Behind the scenes videos


New member
Wouldn't it be great if they came up with a Hyperspace idea like they did with the prequels? Okay, you'd have to pay $19.99 for the year, but for online daily diaries during production, and post productin diaries and one behind the scenes video a month until next May or so, do u think it would be worth it??



New member
Well that could do something like that with the older Indy films. Put the outtake reels up. On Temple of Doom there's a funny outtake of Harrison Ford being whipped in the temple not by a Thugee but by Barbara Streisand.



New member
Don't really know if it would be "daily" but I think that's a very good idea. However I'm not sure if I would buy it. I'm torn, on one hand I'd do it because I absolutely love the films but on the other hand, I wouldn't because I don't want to know everything about the film before I've even seen it.


Moderator Emeritus
I don't like the idea of paying for promotion.
Besides, there are just too many examples of behind the scenes video diaries or webisodes for which you didn't have to pay anything.


New member
I hope they do some regular updates on the filming with websiodes things like alot of current films have been doing lately.