Product Placement in Indy 4?

What product placement do you guys (and girl) think should be in Indy 4? i think there should be at least one scene where Indy takes his newly-discovered son to an all-american diner and orders a McFossil Burger Meal or something.

I'd also like to see him using a Nokia mobile phone.


New member
You should read the's articles on Indy's gear, because I don't think there'll be any more product placement than that (If you want to count Indy's shoes and such as product placement). It's a period film after all..


Active member
Why in the world would you WANT product placement? Whenever I see it I think it makes the movie look cheap.


Staff member
The nature of this thread obviously whizzed right over some people's heads...


I don't see much room for product placement. It's not as if current products or services can be put into the movie. Maybe things like Coke/Pepsi, clothes or car brands, but that's it. Now, there's plenty of room for tie-ins, but that's something completely different.
I am entirely serious! Given the alien setting of Indy 4, its entirely plausible that Harrison Ford will quite early on stumble across an ancient inca version of a Blackberry - probably made of wood or something - in the New Mexico desert and then use it to log onto his son's Facebook account, all with a winning smirk and wink to camera.


New member
That would be pretty cool. Indy should drive a delorean too. In BTTF Marty travels back to the 50s, and since Spielberg was producer on BTTF, he could probably do some kind of fill in where when Marty goes back to the 50s, Indy gets his delorean.