what r u eating

Indy's brother

New member
|ZiR| said:
Just plain pizza?

You know what's really good? Pineapple and jalapeños. :9

Try this. Dip your pizza into some ranch dressing, take a bite, then bite into a jalapeño. After trying it once, I haven't been able to eat it any other way. You know, considering the way I eat, I should be really overweight. Maybe I have a tapeworm...

Agent Crab

New member
Indy's brother said:
Try this. Dip your pizza into some ranch dressing, take a bite, then bite into a jalapeño. After trying it once, I haven't been able to eat it any other way. You know, considering the way I eat, I should be really overweight. Maybe I have a tapeworm...

I like dipping some of my breadsticks into spicey cheese sauce. Sometimes when I go to Little Ceasars, I order two packs of Crazy Bread Sticks with their cheese sauce.

Epicy taste and fresh.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Irish Bacon and Cabbage, of course....



New member
I finshed the last of my Orville Redenbacher's KOTCS popcorn. It was still very fresh. I kept the box, such a packrat!
Do not give the hungry man your fish, give him your fishing rod. Chinese proverb.

Perhaps Rocket or Lonsome could instruct me on what is the best form of bait, live or otherwise, to catch fish. I find using a slingshot for firing such bait helps draw the bigger fish into shallow waters.

Both myself and the fish aren't getting a single bite today.