Possible New Name For "Last Crusade"


New member
Indiana Jones and the 24 Oz. BIG SLAM or Indiana Jones and the Cup of Crist

[Edited by Webley on 10-10-2003 at 11:18 am]


New member
what about "Bad Boys III: Run from the Da Cupz", or "Harrison Ford and the wineglass with somewhat notable religious significance"


New member
intergamer said:
what about "Bad Boys III: Run from the Da Cupz", or "Harrison Ford and the wineglass with somewhat notable religious significance"
It gest keeps getting better and better MAN DO I LOVE THE RAVEN YOU BET I DO!


New member
Attila the Professor said:
I'm hoping this is a humor thread...but if it isn't, the title it already has is rather good.

yeah...when you start thinking about words to replace "last" and words to replace "crusade", they are mostly not as good.

humor is good though


New member
Renderking Fisk said:
It's the tolken commemrative "Last Supper super supper slammer"!

Raise your cup to the King of Kings and for the Eternal life for all of the Good people here on Raven!

[All means ALL.]
Ill drink to that!


New member
How about renaming it

'The one with Sean Connery'

or Jones and Son

or Indiana Jones and the revenge of the buddy flick

or Demystifying the hero


New member
They could have gone in the opposite direction than in the DVDs...they could have kept the title of IJ1 as "Raiders of the Lost Ark"...then this could just be "The Last Crusade"...its the "Indiana Jones and" part that makes it seem like its </i>Indy's</i> last crusade.

Aaron H

Moderator Emeritus
Possible titles :)

Henry and Henry Do Europe
Indiana Jones and the Final Ride Into the Sunset: Part 1

Pale Horse

Staff member
These are for Attila

"Dr. Jones or: How I learned to Stop Retiring and Love Elsa"

"The Adventures of Robin Gravesites"

"Mr. Jones Goes to Alexandretta"

"An American in Germany"

"The archeologist always arrives twice"