What would disappoint you most about Indy IV?


Well-known member
Bad screenplay? Lackluster action? Heavy barrage of CGI? Worthless central artifact? Another actor as Indy or Henry?

For me, it would be all of the above. I'm sure there are lots of other things, but these are my personal fears. If this thread has been done, just lock it and delete it.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Bad screenplay. Nothing can redeem a bad screenplay. THere are some movies out there that have a good screenplay that was cast incorrectly, but you have to have a story. Without a story, what is the point of the artform?


Moderator Emeritus
We would just have to hope that Ford can sing. A film with a bad script and storyline is better than ear torture. :)


Well-known member
In stark contrast, seeing Short Round in Indy IV would be a huge dissapointment for me. Sorry.

Now, seeing the Hovitos in Indy IV...that would be cool!


New member
I'd be dissappointed with Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men from Mars and/or Indy having a family.

But at this point, I'd take just about anything.


New member
Without a good story, no amount of action, special effects, exotic locations, gorgeous cinematography, or even great acting will save a movie.

I?d say that what would be most disappointing to me from the story/script that might be used for the Indy IV film would be what I think of as ?lazy? or ?filler? material like the overuse of cameos/recurring characters with no reason for them being there and humor for its own sake (rather than the story?s).

Y?know; the things that plagued ToD and LC. ;)


New member
NO NAZIS! I'm not saying Nazis are good, but the better of the three have Nazis. Besides, we know there is a risk with Nazis whereas there really was no threat with the Russians.