The Emerald of Lucifer


New member
I've read in several books about this interesting artifact which would have probably been just another legend with no grounds in historical fact, were it not for several odd accounts that crop up here and there about this relic:

Account 1. The Emerald Grail

Kyot the Provençal, claimed the Grail was a stone that fell from Heaven (called lapsit exillis), and had been the abode of the Neutral Angels who took neither side during Lucifer's rebellion. The stone was said to be green, but of no one specific material. In an obscure account by another author, Lucifer was said to have claimed the emerald and set it in a crown. The crown was destroyed when Lucifer fell to Earth from Heaven. Apparently, the stone had survived. It, being the source of Lucifer's power over Alchemy, was said to have split into two parts. At first, Lucifer pursued the two fragments of the emerald, but gave up. Then, human beings found them and made them into a tablet and another object which eventually became a cup. The material is assumed to have been emerald, but it could well have been ordinary glass!

The emerald chalice at Genoa was obtained during the Crusades at Caesarea Maritima, and thought to be the Holy Grail. But an accident on the road, while it was being returned from Paris after the fall of Napoleon, revealed that the emerald was green glass. The broken chalice was later found by Nazis during their occuption of Paris, but the chalice were said to have been destroyed during bombings and explosions. There is a museum, I forget where, that was shown on a documentary I saw on either Discovery or the History Channel which actually had the charred pieces of the Genoa chalice. They couldn't carbon date it though, because of some kind of deterioration.

A tiny bit of info about both of the above objects can be found on this page:

Account 2. The Emerald Lens

The Roman emperor Nero was near-sighted, so he had an enormous emerald which he used as a glass to view gladiatorial fights. The Romans thought that emeralds were good for the sight, and Nero's emerald was hollowed out to act as a lens to help him see. Many of the Christians persecuted by him came to think that the emerald was of diabolical origin. It is less commonly believed that the emerald was actually a sacred object to the early Christians, and that Nero's misuse of it was a deliberate blasphemy, while to the Romans it was seen as just an expensive and inefficient waste. The emerald itself was described as being concave-shaped, and nothing is mentioned of it's fate. Here is a little of this object's story on a history page about emperor Nero:

Account 3. The Emerald Tablet

A mysterious plate made of some green material, which legend says is a half of a fragment of an emerald lost by Lucifer when he/she was cast out and fell to Earth (the remaining half is said to have been used to forge the Holy Grail). The Tablet was found, according to the legend, by one of the soldiers of Alexander the Great in a tomb at Ebron, in the hands of the mummy of Hermes Trismegistus, defined as ?all alchemists? father?. The Tablet, also known as Smaragdine Table, Tabula Smaragdina, or The Secret of Hermes, is a text said to reveal the secret of primordial substances and transmutations. It claims to be the work of Hermes Trismegistus ("Hermes the Thrice-Great"), a legendary Egyptian sage or god, variously identified with the Egyptian god Thoth and/or the Greek god Hermes. No one knows what the fate of this object is, since no one has actually seen it since sometime prior to 400 AD, where it was last reported being found in a cave by a man who copied the writings engraved upon the surface of the tablet. The full history of this object is too much to fit here, so here is a link to a site that has the story: The Third Hermes

Thoughts and Speculation...

Now, here are my thoughts regarding the Emerald of Lucifer: (Speculation, for the most part, but educated speculation, so just bear with me here...)

Theory 1 - If the Legend is True:

If the legend is to be believed, this huge "emerald" belonged to some neutral angels until Lucifer stole it and put it into his/her crown. Lucifer got kicked out of Heaven, the emerald broke in two. Lucifer went looking for it, but gave up, and human beings found them. It was after this time that the two halves of the emerald were made into the Tablet and the Grail by who knows who.

1. The Tablet's history, unlike the Grail's, is actually better documented even though the object itself has never been found by archeologists. It is possible that the Tablet is the Philosopher's Stone of Alchemy, the "Stone which is not a Stone". Since the legend tells that Lucifer had power over Alchemy through the Emerald, this would be exceedingly likely. It is also possible that it may have been destroyed or reworked into something else in the years since 400 AD, but something of it's fate can be guessed at in this theory:

2. The Grail's history can be pieced together, and may tie into the Lens's as well. Clearly, it was an object of sacred value to early Christians, and it likely was a green glass cup mistaken for the cup of Christ. I say mistaken because Jesus would not have been able to *afford* such a rich cup to drink from. Carpenters back then did not exactly earn a king's wage, and glasswork like that was rare and costly. But because Jesus was, to his faithful, the King of Kings, to them he would have had only the best. Maybe Nero heard about this object... and in an effort to make Christians even more miserable, had it made into his famous lens. Now let's say this object was given to Nero and he was told that it was emerald. Since emeralds were both "expensive and inefficient" to treat poor vision Nero's physicians could have used glass and just told Nero it was emerald, to satisfy the emperor's extravagent taste. No one knows the fate of this lens, but then we have that green glass chalice appearing at Genoa, so it's possible that Christians simply reworked Nero's lens back into a cup again... but this time a more expensive kind of cup: a chalice. This chalice found it's way into the hands of Napoleon and Hitler before it met destruction in World War II, as documented by some sources. So, this could be a reason why we'll never find the Holy Grail of the legends. And, since this Grail is more Lucifer's holy object than Christ's, that is most likely for the best, and could be the reason so many conquerors and tyrants were drawn to it. This theory makes the fate of the Tablet rather obvious...

3. If the Grail was just green glass and not really emerald, and let us say for agument's sake the legend of Lucifer was true and the Grail was just one half of a larger object, the other half being the Tablet... then the Tablet would also be made from green glass. It is likely, therefore, the Tablet was broken and that is the reason why the last man to actually see it made a copy of what it said upon it's surface: to preserve what was lost. Moses had made a new set of Ten Commandments for a similar purpose... because the originals broke. If the Emerald Tablet is Lucifer's own "Commandments", you can bet it suffered a similar fate to Moses' Tablets. It is likely that this is one excuse why the Church had put so many Alchemists to death during the Inquisition and accused them of doing "the Devil's work". If they knew the history of the "Philosopher's Stone", a.k.a. the Emerald Tablet, it would have, to them, confirmed their worst fears about Alchemy being a "Magic of the Devil", even though we know Alchemy is just chemistry combined with esoteric philosophy.

Theory 2 - If the Legend is False:

If the whole legend isn't true, then someone made both the Grail and the Tablet, and tried to get people to believe that these objects were of divine origin. From this viewpoint, the Grail of Genoa, the Lens of Nero, and the Tablet not only have nothing to do with one another but are by themselves rather common objects compared to more important relics. Since the ruined remnants of the Genoa cup apparently cannot be dated in any kind of truly satisfactory manner, we can *never* know if this old legend is true or false.

In Closing - So, What Do I Believe?

Being a romantic, I would rather belive the legend is true, than false, given that there is no evidence to either prove or disprove it. At the very least, like with many legends, there must have been something which happened to give rise to the story to begin with. While none can say what that something was, it is certain to have been exaggerated over the years. Could Lucifer's most prized possession have been little more than an alien's glass object d'art? That all depends on if you think angels are aliens. Since that is another thing we cannot be certain of, I really couldn't say one way or the other what I do belive about it. Only that I believe there was something more to the story than just people adding to their belief systems. I thnk it is safe to close the history books on Lucifer's "Emerald" as a relic... since every recorded fact about it points towards it having been destroyed. Even so, I find it one of the most interesting ancient relics associated with the religion of Christianity, since it ties together no less than three ancient relics and their associated legends with a neat package of myth and mysticism. :) It is very convenient that some of the relics which for all of time could confirm the existence of beings like God and the Devil have... for all of time... been lost or destroyed. Perhaps it is a sign that human beings are not meant for easy answers to the big questions. And so, the quest goes on and we seek to learn what we can!


New member
I honestly think this is one (or actually three) of the most interesting things I've ever heard of! These legends are not too commonly known and heck, they are very inspirational for some Indy material :) Love the work you put into this; it's very much appreciated! (y)


Outstanding post on a legend that I had honestly never been aware of. Thanks for all of the work and thought that you put into this. I really enjoyed reading it.


New member
Thanks for the Welcome!!!

Thanks for the warm welcome, all! I've always had an interest in some of the more obscure aspects of History, Mythology, and Religion. Probably all my life.
I'm about 34 years old, but I have learned a lot in the time I've been around!

A good many years back, I used to be a Mentor for a girl from India at the local library. She was always asking me a lot of curious questions about gods, goddesses, and historial personages. One month, I helped her with a big art project about Meso-America and assured her of the correctness of the name Moctezuma, which she preferred to use for the famous Aztec emperor's name instead of the more common Montezuma. I always told her, I could help her with any subject except math, since math is the one science I'm terrible with.
I used to wait with the girl every day until her parents came to pick her up, and I even helped her family find a web site explaining all of the legal steps to becoming full American citizens, since they were studying for citizenship tests at the time. The girl and I got along well, but she didn't like my brother at all. He had a nasty habbit of swearing too much, and being a bigot even though I had always tried to teach him to be tolerant and have some class. Thank the powers that be, he was only there one day... and not every day!

Before I get to the really interesting part of my story, I just wanted to share the memory of how adorable this girl was in her devotion to me as her friend and Mentor. I was writing a lot of epic poetry back then, most of it retellings of ancient myths. The trouble was, I didn't have a printer or a computer at the time, nor a working typewriter either, so I had to use the computers at the library, which had full word processors and printers. However, they had a rule that only so much time could be spent on the computer (and the word processor) a day. So, once in a while, the girl would sign up for extra time and let me use that extra time to finish my work, which she would then scarf up from the printer and sneak into my folders so no one would be the wiser.

The last year I spent Mentoring the girl, her mother made a request of me. It seemed that, before they left India for America, her family left behind all of their most prized religious art. Being an artist... amongst many other things... they wanted me to paint them some new ones. So, I spent that whole year on those paintings, and on occasion giving the kid a dollar so she could buy some candy downstairs in the children's section of the library. In total, I must have painted over a dozen Hindu inspirational images. Indra, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, Garuda, Rama, and many more. The last one I painted was Kali, and when I showed it to the girl she asked me which godddess it was of. When I told her, she got very frightened and said her mother would never want that one. I guess the memory of the Thugee is still strong in a lot of people from India's memory, because they not only don't like depictions of Kali, but they don't like to talk about her much except in Kali's aspect as Goddess of Love. That was the first time I realized that some of the things we see in Indiana Jones have a strong base in real fact. A *lot* of people never realize that.

At any rate, Neelima (the girl's name), was happy with my paintings and told me that her mother felt that my helping them restored their good Karma with the gods, which they were afraid would be lost without replacing all of their lost devotional paintings. After doing that service for them, Neelima and I just kind of hung out together and she used to love looking over my shoulder and watching me draw. Back then, I was working on black and white scenes from Egyptian and Babylonian mythology, which I interpreted with a science fiction flavor to them. Neelima asked me if she could have any of them, so I gave her the whole stack of the drawings since I was only doing them for fun anyway. The day my Mentoring for her was over, I made her a painting of her face with hearts all around it, which her mother simply adored, and my very last gifts to her were that, two dollars, and two friendship bracelets. I told her the two friendship bracelets were to remember that we two were true friends and not just Mentor and student. After that, I never saw her again, so I'm not sure if she understood what I meant, but I always hoped she did.
Her last words to me were: "You're the Best!" while she had a big smile on her face. That is the way I like to remember her to this day. Wonderful times!
And you know what? I did it all because I cared... and I never made a penny from any of it. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't do a thing different.

So, while Indiana Jones shows us the mystical side of a lot of cultures, in my life I have seen the human side of some of them first hand, and that is from whence the mystical often springs! The paintings Neelima's family lost had as much mystical importance for them as the Shankara Stones did for the village in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. My restoring of all those paintings for them was as magical as when Indy gave the stone to the old man at the end of the movie. And although there was no girl for me to kiss, no fortune or glory to be won, I still felt like a hero... because to that child I *was* a hero.
So, I can honestly say that for all those who claim that the study of the past has no value in the present... they are wrong! Sometimes, it can restore lost hope, and lead a person to selfless acts as heroic as any in the movies. :D


New member
That's actually one of the most precious things I've ever read.. I actually got a lump in my throat while reading it, which I only have when things really get to me :)

Indy's brother

New member
Trennas said:
I honestly think this is one (or actually three) of the most interesting things I've ever heard of! These legends are not too commonly known and heck, they are very inspirational for some Indy material :) Love the work you put into this; it's very much appreciated! (y)

How's this: "Indiana Jones and The Devil's Diamond"?

(yeah, I know it's an emerald, but I thought a little creative license could be used for the sake of a catchy title.)


New member
That's very catchy, double-indeed! And official-sounding too, which is a plus.

Here's four other titles that could go along similar, official-sounding lines:

"Indiana Jones and the Emerald of Evil"
- Refers to the artifact's nature as an evil emerald.

"Indiana Jones and the Gem from Beyond"
- Refers to the artifact having come from the heavens.

"Indiana Jones and the Angel's Artifact"
- Refers to the artifact belonging to a fallen angel.

"Indiana Jones and the Fable of the Fallen"
- Refers to the legend of the fallen angel behind the artifact.


New member
Here are some images pertaining to this legend from many and varied sources:

1. The Emerald Tablet:




"Here is that which the Priest Sagiyus of Nablus has dictated concerning the entrance of Balinas [Apollonius] into the hidden chamber [Cave of Trophonius?]:

After my entrance into the chamber, where the talisman was set up, I came up to an old man sitting on a golden throne, who was holding an Emerald Tablet in one hand. And behold the following -- in Syriac [Assyrian], the primordial language -- was written thereon:

1) Here is a true explanation, concerning which there can be no doubt.
2) It attests: As Above, So Below -- the work of the miracle of the One.
3) And things have been created from this primal substance through a single act. How wonderful is this work! It is the main principle of the world and is its maintainer.
4) Its father is the Sun and its mother, the Moon.
5) The wind has borne it in its body, and the Earth has nourished it.
6) The father of talismen and the protector of miracles whose powers are perfect, and whose lights are confirmed.
7) A fire becomes Earth, so separate the Earth from the fire, and thereby attain the subtle over the gross, with care and sagacity.
8) It rises from Earth to Heaven, so as to draw the lights of the heights to itself, and descends to the earth; thus within it are the forces of above and below.
9) Thus wilt thou partake of the light of the world, and darkness will flee from thee.
10) This is the force of forces, which overcomes every subtle thing and penetrates into all that is gross.
11) The structure of the microcosm is in accordance with the structure of the macrocosm.
12) And accordingly, the arrangements to follow this road are hidden.
13) And to this, aspired Hermes, who was thrice graced with majestic wisdom.
14) And this is his last book, which he concealed in this chamber."

2. The "Emerald Cave" where Apollonius found the Emerald Tablet:


3. The Emerald Grail, A Reconstruction:


4. The Emerald Grail:


5. Lucifer, the Light Bringer: (Notice he/she is wearing emerald green!)


Updated Information about the Emerald of Lucifer...

The "Green Glass" of Lucifer's emerald is revealed to be Moldavite.

6. Moldavite, in it's Natural State:


From the following Web Site:
Comes this interesting revelation, which explained a lot about this legend:

"Is Moldavite a Grail Stone? Pieces of the Emerald from the Crown of Lucifer?

Moldavite is a heavenly stone that fell approximately 15 million years ago to Earth. It is mostly found in Bohemia near the Austrian Czech border. Some were found in Moravia, Lausitz in Germany and close to Radessen in Austria.

The term Moldavite was coined in 1836 by the German curator of the mineralogical collection in the Vlasteneck Museum in Prague Dr. Franz Xaver Maximilian Lippe . The name Moldavite is derived from the German name 'Moldau' for the Moldavian river. Around 1826, they were called Bohemian emerald. Moldavite is probably the only tektite made into gemstones because of their coloration and gloss. Moldavite has been used as jewels for kings, "VIP's" and/or political, social or religious leaders.


In Wolfram von Eschenbach's version of the grail's legend the Moldavite is considered to be the Grail - the "lapsit exillis" - a green gemstone that fell from heaven out of a crown of an higher ranking angel, Lucifer, after the battle with Archangel Michael.

So, this is why they mistook it for "green glass"! Moldavite looks like emerald, yet resembles green glass in it's texture and some of it's properties, such as being more fragile than emerald. This was a great thing to discover about it.
The creepiest thing that links all this to Indiana Jones, is the fact that there exists a Moldavite Crystal Skull. And here is the picture to prove it:


Indy's brother

New member
I'm really blown away by this, Prof. Chaos. What an amazing post. I'm taking the liberty of putting the emerald cave pic in my thread about locations.

ProfessorChaos said:
2. The "Emerald Cave" where Apollonius found the Emerald Tablet:


there exists a Moldavite Crystal Skull. And here is the picture to prove it:


The moldavite skull is a delicious bonus. If ever there was a MacGuffin for a Temple of Doom style prequel to KOTCS, the Emerald of Lucifer is certainly it, hands down. Great research, I'll be looking into this one for a while. Thank you!
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Well-known member
This is great- many thanks for posting. I'd love to see Indy deal with the Devil- it just seems a logical way to go after the other films involving artefacts pertaining to the christian God; and this would certainly be a great backstory to any artefact he chases.


Well-known member
Is that that 'Cave of Death' or whatever it was as imagined by a magazine as Indy 3?


New member


Excellent post - great stuff...

Check out this link:


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New member
Stoo said:
Here's one take on it:


Oh my Gods! I thought I hallucinated that cover back in the 80's. I remember reading about how they were going to do Indy 3 as a direct sequel to Temple of Doom, with Willie Scott coming back in it and everything. But then, as the years went by and nobody ever talked about it again, I'd just thought maybe I imagined the whole thing. Good to know it was real! *That* was one awesome, haunting pic which would be hard for anybody to forget about. :D

I tried searching Indiana Jones and the Cave of Death online, and absolutely nothing seems to exist about it. Primarily, I'd been trying to prove it did indeed exist as an abandoned Indy 3 concept, and find out more info on what it was supposed to have been about. Mostly, because I'm intrigued by the abandoned Indy scripts. The Monkey King script was a laugh to read, and the one with Indy in the haunted castle reminded me of Treasure of the Four Crowns. But Cave of Death was something special. It had this cool concept art... and was truly the first abandoned Indy script that I ever heard about.

Has anyone ever heard what Cave of Death was envisioned to be, or any link to websites about it? The art gave it an almost Dark Fantasy/Horror look to it that always made me curious as to the direction it would've taken Indy in. :)


New member
More Secrets of Lucifer's Stone Revealed!!!

I've got some new pictures pertaining to this legend, and some new info about it. Firstly, I've figured out just what Lucifer's Crown really was!

Lucifer wearing the Crown:



The Crown is really the Pentagram, the ancient symbol for the five elements of Creation (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit) as revealed by these images:



The legend is trying to tell us that before it took form as Moldavite, this old stone which fell to Earth from space long ago was part of the elements that make up all of Creation. Part of the universe, in other words. So, if Lucifer is a force of Creation and the Crown is the five elements, then before this angel fell from Heaven he/she must have aided God in the act of Creation! Which is why Alchemy (which reveals this as a secret spiritual truth) was demonized by the Church as "Devil's Magic" even though it was a good and solid science that formed the basis for modern Chemistry as it is known today. There is a basis for what these alchemists believed about Lucifer, in ancient myths and legends. Apparently, God and Lucifer needed each other in order to create the universe and have everything be in balance. Three examples:

According to Gnosticism, the God of Darkness Yaldabaoth (which derives from the Sumerian Yog-Sothoth and is the origin of the name Yahweh), created all the physical universe; the God of Light (Lucifer) whose name no one dared to speak helped Him by first creating the spiritual universe. Yaldabaoth never saw the God of Light, however, seeing instead His own reflection through the waters of the Abyss in Hell, which served as a barrier between Yaldabaoth's Heaven and the God of Light's Heaven. The God of Light grew angry with Him and sent an aspect of itself to cast Yaldabaoth into the Abyss. When this occured, there was war in Heaven between darkness and light. In the end, the God of Light retreated into the highest Heaven and the God of Darkness laid claim to all of creation. However, he could only claim it physically, since he didn't make it spiritually. Thusly are peoples' souls fully immortal, being of the spiritual plane, although Yaldabaoth cursed all flesh to be mortal and die.
When Lucifer's aspect manifested to Yaldabaoth, he/she appeared as in the form of a goddess with the name Sophia (Wisdom). The other names of God given in this account are Sakla and Samael. In Greek tradition, Yaldabaoth was Zeus and Lucifer as Sophia was Athena. The term Philosophy originates from Philosophia: "Love of Sophia" or "Love of Wisdom". In Gnosticism, this whole legend was the reverse of the Greek myths. Instead of Zeus creating Athena from his head (thought) as a subservient daughter, Lucifer as Sophia created a rebellious God from her Light (Knowledge). It is widely believed that religions that worshipped the male sky gods such as Zeus totally altered the goddess faiths that were older and came before them. So, in all likelihood, Lucifer was the creator of God, not the other way around. I fully believe it!

Note: Some say this myth has parallels in the Xenosaga PS2 games. Others say the Matrix trilogy has deliberate parallels to it and other Gnostic myths and legends as well. It seems that there is a return of belief in Gnosticism today, which is becoming as popular as mainstream Christianity. It is said that Gnosticism is to Christianity what Sufism is to Islam and what Kabbalah is to Judaism. My own religion actually *is* Gnosticism, by the way. :D


According to Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda (God) cast a shadow from Himself in the beginning of time. This shadow became possessed of it's own soul and became the God of Light's brother. Ahura Mazda named the being Ahriman (Lucifer), and together they created everything in the universe. Ahura Mazda created all that was light and good, while Ahriman created all that was dark and evil in order to balance his brother and keep true harmony in Creation. However, once this was done, Ahriman wanted to make everything over in his own image, so Ahura Mazda just gave him his own domain (Hell) to rule over. There, Ahriman created mockeries of all that Ahura Mazda had made above in Heaven, and ever after sought to persuade human hearts to his own cause. This is the only myth that actually tells how and why Hell was first made, and it was not as a prison for the damned but as an abode for a god and all that god's creations. Ahriman, however, saw Hell as a fancy prison and in several legends is constantly trying to escape from it, into the mortal world. Each time, he is vanquished by a savior who appears to prevent his emergence.

Note: This story was retold in the recent game Prince of Persia for the new Xbox 360. In the game, Ahriman is trying to escape and you are the latest savior who must keep him from doing so. The twist ending will surprise you, even if you are familiar with the legends. Highlander: The Series also showed the Ahriman myth in it's final season when Duncan Mcleod became the savior chosen to keep the dark god from escaping, during today's modern times. :)

Ahura Mazda and Ahriman:

According to J.R.R. Tolkien's created mythology for England, The Silmarillion, from which all of Tolkien's fiction including The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings derives... Melkor (his name for Lucifer) helped Eru Illuvatar (God) to shape Arda (The Earth) by singing a song of creation along with all the Valar (Angels). At some point, Melkor wanted to shape things his/her own way and Eru countered this with ideas of His own. This is why there is good and evil in the universe. In the end, Melkor was banished to his own domain Utumno, or Hell, and from there he created twisted versions of everything Eru created.
It is worth noting that J.R.R. Tolkien mentioned the Crown of Lucifer in the Silmarillion, as Melkor's Iron Crown in which three sacred Silmaril jewels were placed, which Melkor stole from the beings who had originally created them. In the later myths, the lovers Beren and Luthien stole one of the jewels from Melkor's crown. Luthien danced for the dark god, causing him to fall asleep. As he slept, she remained by his side while Beren managed to steal the stone.

Note: Tolkien's Silmarillion was so influential, it even inspired a scene in the movie "Legend"! The princess, Lily, dances before the Lord of Darkness to make him believe she is under his spell while her lover Jack sneaks into his fortress to rescue her. Instead of a jewel, the treasure Jack must steal from the Dark Lord before escaping is the horn of a unicorn. At some point, the Lord of Darkness is cast into the Void, also exactly like in the Silmarillion. ;)

Melkor and the Iron Crown:

It's the same story told different throughout history. I imagine it's partly why the Church declared Gnosticism a heresy in the Middle Ages. But Gnosticism has a point to it: darkness and light cannot exist without the one to define what the other is. For that reason, there cannot be a final victory of the one over the other, since everything in the universe must be in balance. Today, this philosophy makes sense, but back in the day they burned people at the stake for it. Talk about narrow minded! Even today you hear religious nuts saying there is "Satanic" meaning in Tolkien's works, when all the guy did was retell an old myth. People always think we've come a long way, but people still have a long way to go! Anyhow, with the mystery of the Crown solved, we can move on to:

The Cup of Death

Apparently, whereas the Cup of Christ would grant you eternal life, the Grail of Lucifer would bestow eternal death. This is a continuation of an old Pagan legend about the twin Cauldrons. There was the Cauldron of Creation which would allow those placed in it to be reborn in a reincarnated body, and then there was the Black Cauldron which would raise only the body of someone as a zombie known as a "Cauldron Born" and sending their soul to the underworld.
That duality was depicted very nicely, in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade!

Who carved the Emerald Tablet?

An old myth regarding the Emerald Tablet is that it was first carved by an evil necromancer named Koeshu of Egypt, who then allowed Hermes to inscribe it with it's alchemical secrets. Koeshu was probably the famous Egyptian Moon God, Khonshu. The Moon being synonymous with darkness, night, and the art of necromancy, this is most likely the case. Again, we have a duality where something cannot be created without both good and evil getting together to make it balanced. It seems everything in this legend is about cosmic balance.

God's Emerald Throne in Heaven

Straight from the Book of Revelation. Proof that God and Lucifer had to have gotten together at some point in the past to create the universe, since they both held Emerald and Moldavite to be sacred gemstones. I'll bet somewhere along the line, all this is what inspired the Emerald City in the Oz stories. In a strange way, God is like the Wizard: a flawed person who tries to be perfect but ends up making mistakes. Lucifer is like Ozma: once a beautiful queen but now stuck in another form and searching for a way to regain all her lost glory.