KotCS reviews in media

Blue Jay

somehow it seems to me that every reporter that exists must have seen this movie because there are so many reviews as i have hair on my body.
sometimes i think the sources are just copying and pasting reviews from different sources and put together a "new" review.

there was german review that revealed the whole movie and spoiled as i have never been spoiled before and i was just: WTF?
i had never read a more negative review than that, even with potc 3 or DH 4.0 and those were really stinkers.

Critics...i hate these guys. ;)

the only opinion that matters is your own. opions are lika a**holes, everybody's got one.

see the movie for yourself, don't let them spoil you!

in every indy movie there are parts i like immensly and there are parts i dont like and after like 18 years watching them you know its flaws and you can live with them.

with a new movie it takes time to get accustomed to the good stuff and to the bad stuff. it really needs to sink in to get a balanced review.


New member
The Golden Idol said:
That's the same rating as Attack of the Clones, and that was horrendous. :(

Oh well, I'm sure it'll change soon, because there are only 12 reviews.
When Attack of the Clones first came out, I seem to remember most critics saying it was way better than Phantom Menace.


New member
Kingdom has been reviewed in the knowledge of the SW Prequels...

In the same light Attack of the Clones wouldn't have done so well... ;)


New member
I hope it grows too, but aside from just looking at the rating I took the time to read some of the "negative" reviews. Some of them are fair reviews, but others are totally bias, or the person reviewing has bad taste. At one point I remember reading that some guy said that Indy was never meant to be a memorable, iconic character which is total nonsense.


New member
I think both are okay, not great. Could have been a lot better.

But anyway the fact that the Rotten Tomatoes meter is rising is a good sign. When I checked an hour ago it was 63%.

People also forget that the critics screening and the premiere were two separate things! The way you hear the reports coming in you'd think it was the same viewing.


New member
I think as a film it will be much better than any of the prequels (and I enjoy 'em).

Chud is chiming in with hints of their reviews. Good bits. Bad bits. Fairly predictable. They've been against the film from the off and I never agree with their views on the whole although some of their articles are amusing. They're far too cynical for my tastes.

I'm watching TLC now and seems to me you could apply all these comments to that. Good enough for me! Can't wait to see Indy back on the big screen!

Chris Jones

New member
I'm very glad to hear that most reviews are positive. It is fueling my desire to see it even more.

And I'm pretty positive that the RT percent will rise, like the guy above me said, only 12 reviews at the moment.

It's going to be a good release when it comes out worldwide on the 22nd!! :)

Agent Z

Active member
jasperjones said:
Chud is chiming in with hints of their reviews. Good bits. Bad bits. Fairly predictable. They've been against the film from the off and I never agree with their views on the whole although some of their articles are amusing. They're far too cynical for my tastes.

Here's my tally so far..

Everyone Else = around 90% positive

CHUD = around 50% positive


SterankoII said:
But anyway the fact that the Rotten Tomatoes meter is rising is a good sign. When I checked an hour ago it was 63%.
Far away from the 87% of TOD (the lowest in the trilogy)

But Come on... "Catch Me if you Can" got 96%!!

I don't want to get spoiled, but it was a good exercise to lower my expectations a bit. Lowered to a 67% now ;)