Discuss the new Hasbro figures here


New member
I hope you have seen the pictures.
I know these are not finished models but here is my tuppence.

At first I was dissapionted with the figures as they looked like the disney figures redone.

In hindsight they are actually okay but I was hoping for better

Indy 1 (with jacket), does not look like Harrison, that is the big minus for me, the detail looks good. The gun and the idol look to big in proportion to the figure. Very nice detail and paintwork. 7/10

Indy 2 (without jacket) this is the one without the knee joints and the "whippping" arm - thats a plus. Comments the same as Indy 1. 7.5/10

Marion Ravenwood (Cairo outfit) this was what I expected Hasbro to make. Its a bit of a silly looking outfit and looks too much like the disney figure for me. And whats with that massive frying pan? 6/10

Monkey Man - Excellent figure, love it and is definately the best of this lot. Some people may question his inclusion but I think he should be there and the detail and likeness is fantastic 10/10

Cairo Swordsman - I like it, good likeness, one of the better ones. 9/10

Belloq - Seems to me the clothing is the wrong colour? The ceremonial outfit was obviously the choice to make him look more like Belloq, but he had those clothes on for what 2 mins of the film. Does not look like him at all, try again Hasbro. Good detail on this saves it a little. 5/10

Sallah - Another excellent figure - again I love this one, looks really like Sallah from the side, excellent accessories 9.5/10

Sure we will see more in the months to come.


New member
Great points and I agree completely!

I think the figure's likenesses with the exception of Sallah and the Monkey Man suck! Sorry if that's too harsh, but come on they've had years and years to nail these figures right and this is it? Some of the newer Star Wars figures were getting pretty good too, so I don't know what happened? Figures of Ford have always been pretty lousy, with the exception of the Vintage Star Wars OT Han Solo figure. They nailed Ewan Mcgregor, Ian McDiarmid, Christopher Lee, and Natalie Portman and had come really far with Hayden Christensen and Samuel Jackson.

Disappointing, but I had a feeling they wouldn't be so good! Sideshow on the other hand I have complete confidence in, and the head sculpt looks terrific. They've even got Ford's scar right. I had sworn I was done with collecting s**t, but I've got a bad feeling that come Sideshow's debut of the Indy collection I'll be in trouble!


New member
I agree with the sentiments, though I'm pretty satisfied with what seems to still be a work-in-progress. To me, nothing looks as bad as the Disney figures.


New member
Deckard; Hey, I agree totally with your Sideshow comments - If they can make an unpainted prototype head look that good, they will be getting my money, for sure!


New member
I'm digging the Playskool ones more than the actual figures. They just don't seem right to me. Initially, the thumbnails looked like the Disney figures to me as well. And I can't believe they're making a 12" Indy. He looks awful. I'll take a Sideshow one anyday for $20-$30 more.


New member
Oh thank God!

I was thinking that the 12 inch Indy was from Sideshow. Whew!!!!

Hasbro just can't come close to sideshow's qualit and likenesses in the 12 inch line. The 3 and 3/4 inch figures, however, are just wonderful!


New member
the more I see, the more I think we are getting seeing the Vintage style line in-person... Notice how they al lbut marion resemble the vintage Kenner figs? I bet this is the Memorial line-up.


New member
I'm somewhat disappointed that once again, the launch figures are the main characters from Raiders. They've released them like three times already.
It would've been nice to see Sean's character or Alison's character...
Oh well, they probably come in later series. If it sells well ;)

As for the likenesses... It's already been said before... They're not perfect.
The recent Han Solo figures looked a lot more like Ford than these two prototypes.


New member
In my experience, these early prototypes almost never resemble what you actually end up buying in Target. Indy's hat is a center dent not a c-dent. :(


New member
fixer79 said:
I'm somewhat disappointed that once again, the launch figures are the main characters from Raiders. They've released them like three times already.
It would've been nice to see Sean's character or Alison's character...
Oh well, they probably come in later series. If it sells well ;)

As for the likenesses... It's already been said before... They're not perfect.
The recent Han Solo figures looked a lot more like Ford than these two prototypes.

You have to have faith...Hasbro can not assume that the fans of the series have all the previous versions of the figures. They actually ARE giving us two new versions. the Strets of Cairo Indy and Marion have NEVER been produced in the 3 3/4" scale.

I am quite sure that the figures shown in the Hasbro display are going to be Vintage style figures in the nature of the star Wars VOTC as a matter of fact, these are the VOTC Indy figures ;) Vintage Original Trilogy Collection!!!!

The 12" figure is in the same nature as the past 12" VOTC Star Wars figs...I bet he comes packaged in a reproduction of the 1981 / 82 package. protected in a box like the VOTC 12" Star wars figures. That was VERY nice!!

Any Indy action figure collector should be SOOO EXCITED over this.. I have EVERY Indiana Jones Toy EVER made and I simply CAN NOT wait to get the One true Indiana Jones figure line started. This is the BIG one!! The action figure collection that will bring us EVERYTHING ( I say this in hopes that the series will have playsets ) that we as Indy collectors have EVER wanted. Let's all be THANKFUL that the figures are here.. NO other company will give Indy as perfect of a line.. You may not believe me now but just wait until next year!


New member
tnswman said:
You have to have faith...Hasbro can not assume that the fans of the series have all the previous versions of the figures. They actually ARE giving us two new versions. the Strets of Cairo Indy and Marion have NEVER been produced in the 3 3/4" scale.

I am quite sure that the figures shown in the Hasbro display are going to be Vintage style figures in the nature of the star Wars VOTC as a matter of fact, these are the VOTC Indy figures ;) Vintage Original Trilogy Collection!!!!

The 12" figure is in the same nature as the past 12" VOTC Star Wars figs...I bet he comes packaged in a reproduction of the 1981 / 82 package. protected in a box like the VOTC 12" Star wars figures. That was VERY nice!!

Any Indy action figure collector should be SOOO EXCITED over this.. I have EVERY Indiana Jones Toy EVER made and I simply CAN NOT wait to get the One true Indiana Jones figure line started. This is the BIG one!! The action figure collection that will bring us EVERYTHING ( I say this in hopes that the series will have playsets ) that we as Indy collectors have EVER wanted. Let's all be THANKFUL that the figures are here.. NO other company will give Indy as perfect of a line.. You may not believe me now but just wait until next year!

Carded figures in a reproduction of The Adventures of Indiana Jones by Kenner package makes perfect sense. Just like Star Wars VOTC. With a little patience, we'll see characters from TOD and TLC as well.

Has there been any additional news about the line since Friday? Future possibe assortments or packaging?
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Awww...man. I'm so excited about the Hasbro line. I've been hoping this would happen for years. Personally, I think the Indy with the jacket looks outstanding so far. Until we get these bad boys in our hands we should wait to pass judgement. I'm not to keen on the Hasbro 12 inch figure but I'll buy it anyway. The original Kenner line died way too quickly and I don't want that to happen again. I'll buy it all!!!!!!!!!


New member
I like the figure so far, with the exception of Hasbro's 12" Indy. Marion's pretty good besides the fact she has no knee articulation. Can't wait until these are released!

Indy's Fist

New member
I'm not one to complain. I have all the disney figures and I like them. Are they perfect? No. I was just happy enough to have ANY Indy figures. I have to say the new figure look really nice.

As I post more and more here in the Raven many will note my bitterness towards "the powers that be". I've always loved the Indy movies and felt they were better than Star Wars. But for some reason Indy gets treated like an unwanted child. I mean really how many versions of Darth Vader do we need, huh?!:rolleyes: