Serious Question - Why does Lucas still command respect?


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No Ticket said:
You have no idea what impact he had on various details of the story. It's easy to blame him because he did the prequels (he is the CGI devil) ... lots of people, including Spielberg could have their say.

If Lucas really was responsible for all the bad in this film, I'd say you should blame Spielberg or Ford for not beating the sense back into him or at least turning down the film for good and having the sense not to make it.

I agree with you here. Spielberg and Ford should have said no.


New member
I thought this film was great. Being a long time Indy and Star Wars fan, I approached the fourth Indy film with an open mind. And I was impressed with the new direction.

But I will tell you this, a friend who went with me is as big a fan.....and despised the film. I believe its all how you approached the film, or any film for that matter.

For me it was worth the wait.

Jenos Idanian

New member
No Ticket said:
You have no idea what impact he had on various details of the story. It's easy to blame him because he did the prequels (he is the CGI devil) ... lots of people, including Spielberg could have their say.

If Lucas really was responsible for all the bad in this film, I'd say you should blame Spielberg or Ford for not beating the sense back into him or at least turning down the film for good and having the sense not to make it.

That's true but who says they didn't try? I think in the end they just went along for the ride because they had a good time. The things that were lame or silly or whatever in Indy are on the same level of silliness that was in the prequels which leads me to believe it was mostly Lucas. By the way, I like that we can debate this without it turning ugly (no joke).


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IH8Snakes said:
I thought this film was great. Being a long time Indy and Star Wars fan, I approached the fourth Indy film with an open mind. And I was impressed with the new direction.

But I will tell you this, a friend who went with me is as big a fan.....and despised the film. I believe its all how you approached the film, or any film for that matter.

For me it was worth the wait.

Yep. We approached the film expecting a Indiana Jones movie and got something else. lol

Jenos Idanian

New member
IH8Snakes said:
I thought this film was great. Being a long time Indy and Star Wars fan, I approached the fourth Indy film with an open mind. And I was impressed with the new direction.

But I will tell you this, a friend who went with me is as big a fan.....and despised the film. I believe its all how you approached the film, or any film for that matter.

For me it was worth the wait.

I've gone into a few movies that were hyped by friends and my reactions weren't the same. Was it due to the hype? I don't know for sure. But in this case I had only two things that needed to be met. 1, that the dialog would be good and 2, that the movie would have that visual warmth and color of the last three. Now since I was told by Lucas and co that this movie would be just like the other three I naturally felt that those needs would in fact be met. I didn't need anything else for me to enjoy it. Just that it had the same old same old. And it didn't on those levels (at least for me)

Dust McAlan

New member
I will say this: Lucas and Spielberg both said that it would feel like the previous three, and it didn't. I'm a little miffed at that, but hey, whatever. If they'd said "This is a different film, it's a different feel," then I would have walked in knowing what I was going to get.


New member
Dust McAlan said:
I will say this: Lucas and Spielberg both said that it would feel like the previous three, and it didn't. I'm a little miffed at that, but hey, whatever. If they'd said "This is a different film, it's a different feel," then I would have walked in knowing what I was going to get.

Ummmm.... they did say that in multiple interviews, over and over (especially the last few weeks). Both Lucas AND Spielberg said this movie was more a a 1950's B-movie adventure film, don't know where you were.


Dust McAlan

New member
gallandro said:
Ummmm.... they did say that in multiple interviews, over and over (especially the last few weeks). Both Lucas AND Spielberg said this movie was more a a 1950's B-movie adventure film, don't know where you were.

I've read other interviews where it was stated that this would feel like the other three, so I don't know which ones you read.

Raider S

Where are all these great Lucas ideas I keep hearing about? OK, Star Wars; modernize the space soap opera and bring that to a whole generation of people. Raiders; modernize the old serials and pulp fiction heroes for a new generation. Both are great, no question.

And since then what? A complete dillution of those same formulas to beat that original magic into the ground as much as humanly possible?

You can blame Spielberg but look at all the other films he's made and compare that with Lucas' garbage. Ol' Steve didn't sit around and rehash ET or Jaws over and over, he went and made some serious stuff that matters. And still made the fun stuff we all like, too!

Look at the Star Wars prequels and then tell me Lucas is some master storyteller.

Jenos Idanian

New member
Raider S said:
Where are all these great Lucas ideas I keep hearing about? OK, Star Wars; modernize the space soap opera and bring that to a whole generation of people. Raiders; modernize the old serials and pulp fiction heroes for a new generation. Both are great, no question.

And since then what? A complete dillution of those same formulas to beat that original magic into the ground as much as humanly possible?

You can blame Spielberg but look at all the other films he's made and compare that with Lucas' garbage. Ol' Steve didn't sit around and rehash ET or Jaws over and over, he went and made some serious stuff that matters. And still made the fun stuff we all like, too!

Look at the Star Wars prequels and then tell me Lucas is some master storyteller.

You can't see it but I'm clapping.

Jenos Idanian

New member
I don't think Lucas will ever redeem himself until he comes up with something new that has the same impact. But unfortunately I think he's too afraid to try.

Dust McAlan

New member
Raider S said:
Where are all these great Lucas ideas I keep hearing about? OK, Star Wars; modernize the space soap opera and bring that to a whole generation of people. Raiders; modernize the old serials and pulp fiction heroes for a new generation. Both are great, no question.

And since then what? A complete dillution of those same formulas to beat that original magic into the ground as much as humanly possible?

You can blame Spielberg but look at all the other films he's made and compare that with Lucas' garbage. Ol' Steve didn't sit around and rehash ET or Jaws over and over, he went and made some serious stuff that matters. And still made the fun stuff we all like, too!

Look at the Star Wars prequels and then tell me Lucas is some master storyteller.
Dust McAlan said:
His latest work has been pretty bad, but I'm guessing what Lucas really needs is someone to translate his work. The prequel trilogy was filled with some good ideas, some bad ideas, and some GREAT ideas; the problem with them was that it felt like Lucas took the first draft of his screenplay and shot it. I think he's an amazing idea man. He comes up with this wild and crazy **** that nobody else seems to fathom, but when he writes or directs it the vision gets lost in translation.
Master storyteller? No. Amazing idea man? Yes. Needs someone to translate for him? Yes.


New member
Raider S said:
OK, maybe it's because he has a fortune and a giant special effects empire. But in terms of story telling, why do people still love this guy so much? I didn't hate Crystal Skull as much as others but it certainly isn’t the greatest thing I've ever seen.

After the abysmal Star Wars Prequels (and only true Star Wars nuts can say they thought those movies were well done) what’s Lucas done? They had 20 years between these two franchises to come up with stories and the best we get is Darth Vader as a nine year old divine birth and Indy chasing a UFO in the jungle?

Maybe we’ve all gotten very dumb and accept this as entertainment.

Anyone out there still look forward to new Lucas projects?

You've all become rather dumb over the years. Or simply petty. How's that for an answer?

By the way, I don't share your view that the Prequels were abysmal. They were ten times better than anything you could have ever come up with. Or perhaps you're simply too immature to understand what the Prequels were really about. Judging from the complaints I have read about them, I'm beginning to form that opinion. If you don't understand what the Prequels were really about . . . I feel sorry for you.

Raider S

Well, even if everything Lucas ever did was rotten it wouldn't bother me in the least if he wasn't so smug about it.

There's this sense of forcing his vision of the way movies MUST be and the way movies MUST be made down our collective throats. If someone doesn't like his work it must be because they just aren't bright enough to realize Lucas' genius. :rolleyes:


New member
Raider S said:
Well, even if everything Lucas ever did was rotten it wouldn't bother me in the least if he wasn't so smug about it.

There's this sense of forcing his vision of the way movies MUST be and the way movies MUST be made down our collective throats. If someone doesn't like his work it must be because they just aren't bright enough to realize Lucas' genius. :rolleyes:

Forcing his vision on the way movies MUST BE MADE? What the **** are you talking about? Lucas has not been forcing you to watch his movies. And by the way, you sound as if you had your way, you would force Lucas to make a movie the way YOU want him to make it, instead of doing it his way.

Raider S

Fish, I feel very bad for you if you thought those prequels were decent movies. On any level.

What were they "really about," by the way? You mean there was more to them than trying to sell a crap load of toys to people too gullible to know better? LOL!

I don't make movies, I watch them. The "you try and do better" argument is moot. I don't have to be a chef to know how to enjoy a meal. And if the food is rotten I'm going to blame the cook, not myself because I didn't go to culinary school.


New member
Before I get into my opinion/thoughts on what I have been reading here let me say what a treat it is to find this fourm to read about on of my favorite movie series growing up.With that out of the way on to my opinion/thoughts and a "40 year olds" prespective....
Having grown up watching Mr.Lucas's films,starting with THX1138,he has always thought "outside the box" and has done HIS story telling HIS way.One of the reasons way it took him so long to get a studio contract and why Parmount was careful about him doing American Grafftti(if I remember right from interveiws).
Mr.Lucas has always felt that the major studios strangle the film makers from making movies how the film makers feel they should be made.One thing he has done is play the system to get what he has needed to tell his stories.
Trying to compare him with Spielberg is a leap looking for an excuse on why you dont like Lucas.As we all know we are completly different with our own dreams and visions for our passions.These two friends have tow diferents veiws of storytelling and from the interveiws I have read and seen they both admit that.The only thing in common they share is the love of story telling.
Am I trying to say Lucas prefect?..No.There are countless things I have seen him develop that I feel he "screwed up" but I have no room to pass judgement on him since there is no way I could even try to make it better than what he did.
Love him or hate him I feel he does comand respect for what he has done for society as a whole foe over some 35 years.Think about the different types of indusrty he has influenced.Everything from how studios do their movie marketing to the merchdise on the banner ads on this fourm.
I am not trying to get you to respect him,like his movies or spend your money but just to give you something bigger to think about other than the fact you might have been disapointed in a film that has been "over hyped" by the same system from some thirty years ago.How does it go ...."Dont hate the player....Hate the game"
Just some ramblings of a 40 year old Lucas fan
Please be gentle with your reply(if any) this is my first post one here :hat:

Indyana Joana

New member
Lopero said:
Before I get into my opinion/thoughts on what I have been reading here let me say what a treat it is to find this fourm to read about on of my favorite movie series growing up.With that out of the way on to my opinion/thoughts and a "40 year olds" prespective....
Having grown up watching Mr.Lucas's films,starting with THX1138,he has always thought "outside the box" and has done HIS story telling HIS way.One of the reasons way it took him so long to get a studio contract and why Parmount was careful about him doing American Grafftti(if I remember right from interveiws).
Mr.Lucas has always felt that the major studios strangle the film makers from making movies how the film makers feel they should be made.One thing he has done is play the system to get what he has needed to tell his stories.
Trying to compare him with Spielberg is a leap looking for an excuse on why you dont like Lucas.As we all know we are completly different with our own dreams and visions for our passions.These two friends have tow diferents veiws of storytelling and from the interveiws I have read and seen they both admit that.The only thing in common they share is the love of story telling.
Am I trying to say Lucas prefect?..No.There are countless things I have seen him develop that I feel he "screwed up" but I have no room to pass judgement on him since there is no way I could even try to make it better than what he did.
Love him or hate him I feel he does comand respect for what he has done for society as a whole foe over some 35 years.Think about the different types of indusrty he has influenced.Everything from how studios do their movie marketing to the merchdise on the banner ads on this fourm.
I am not trying to get you to respect him,like his movies or spend your money but just to give you something bigger to think about other than the fact you might have been disapointed in a film that has been "over hyped" by the same system from some thirty years ago.How does it go ...."Dont hate the player....Hate the game"
Just some ramblings of a 40 year old Lucas fan
Please be gentle with your reply(if any) this is my first post one here :hat:

Being as gentle as I can be! ... kudos to you!!! :) I agree with you. Great answer! Woo Hoo! :gun: :gun: :gun: :whip:

Oh, sorry. I was supposed to be gentle with that reply. ;) Anyway. I agree.