Dark Horse responds re: Indiana Jones Adventures


New member
Hello everyone
I contacted Dark Horse Comics a couple of weeks ago and asked if they could provide an update on when (or if) the second volume of Indiana Jones Adventures would be released. The response I got follows.


Hi there,

Thanks for the e mail.

Glad you're enjoying Indy!!!!

Look to the later part of '09 for our second volume of Indy's continuing adventures.

We appreciate your interest in Dark Horse Comics.

Take care,

Dark Horse Comics, inc.


On Nov 16, 2008, at 12:33 PM, wrote:

Hi there

I'm very much enjoying what Dark Horse is doing with the Indiana Jones. If anything, I wish you were doing more! Can you tell me if another volume of the Indiana Jones Adventures (the first was by Phillip Gelatt) is in the works?

Thank you!


Moderator Emeritus
That's awesome news, walker. (y) I really enjoyed the first one, especially because Belloq was in it too and it's so easy to imagine an animated series when you read these.


Well-known member
Looks like Indy Adventures will be annual. I was hoping for something sooner but I'll take it.

Crack that whip

New member
ANNUAL?! :eek: Man, I knew it probably wouldn't be done on a monthly basis (at least not with the same team), but I had no idea it'd be published that infrequently...


The "Star Wars Adventures" books from Dark Horse used to be released twice per year when they came out (for issues 1-6). Then 4 times it's last year for issues 7-10.

I was hoping to see "Indy Adventures" come out more frequently than 1 per year. Volume 1 came out in June and they could have had another out by now.

At least they're keeping the same creative team for the next Volume. (y)


New member
I'm sure subsequent volumes will be released on a slightly faster basis after Volume 2. I think the year long span between the first two volumes was because Dark Horse wanted to gauge sales of the first volume so didn't implement plans for the second volume until only recently (once strong sales of the first volume showed new volumes would sell well). They're probably allowing time for the creative team to finish work on the second volume (which they probably only recently started), and maybe even start work on a third volume. So, sucks we'll have to wait a year, but my point is, if these IJ Adventures volumes keep selling well, we won't have to wait a year between releases for future volumes.


It's very weird how they're not releasing more product for the comic line.

Indiana Jones Adventures Vol. 1 - sold 4,667 in June (outsold a bulk of the Dark Horse graphic novels for that month)

Star Wars Clone Wars TB Vol. 1 Shipyards of Doom - sold 6,045 in September

And that series is getting a Volume 2 released in a couple weeks:


The Indy 4 movie made: $786,001,411

The Clone Wars movie made: $65,586,872

Makes zero sense how they're not releasing more stuff for the Indy line.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

The Magic Rat

New member
yodazone said:
It's very weird how they're not releasing more product for the comic line.

Indiana Jones Adventures Vol. 1 - sold 4,667 in June (outsold a bulk of the Dark Horse graphic novels for that month)

Star Wars Clone Wars TB Vol. 1 Shipyards of Doom - sold 6,045 in September

And that series is getting a Volume 2 released in a couple weeks:


The Indy 4 movie made: $786,001,411

The Clone Wars movie made: $65,586,872

Makes zero sense how they're not releasing more stuff for the Indy line.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

All in all I'd Star Wars fans are more rabid and buy up things a lot more.


Active member
The Magic Rat said:
All in all I'd Star Wars fans are more rabid and buy up things a lot more.

I think it's just that there are more Star Wars fans than Indiana Jones myself.

I'm guessing the reason there's not more Indiana Jones more often is that Indy just doesn't have the flexibility that Star Wars does as far as marketing goes so you get things like this:

Tom Dupree said:

Unless a successful Mutt Williams spin-off pops up somewhere, it's harder to move away from the formula without people calling foul. "That's not Indiana Jones!" on stuff like the TV series, Crystal Skull and... erm... Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates? And sticking by it risks oversaturation with the character.

Maybe it's why Lucas takes forever to work out the MacGuffins and Ben Burtt (I think) saying he didn't believe they could maintain a TV series with the movie formula, despite the Marvel comics series doing it for three years based on two movies.


New member
I believe they're coming out with a Han Solo comic digest similiar to the Indy style sometime this spring.

The new Indy comics have been great- this coming from someone who's really not much of a comic fan.


New member
I just picked up Volume 1 today. Can't wait to read it! (y) I thought maybe Volume 2 would be coming out soon, but in later '09? :eek: Ouch, don't know if I can wait that long.


Great little book. I read it over summer and loved the storyline, the art and even the little references. I also hope they come out a bit more frequently,maybe every six months. Maybe Dark Horse is having problems with finding something for Indy to go after...:whip:


New member
I finally had the chance to read it. I really liked it! Since this is considered children's literature (it was in the kid's section at Chapters) anybody notice they left the swastika in there (not like some toy manufacturers)?

Are they planning to continue this particular story or is there going to be a new story in each issue?


Moderator Emeritus
I assume that they will be doing a new adventure each time as the story arc seemed completed in the first issue.

I just wished they had gotten on with TotGs and the next one of these. At least, the Further Adventures omnibus is coming soon (so long as they don't delay it....)

Indy fan 235

New member
I wonder if the Indiana Jones Adventure books will jump around time wise so that we get a Short Round appearance, or will they stay in the 1930's?

Also, I really can't wait for the Marvel Indy comics to come out as an omnibus.


I would love to see a Short Round appearance in these books, as well...He is one of my favorite sidekicks. I think the Marvel Indy Omnibus comes out in Mid February. I own all the original comics, but it would be nice to have them all collected...I remember Shorty appearing in the Marvel comic at some point, and was shown to have been adopted by some "high profile" friends of Willie Scott...:)