Plot idea for a (next) Indy V: Indiana Jones and the Purgatory of Porsenna


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Okay, I'm in a pretty creative mood right now and I definitely want to share my wild ideas with you Raveners... You know, I should really first assert my copyright on this plot idea !?... I'm just teasing ya, George and Steven :D (P.S. hire MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!! LOL)

I've just been reading a piece about the Etruscans (you know, that mysterious Italic pre-Roman culture whose language has a morphology strange to the Indo-European languages and isn?t quite deciphered). Even the Roman chroniclers and ?historians? in their age weren't agreeing on their origin: Herodotus (5th century B.C.) wrote that they came by ship from Asia Minor. Dionysius of Halicarnassus claimed they were instead of Italic origin and had lived on the peninsula from time immemorial.

The Etruscans, from what archaeologists know, seem to have been quite obsessed about what came before birth (the unknown, opaque origin of life) and the afterlife itself. In life they were true mystics, living for fun hedonistically because they valued more what came after their deaths.
What I've now read from an article by Gaither Stewart (, the annals by Pliny the Elder are SERIOUS PLOT MATERIAL for an Indy (V) film !!

Apparently, there's a documented tale about 'Porsenna's Gold'. After death, the good Etruscan king was buried in a stone mausoleum, 300 feet wide and 50 feet high. Crowning the monument were five 150-foot tall pyramids, across the points of which was fixed a bronze globe from which bells hung, whose ting, ting, ting echoed through the surrounding hills of Etruria, today?s Tuscany. And atop the bronze globe, four more 100-foot pyramids, and on top of those five more, and so on and so on.

You still with me? Has the story whetted your appetites yet?

Now, just like the 'invisible bridge' in TLC, I was thinking that this place is somewhere along the plot of an Indy film, but it requires a mythical McGuffin to actually make the adjacent upper pyramids on the globes visible from the 'mortal eye'. That's where Porsenna's Gold comes in. Let's say there's one item of Porsenna's burial artifacts that Indy requires to open this 'visual afterworld' - maybe some 'Mirror-of-Dreams' device? Okay, it'll need some of your imagination... think of the final chapters in the Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Emperor PC game. (Also, don't forget Indy allowed Belloq to unleash demons of the afterlife to kill Nazi's on that island at the end of Raiders... pretty 'after-lify' too)... It's kinda spooky, but could work I think!

Apparently, the nice Italian town of Orvieto DOES hold some of the evidence from how the rest of Pliny's story in Labirinto italico goes:
Inside the base of Porsenna's monument and deep under the hill of the Tuscan town of Chiusi was concealed the fabulous labyrinth of the legendary king. There are actually interesting labyrinths in rock bed in Orvieto, (which can be toured on request with a guide only).

Hold on... labyrinths ? That sounds like a fairly good place to start putting booby traps, trapdoor mechanisms and puzzles along the storyline, dontcha think? The labyrinth in Chiusi is reportedly a true underground city spread over several levels with tunnels, caves, cisterns and so on. (I'm getting visions of the chase scenes from TOD in the caves again...). But imagine that they thought the Italian archaeologist 'found all of it', but good Dr. Jones knows better (and has this one missing piece of the puzzle directing him to an unknown 'labyrint level'), where the progeny of the long-lost civilization - supposedly eradicated by the militaristic Roman culture - hid for centuries to safeguard their deep secret of how to communicate with their ancestors and future offspring in the afterlife (and perhaps 'cheat time' to have an advantage in the future with wars etc.). No, I'm not saying these guys learned how to 'time travel', but they did find a way to become ephemeral ghosts or something and hand down knowledge on the future down in tiny tiny bits (due to 'translation problems' their offspring never could interpret the messages).

I hear the critics coming: "WTF, you're saying Indy should get in contact with ghosts or something? Throw in Bill Murray and we'll have Ghostbusters IV" ... NO NO! Don't spoil this one yet, give me a shot at it!

Let's say the hidden labyrinth stuff in Italy actually leads out to an underground complex on a submersed island or something (so here could be a potential tie-in with the Atlantians, that's a possibility).
Taking the story a step further (yet I can't say I'm really happy about this) Indy thus has to discover that the supposedly 'vanished' Etruscans are planning to make a 'historical' come-back -centuries in the making- by using their 'secret', with some alchemy added, to regenerate their anger and all who were victims of the Romans, to avenge themselves somehow on the current predominant culture (taking place back in the 1940s, that being Mussolini's fascist regime)... Of course you might think: OK, but what would Indy care - he's a Nazi-hater himself, right? But the catch is that the Etruscans aim to recover an artifact of high mystical value themselves, that is being kept secret & hidden by the Vatican and also being sought after by Mussolini himself... a tool that allows total control over life and death (much like the Sankara stones that gave the power to rip a heart out and stuff).

The Vatican part involves breaking an entry into the Vatican Secret Archives where Indy uncovers never-before-seen Etruscan artifacts and a 'reading board'. He won't know what the purpose of this thing is, only knows it has Etruscan signs on it and some incomplete markings (like a Rosetta Stone that has one complete text and one with only half-visible markings)... After analysis Indy learns to translate the Etruscan text to English, putting the words together and find the path to.... a WELL.


New member
(plot continued)

What? A well ?!? Yup. But not just any well: it'll be the intricate Pozzo di San Patrizzio which can be found in the aforementioned town of Orvieto! This is actually 'St. Patrick's Well', named after the Saint because Medieval legend (yes, I thought of you Medievalists too !) has it that St. Patrick, while in exile in Ireland, found himself a way to Purgatory. Another nice element is that the well in Orvieto, San Patrizio's Pozzo, was constructed like an entwined double helix (yeah, like DNA). (I'm not kidding, Google it!) It was in fact build in the 16th Century for the Popes (see, the Irish-Italian connection can be made!). During the besiegement of Rome by Emperor Charles V, Pope Clemens VII had the well drilled to guarantee a steady water supply while he was hiding from the Emperor's troops in Orvieto. Let's say this 'motive' was only for show, because the Pope had not been able to hide the 'artifact leading to the secret of Porsenna' from Emperor Charles, who was now hunting for that priceless thing too. So he hid the major 'artifact' in the Pozzo.

My way of linking these Etruscan fellows with the inhabitants of 'old' Ireland is the long-lost ‘sorcery’ practice of ALCHEMY. The Etruscans found their way of contacting 'pre-life' and 'after-life' dimensions through this inherited discipline (that supposedly taught them how to turn lead into gold etc.).

Let's suppose an undercover Etruscan party managed to flee Italy, at the time of the Etruscan's societal demise, and ended up in Ireland, to preserve alchemy and its secrets, until early Medieval times, when St. Patrick ended up accidentally discovering an alchemy-related (Etruscan) 'cauldron of life' (or similar device) that allowed him to step into (what he believed to be) 'Purgatory'. This place in Ireland, described as a "pit", is believed to have been on Station Island. Still, it is a place of pilgrimage for what transpired here... Patrick was proclaimed a Saint by the Church, (let's say) because he envisioned something through this 'mirror of past and future' and slipped into this Etruscan pre- and past-reality. His fellow disciples must have reported these events in secret to the higher authorities of the Church. As St. Patrick died 461 AD, that would've been Pope Hilarius (following the dead pope Leo the Great) who was informed of St. Patrick's 'sacred' experience (that gave him Saint status). Because St. Patrick was touched by God as he entered the pit of Purgatory, where God would reveal all the possibilities of the afterlife.

Let's turn it into a spindoctor's dream: assume the Christian 'canon' then ran the legend that: God revealed to him (Patrick) a pit in the ground, which he called Purgatory; by showing this place to the people, they would believe all that he said. "By witnessing Purgatory, the people would finally know the reality of the joys of heaven and the torments of hell."

(My story then goes on like this:) ) Patrick's well, 'immobile' and ordinarily-looking to the Italian locals, harvests a trigger mechanism to a turning cylinder that breaks up the soil into an antechamber where another peace of the puzzle lies (still working on this part). The trick could be that San Patrizio's Pozzo is in the first place a deadly crushing trap (like strangulation by walls and levels closing-in), but if the right lever is turned or used, the trap comes to a halt and opens up a secret passage to the antechamber where a missing artifact part lies (think of the complete Grail Tablet in the Venetian catacombs), which helps Indy to understand the Etruscan language...

But also the Etruscan offspring - that cautiously hid from the outside world yet lost touch with the 'original' but vanished language wants to force Jones from translating the 'voices of the past and future' coming from this 'Mirror of dreams/after- and pre-life' thing.


That's how far I've come with the story so far. I know many might think it's a long shot (especially the Irish people here about their Saint and all). But think of the location options and stuff with the afterlife and the (mock-up, I know) religious context. The Italian locations are existent, and so are many of the tales on the well and St. Patrick entering Purgatory. King Porsenna's treasure as immaterial 'fortune and glory' (which will be lost in the end in an effort to save Italy from destructive resuscitated Etruscans wanting to avenge the eradication of their kind).

ALSO: Consider this cool plot 'dilemma' if you may: Indy hates Nazi's and fascists alike, but will choose to 'save' the Italian regime from the newly arisen, vengeful brethren/progeny of the Etruscan because they're after world domination or something afterwards. So, imagine the tough choice for Indy between a material-physical foe (the Italian fascists) -the ones can be overthrown in THIS life span; versus the fight against a 'resurrected' foe (an Etruscan 'brotherhood' that wishes to renew the desire for vengeance by their massacred predecessors) - an 'evolutionary', broader foe that could come back over and over IF they use the McGuffin that provides them a way of outnumbering the fight. Too bad for the Etruscans, but their McGuffin better be lost (or canned up in a box and stored away like the Ark) - because it's too dangerous for mankind to possess.
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