Help with screenmatching an artefact please!


New member
Hi everyone,
I recently picked up some 'set dressing' from KotCS and was trying to get a postive screenmatch for it. It's an african mask from Indy's house (see below) but the grabs I've been able to obtain are too low in resolution to be 100% sure it's the same one. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enought to post up some high re blu ray screengrabs of the same cruddy grabs below. Many thanks!




New member
Indy's mask

I picked it up in an auction in December - it came from 20th Century Props, who have a few items currently on ebay. They rented a lot of set dressing out to the production. I've screenmatched the big statue they have on ebay already, so they're legit. If you look around, there's KotCS to be found. For example, there' a bunch of proper, screen used antiques here:

Montana Smith

Active member
Nice acquisition. If you're into Indy props you can't beat the real thing that was actually hanging on Indy's wall on screen. (y)


New member
Thanks Montana. I'm sure others will find their way onto the market eventually. Hey....anyone on this forum able to get blu Ray screencaps?


New member
hovitos said:
it came from 20th Century Props...

I have a close friend in the film business. 20th Century Props is one of those places that seemed like they'd be around forever. Schwartz is letting go of some serious film history as he empties the place.

Good find on the Kingdom piece.


New member
Sorry about the late response - thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks for that!