Spoiler pics from Vanity Fair


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Salacious said:
I am sure Lucas is being pessimistic on purpose. He knows the fans built impossible expectations for the Star Wars prequels. He knows this movie will suffer the same backlash unless he puts a downer on the entire thing before expectations explode through the roof.

I lived the prequel hype day by day, but then again this movie will have huge expectations regardless of what Lucas says. All he can do is make us more nervous.

Having read the article, to me it confirms, in sort of code, both the "aliens" rumour and the "Mutt is Indy and Marion's son" rumor. And I have to be honest, all that talk from Lucas about always wanting that McGuffin, and taking about 10 years to convince Spielberg and Ford that it would work... I honestly don't know what to expect.


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effin said:
salacious is right!! he knows the huge impossible build up and he's just trying to downplay it after his experience with the prequels.
I agree. Interestingly I am reading the separate Q&A Lucas gave Vanity Fair on their website and he comes off as very confident about the new movie.

But I don’t think it’s going to be screwed up. I think this Indiana Jones film would be a giant hit regardless of whether the first three were there or not. This is a very funny, adventurous, and exciting movie

Read it all here http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2008/02/lucas_qanda200802

Bottom Line - Some people will like the movie, some won't. Some will nitpick it to death and some people don't care about obvious flaws. Ultimately our opinions are our own. So what is the point of deciphering Lucas's comments or reading too much into what he says? Is what he saying now going to determine what we feel about the movie? NO! Just the movie itself.
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Avilos said:
Bottom Line - Some people will like the movie, some won't. Some will nitpick it to death and some people don't care about obvious flaws. Ultimately our opinions are our own. So what is the point of deciphering Lucas's comments or reading too much into what he says? Is what he say going to determine what we feel about the movie? NO! Just the movie itself.

If I were in his position, I would downplay everything.

And nobody held a gun to the Berg's head or Ford's head to make this movie. IMO, this movie now lies in the hands of Spielberg and Ford. Since both are not at the top of their game IMO, if something goes wrong in the movie...I'll blame them.

Shia was Spielberg's idea. Guarenteed. If the son screws up this movie, I blame the Berg on it. Nobody else. Its now up to the director to get the best out of the actors...and nobody can contest that Ford has had better days. If Ford can find that Indy magic over again...awesome! If not, then the movie will blow. I dont see how Lucas has anything to do with this movie beyond supplying the generic storyline.

I thought the story for the prequels was mostly fine. The execution was where it failed. So now that Spielberg is directing, I cant see how Lucas can be blamed here.

Nuff said.


Active member
Everyone should read theQ&A lot of good stuff in there!

Lucas says it was Spielberg who did not want to do oversea filming, so he could be close to his family. Lucas wanted to film oversea locations.


New member
Salacious said:
If I were in his position, I would downplay everything.

And nobody held a gun to the Berg's head or Ford's head to make this movie. IMO, this movie now lies in the hands of Spielberg and Ford. Since both are not at the top of their game IMO, if something goes wrong in the movie...I'll blame them.

Shia was Spielberg's idea. Guarenteed. If the son screws up this movie, I blame the Berg on it. Nobody else. Its now up to the director to get the best out of the actors...and nobody can contest that Ford has had better days. If Ford can find that Indy magic over again...awesome! If not, then the movie will blow. I dont see how Lucas has anything to do with this movie beyond supplying the generic storyline.

I thought the story for the prequels was mostly fine. The execution was where it failed. So now that Spielberg is directing, I cant see how Lucas can be blamed here.

Nuff said.

Fanboy BS of the day! Congratulation! :hat:


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metalinvader said:

So,I say it is safe to say that this picture confirms that Mutt is Marion's son.
Like we didn't already know,But why else would they take this picture.

He might be Marion's son but not necessarily Indy's son. We do have Ray Winstone's Mac also on board (not pictured at all on VF) and he might have a son named Mutt (It is Mutt Williams for now). Still, no real word on John Hurt's character...four months to go. Something tells me there may be a clue in that Little Orphan Millie episode from the SIMPSONS.
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Salacious said:
I dont see how Lucas has anything to do with this movie beyond supplying the generic storyline.

So now that Spielberg is directing, I cant see how Lucas can be blamed here.

Nuff said.

Are you aware that Lucas is executive producer of the movie? He does indeed have more to do with the movie than the story. It means he has, in some capacity, supervised certain creative and technical aspects of the movie, as well as fronting some of the money.

It sounds like he and Spielberg agreed enough on most things that Lucas just let him do his thing. But Lucas undoubtedly made other decisions that will affect the movie.


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commontone said:
Yes, but several other times in the article, they say that the style of the movie and the way it was shot are consistent with the first three. So that clearly doesn't mean they've changed from emulating 30's adventure serials to emulating 50's sci-fi movies. I think he's referring more to the subject matter.

Radioactive monsters are just a manifestation of the Soviets invading. It can be argued that the UFO phenomenon of the 50's (in real life, not only the movies) was also some manifestation of Cold War paranoia.


This may explain the giant ants we saw from the upcoming LEGO sets. That wouldn't bother me so much at all. It is a different time, different obstacles to overcome and possibly trying to reunite with the on/off again relationship with Marion. I think this will be as close to an epic Indy adventure than the other ones ever were. :whip:


New member
That third photo gave me shivers. As did the VF cover. And the video! The though of aliens also gives me shivers, but the good shivers are outweighing the bad ones are the moment :whip:


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commontone said:
Are you aware that Lucas is executive producer of the movie? He does indeed have more to do with the movie than the story. It means he has, in some capacity, supervised certain creative and technical aspects of the movie, as well as fronting some of the money.

It sounds like he and Spielberg agreed enough on most things that Lucas just let him do his thing. But Lucas undoubtedly made other decisions that will affect the movie.

I am sure Lucas may have some involvement with editing or possibly a couple shots of 2nd unit directing maybe like he did on other Indy shoots.

But again, he didnt do the screenplay. He is not the director. He is not the official editor, although he'll definately have some input there since thats his real passion. Aside from some approvals in casting...I am sure the rest is gonna fall on Spielberg's hands.

The perception I have gotten in the previous films is that is all Lucas did do. Come up with generic story. Approve some casting choices. Do some 2nd unit directing for a few scenes. Help or give suggestions with editing.

Thats it.

I havent seen any other involvement with him in this series on the previous films.

I think its safe to assume his role in this will be the same, if not a bit less.

He didnt seem to get his way with digital filmaking or alot of CGI in this movie from what we've heard...seems that Spielberg and Ford have their own list of demands as well, which is good.

I guess in the end it will all depend on how everything mixes together. I've got faith it will be fine in the grand scheme of things.

Ignatius Stone

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It was good to hear that they're staying pretty true to the look of the previous films as far as the cinematography style in concerned. That was a very important point, IMHO.

The story/concept of KOTCS sounds like it's going to be simply awesome. Just the right blend of trademark Indy mysticism, classic globe trotting action, and a good shot of sci-fi into the bargain too.

Those who are doubting and worrying... rest assured, this will be great.


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Finn said:

Guess this confirms that the Ark is involved, or at least makes a cameo.

I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here and say it's a good thing. Too many movies are made in a cold, calculated way with many things changed because the guys pulling the strings are too afraid of something different. It results in movies that all look and feel the same, and you can't distinguish them from each other. Imagine word "viewers" in place of "fans" and rethink the statement.

It appears ominous, but there's also something to be respected in that statement. If this was Scorsese or Johnny Depp talking, we'd be tipping our hats already, but simply 'cos it's Lucas we think the man's lost in his own ego.
well we had already seen those crates before in that thats a wrap video though


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So Spielberg was not inclined to go abroad, family first Lucas says, even though there's almost no time while directing anyway. I'm always wondering if the shooting in that corner of Hawaii for Peru will provide enough atmosphere. Temple of Doom's locations - especially the gorge finale - were grand enough, with all this studio shooting I hope the result is still as scenic and satisfying as what came of Temple of Doom's production.

I suppose it's being edited in LA? I wonder if they used Skywalker's facilities for anything, like sound, or where John Williams is working.


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With everyone debating over the extent of Lucas' involvement in production I'd just like to say that I'm sure Speilberg will keep him in check. Just look at Star Wars Episode III, the only good Star Wars prequel. It was George's story, but with Spielberg's help on the production it didn't suck nearly as hard as the other two new star wars movies.


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Matthew said:
I'm always wondering if the shooting in that corner of Hawaii for Peru will provide enough atmosphere.

Hawaii was convincing enough for Jurassic Park, I thought. And JP was shot on the smaller islands of Hawaii; Indy 4 was shot on the "big island." Hawaii has a lot of genuine tropical jungle. I'm sure it'll be fine.


New member
Originally Posted by Matthew
I'm always wondering if the shooting in that corner of Hawaii for Peru will provide enough atmosphere.

Apparently you're not aware that all the South American jungle footage in Raiders of the Lost Ark was really shot in Hawaii!