work, but he's an average actor at best"

Agreed. He`s done some good stuff; I`m fond of Quigley Down Under and Runaway, but he`s no Ford.